GSI Timing Gateware and Tools
- Build Instructions
- FAQ and Common Problems
Just clone our project.
git clone
Make will take care of all submodules and additional toolchains.
Important: Please don't mess around using the "git submodule --fancy option" command!
This will build VME and PCI(e) drivers.
make driver
(optional) make driver-install
(optional - build wishbone-serial.ko) make driver/driver-install WISHBONE_SERIAL=y
Builds basic Etherbone tools and library.
make etherbone
(optional) make etherbone-install
Additional tools like eb-console and eb-flash.
make tools
(optional) make tools-install
Builds basic Saftlib tools and library.
make saftlib
(optional) make saftlib-install
For detailed information check ip_cores/saftlib/
Currently we support a few different form factors.
make scu2 # Arria II
make scu3 # Arria II
make vetar2a # Arria II
make vetar2a-ee-butis # Arria II
make ftm # Arria V
make pexarria5 # Arria V
make exploder5 # Arria V
make pmc # Arria V
make microtca # Arria V
make pexp # Arria V
make scu4 # Arria 10
make scu4slim # Arria 10
make pexarria10 # Arria 10
make ftm10 # Arria 10
make ftm4 # Arria 10 - optional FTM4 development
make ftm4dp # Arria 10 - optional FTM4 dual port development
make a10gx_pcie # Arria 10 - Intel evaluation board
make $device-check
make exploder5-check # example
make $device-sort
make exploder5-sort # example
make lm32-cluster-testbench-run
Click here for additional information.
Question: Which Version of Quartus Do I Need?
Answer: We recommend to use Quartus 18.1.0 (Build 625 09/12/2018 SJ)
Error: Quartus error while loading shared libraries: libpng12-0.0: ... [Ubuntu/Mint/...]
Solution: Install the missing package
Get the package from here:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libpng12-0
You can use a copy from here:
- Ubuntu: res/ubuntu
- Rocky-9: res/rocky-9
Error: Executing qmegawiz: child process exited abnormally + Time value XXX,YYYMbps and time unit are illegal
Solution: Change your LC_NUMERIC setting:
export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
Error: (23035) Tcl error: couldn't execute "qsys-generate": no such file or directory
Solution: Adjust your PATH variable like this:
export QUARTUS=/opt/quartus/
export QSYS_ROOTDIR=$QUARTUS/sopc_builder/bin
Error: /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /ramsize_pkg.vhd: Permission denied
Solution: Check all your (changed) files.
Question: Which packages are required?
Answer: You need to have installed the following packages before you can configure and build Etherbone and Saftlib:
- docbook-utils
- libglib2.0-dev
- autotools-dev
- autoconf
- libtool (glibtoolize)
- build-essential
- automake
- libreadline-dev
- libsigc++ (saftlib) ‡
- libboost-dev (saftlib)
- pkgconfig (saftlib) â€
- xsltproc (saftlib)
- libz-dev (saftlib)
†Ubuntu 22.04 and later: pkg-config
‡ Ubuntu 22.04 and later: libsigc++-2.0-dev
Error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [Ubuntu/Mint/...]
Error: lm32-* permission denied /dev/stdout
Solution: Create a new symlink:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Error: hdlmake AttributeError: module object has no attribute vendor or hdlmake not found
Solution: In case a simple "make" does not fix this:
make hdlmake_install
Error: /bin/sh: 1: hdlmake: not found
Solution: You should run "make" to install hdlmake locally and adjust your PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
Error: cd ip_cores/hdlmake/ && python install --user /bin/sh: 1: python: not found
Solution: In case you are running Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-is-python3
Optional (python-is-python3 not found):
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /etc/python
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
In case you have no sudo rights:
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 python
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
We recommend to use at least Python3.7.
Error: ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
sudo apt-get install python-pkg-resources
sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-pkg-resources # if already installed
Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools'
Solution: Just install the right setuptools:
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools # Python 3.X
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools # Python 2.X
Error: Compilation: "Error message: ./configure: line 16708: syntax error near unexpected token 0.23' ./configure: line 16708: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG(0.23)'"
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
Error: Compillation: "saftbus/process.cpp:14:10: fatal error: linux/ioprio.h: No such file or directory"
- In
- line 405: delete 'saft-roundtrip-latency saft-standalone-roundtrip-latency'
- delete lines 486-490
saft_roundtrip_latency_LDADD = $(EB_LIBS) $(SIGCPP_LIBS) -ldl #-lltdl
saft_roundtrip_latency_SOURCES = src/saft-roundtrip-latency.cpp
saft_standalone_roundtrip_latency_LDADD = $(EB_LIBS) $(SIGCPP_LIBS) -ldl #-lltdl
saft_standalone_roundtrip_latency_SOURCES = src/saft-standalone-roundtrip-latency.cpp
- In saftbus/process.cpp, replace the entire code by
#include "process.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
bool set_realtime_scheduling(std::string argvi, char *prio) {
return true;
bool set_cpu_affinity(std::string argvi, char *affinity) {
return true;
bool set_ioprio(char *ioprio) {
return true;
Error: make[1]: cc: No such file or directory
which cc # cc: Command not found.
update-alternatives --list cc
which cc # /usr/bin/cc
Click here for additional information.
source /common/usr/embedded/yocto/sdk/environment-setup-core2-64-ffos-linux
make etherbone YOCTO_BUILD=yes
make saftlib YOCTO_BUILD=yes
Check the Rocky-9 subsection, if you get lsb_release related errors.
Error: configure: error: Package requirements (etherbone >= x.y.z) were not met:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
Error: Cloning into 'dir'... - fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none
Solution: Systems with outdated trust databases (root CA certificate Let's Encrypt) will be unable to validate the certificate of the site. Update ca-certificates to fix this:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade ca-certificates
Error: quartus: USB-Blaster can't find FPGA [Ubuntu/Mint/...]
Solution: Create a new symlink:
sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
See doc/platform_cable/
See doc/arrow_usb_programmer/
Default user: admin
Default password: password
Default server port (programmer GUI): 1309
Configure the SPI flash chip:
eb-config-nv $device 10 4
Format the 1-wire EEPROM:
cd bel_projects/ip_cores/wrpc-sw/tools
eb-w1-write $device 0 320 < sdb-wrpc.bin
Program FPGA from command line:
quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;device.sof'
Problem: Flashing might fail sometimes on certain devices and host combinations.
Solution: If you have such a device please use eb-flash (with additional arguments) to flash the timing receiver:
Optional (BEFORE using eb-flash):
eb-reset $device wddisable # disable watchdog timer
eb-reset $device cpuhalt 0xff # stop all embedded CPUs
Optional (AFTER using eb-flash):
eb-reset $device fpgareset # reset FPGA
(problematic devices) eb-flash -s 0x40000 -w 3 $device $gateware.rpd # <VETAR2A/VETAR2A-EE-BUTIS/SCU2/SCU3>
(unproblematic devices) eb-flash $device $gateware.rpd # <VETAR2A/VETAR2A-EE-BUTIS/SCU2/SCU3>
(problematic devices) eb-flash -s 0x10000 -w 3 $device $gateware.rpd # <PEXP/PEXARRIA5/PMC/MICROTCA/EXPLODER5>
(unproblematic devices) eb-flash $device $gateware.rpd # <PEXP/PEXARRIA5/PMC/MICROTCA/EXPLODER5>
eb-asmi $device -w $gateware.rpd (write)
eb-asmi $device -v $gateware.rpd (verify)