Releases: GSM-MSG/SMS-Android
Releases · GSM-MSG/SMS-Android
What's Changed
- 🔀 :: (#399) - Google AD_ID 권한 추가 by @khs3994 in #400
- 🔀 :: (#402) - 스코프 함수를 통해 뷰모델 호출 부분 가독성 향상 by @khs3994 in #403
- 🔀:: (#408) - student information entry api refactoring by @kimdaejin1 in #409
- 🔀 :: (#407) - Student information publishing refactoring by @diejdkll in #410
- 🔀 :: (#409) - Exceptions when a web browser does not exist in an overseas device by @diejdkll in #412
- 🔀 :: (#406) 로그인한 유저의 마이페이지 nullable 처리 by @kimdaejin1 in #413
- 🔀 :: (#414) - version update 1.1.5 by @kimdaejin1 in #415
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.1.3...1.1.5
What's Changed
- 🔀 :: (#388) - 메인페이지 리스트 페이지네이션 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #389
- 🔀 :: (#392) - AuthViewModel SaveToken 변수 by @Chaejongin12 in #393
- 🔀 :: (#390) - Remove the not used code in search bar by @leehyeonbin in #391
- 🔀 :: (#394) - FireBase Clashlytics를 연동합니다. by @khs3994 in #395
- 🔀 :: (#396) - lottie file 경량화 by @khs3994 in #397
New Contributors
- @Chaejongin12 made their first contribution in #393
Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.1.3
What's Changed
- 🔀 :: (#372) - v1.1.1 릴리즈를 위한 version code & version name 수정 by @khs3994 in #373
- 🔀 :: (#366) - Create the feature of not added change my profile on my page by @leehyeonbin in #374
- 🔀 :: (#376) - Change the regex on regular_expression by @leehyeonbin in #377
- 🔀 :: (#378) - 이미지 확장자 검사 boolean값 반대로 넘어오던 문제 해결 by @khs3994 in #380
- 🔀 ::(#379) - Change the place holder on my page by @leehyeonbin in #381
- 🔀 :: (#382) - 학과 및 희망 고용형태 필터링이 진행되지 않던 문제 해결 by @khs3994 in #383
- 🔀 :: (#385) - v1.1.2 업데이트를 위한 version code, version name 수정 by @khs3994 in #386
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.1.2
What's Changed
- 🔀 :: (#355) - 이미지 extension이 맞아야만 이미지 업로드 될 수 있도록 변경 by @khs3994 in #357
- 🔀 :: (#356) - Change the award date picker on my page by @leehyeonbin in #359
- 🔀 :: (#358) - 프로필 세부스택 삭제 기능 구현 by @khs3994 in #360
- 🔀 :: (#361) - resolve error of out app on click portfolio button by @leehyeonbin in #365
- 🔀 :: (#362) - 인증제 점수 인풋 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #363
- 🔀 :: (#367) - 희망 고용형태 바텀시트 직접입력 포함되어있는 문제 해결 by @khs3994 in #368
- 🔀 :: (#369) - 희망 연봉 인풋 필드 앱 크래시 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #370
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
What's Changed
- 🔀 :: (#222) - 필터링 정보 뷰모델에 전달되도록 로직 작성 by @khs3994 in #226
- 🔀 :: (#227) - 정보기입 프로그래스 바 퍼블리싱 by @khs3994 in #255
- 🔀 :: (#233) - publishing the my page UI by @leehyeonbin in #257
- 🔀 :: (#258) - create my page bottom sheet by @leehyeonbin in #259
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material:material to v1.4.3 by @renovate in #241
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #244
- Update dependency androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx to v2.6.1 by @renovate in #245
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.6.0 by @renovate in #246
- Update dependency to v6.1.0 by @renovate in #247
- 🔀 :: (#262) - version conflict resolve by @leehyeonbin in #263
- 🔀 :: (#264) - create toggle on my page by @leehyeonbin in #265
- 🔀 :: (#256) - 정보기입 프로젝트 파트 퍼블리싱 by @khs3994 in #267
- 🔀 :: (#268) - Date Picker 제작 by @khs3994 in #269
- 🔀 :: (#270) - 프로젝트 프리뷰 갤러리 다중선택으로 변경 by @khs3994 in #271
- 🔀 :: (#266) - create the data states of profile setion on my page by @leehyeonbin in #272
- 🔀 :: (#276) - create data state of school life section on my page by @leehyeonbin in #280
- 🔀 :: (#277) - create the state of working condition section on my page by @leehyeonbin in #281
- 🔀 :: (#278) - create the state of military section on my page by @leehyeonbin in #282
- 🔀 :: (#279) - create the state of certification and foreign language section on my page by @leehyeonbin in #283
- 🔀 :: (#285) - implement the feature of managing project data section on my page by @leehyeonbin in #291
- 🔀 :: (#288) - 정보기입 관련 로직 수정 by @khs3994 in #289
- 🔀 :: (#292) - create an account withdrawal and logout feature by @leehyeonbin in #294
- 🔀 :: (#275) - 정보기입 프로젝트 관련 데이터 처리 by @khs3994 in #293
- 🔀 ::(#295) - Change the parameter to reuse component to use the detail stack search by @leehyeonbin in #297
- 🔀 :: (#298) - create the data state of award on mypage by @leehyeonbin in #299
- 🔀 :: (#290) - Date Picker 제작 by @khs3994 in #301
- 🔀 :: (#302) - 바텀 시트 관련 로직 리팩토링 by @khs3994 in #304
- 🔀 :: (#300) - create the feature of detail stack searching by @leehyeonbin in #303
- 🔀 :: (#307) - get major list data on my page by @leehyeonbin in #309
- 🔀 :: (#287) - 수상경력 페이지 퍼블리싱 by @khs3994 in #305
- 🔀 :: (#296) - 정보기입 프로필 부분 세부스택 그리드로 변경 by @khs3994 in #312
- 🔀 :: (#315) - 프로젝트 설명 인풋 컴포넌트 및 상태 추가 by @khs3994 in #316
- 🔀 :: (#317) - 프로젝트 날짜 control 로직 작성 by @khs3994 in #318
- 🔀 :: (#306) - get my data from server on page by @leehyeonbin in #321
- 🔀 :: (#313) - 세부스택 최대 갯수 제한 by @khs3994 in #319
- 🔀 :: (#311) - create component of not added project imformation by @leehyeonbin in #322
- 🔀 :: (#324) - date picker 디자인 시스템에 생성 by @khs3994 in #325
- 🔀 :: (#310) - 정보기입한 데이터를 서버에 전송 by @khs3994 in #323
- 🔀 :: (314) - 정보기입 프로젝트 필수값 마킹 by @khs3994 in #327
- 🔀 :: (#328) - 프로젝트 날짜 관련 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #329
- 🔀 :: (#330) - 직접 입력한 전공이 서버에 전달되지 않는 문제 해결 by @khs3994 in #331
- 🔀 :: (#308) - post the data of modified by user by @leehyeonbin in #326
- 🔀 :: (#332) - 메인 페이지의 리스트가 나오지 않는 문제 해결 by @khs3994 in #333
- 🔀 :: (#334) - 디테일 페이지 관련 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #335
- 🔀 :: (#338) - 바텀 시트 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #340
- 🔀 :: (#339) - 필터 기본값 보내지 않도록 로직 변경 by @khs3994 in #341
- 🔀 :: (#336) - 세부스택으로 필터 검사하는 로직 추가 by @khs3994 in #342
- 🔀 :: (#344) - 디테일 페이지 UI수정 by @khs3994 in #345
- 🔀 :: (#343) - 필터 적용 이슈 해결 by @khs3994 in #346
- 🔀 :: (#347) - 정보기입 세부스택 입력한 값 안나오는 에러 수정 by @khs3994 in #348
- 🔀 :: (#349) - 버전코드, 버전이름 수정 by @khs3994 in #350
- 🔀 :: (#352) - version name 변경 by @khs3994 in #353
Full Changelog: 1.0.21...1.1.0
Full Changelog: 1.0.20...1.0.21
Full Changelog: 1.0.18...1.0.20
What's Changed
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #232
- 🔀 :: (#220) - modify detail page UI according to changed feature by @leehyeonbin in #230
- Update Versions.HILT to v2.47 by @renovate in #235
- Update Versions.OKHTTP to v4.11.0 by @renovate in #237
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #238
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.16...1.0.19
What's Changed
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #232
- 🔀 :: (#220) - modify detail page UI according to changed feature by @leehyeonbin in #230
- Update Versions.HILT to v2.47 by @renovate in #235
- Update Versions.OKHTTP to v4.11.0 by @renovate in #237
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #238
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.16...1.0.18
Full Changelog: 1.0.15...1.0.17