This repo contains the code for our final project for CSCI-5551: Introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems.
The contributors are Bharath Sivaram , Quinn Koenig, and Sowmiya Narayanan Govindaraj
In this project, the Turtlebot3 will be used to drop-off small labeled blocks from a single pick-up location to their respective drop-off points within a maze. We simulate a warehouse environment using a cardboard maze. The dropoff points are marked by ArUCo Markers. Once the robot recieves a package marked with a ArUCo marker at the pick-up point, it then navigates to the respective drop-off point by matching with the detected ArUCo ID.
- TurtleBot3
- RaspberryPi 3
- Lidar
- OpenCR Board
- Logitech USB Webcam
- Laptop
- Python
- Ubuntu 20.04
- First map the enironment using SLAM by tele-operating the TurtleBot .
- Make sure to save the map using the command
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map
- Set the pick-up and drop-off points in the map manually.
- Each location was saved within a Python dictionary, and orientation is in quaternion form.
- Each of these locations would have ArUCo markers on the walls.
- Follow the
provided withinaruco_detect
to initialize the all the required nodes.
For more details regarding the inner workings, refer to PackBot_Report.pdf