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Releases: GW2ToolBelt/api-generator


30 Jun 22:11
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  • Endpoints
    • Added support for /v2/account/jadebots. [GH-259]
    • Added support for /v2/account/skiffs. [GH-261]
    • Added support for /v2/account/wizardsvault/daily. [GH-297]
    • Added support for /v2/account/wizardsvault/listings. [GH-298]
    • Added support for /v2/account/wizardsvault/special. [GH-299]
    • Added support for /v2/account/wizardsvault/weekly. [GH-300]
    • Added support for /v2/jadebots. [GH-258]
    • Added support for /v2/skiffs. [GH-260]
    • Added support for /v2/wizardsvault. [GH-296]
    • Added support for /v2/wizardsvault/listings. [GH-294]
    • Added support for /v2/wizardsvault/objectives. [GH-295]
  • Added a SchemaBitfield type to be used for bitfields. This type should always be mapped to 64bit integers.
  • Added support for V2 schema 2022-03-23T19:00:00.000Z.
  • Introduced a low-level API to move the version information out of the schema API into an intermediate representation (IR).
    • APIs can now be generated for specific schema versions making it significantly easier for consumers to work with.
  • Introduced a Name abstraction to make case conversion for names an explicit operation.
  • Introduced the concept of inlined properties for reference types.
    • Inlined properties can be used to group elements into logical units without affecting the serial representation.
  • Introduced enums. Enums allow defining a known set of values for an element. [GH-152]
  • Introduced tuples. Tuples are arrays with a fixed size where each element may carry different semantic information. [GH-189]


  • Endpoints:
    • /v2/account:
      • Fixed the optionality of build_storage_slots for tokens without BUILDS scope.
    • /v2/characters:
      • Made amulet and runes optional.
  • Changed the type of worldID in the MumbleLinkIdentity to BITFIELD.

Breaking Changes

  • The library now requires Kotlin 1.8.


14 Jul 16:05
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  • Updated the library to Kotlin 1.6 and replaced all experimental functionality.

Breaking Changes

  • The library now requires Kotlin 1.6.


07 Jun 12:42
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  • Endpoints:
    • Added support for /v2/account/legendaryarmory. [GH-179]
    • Added support for /v2/characters. [GH-46]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/buildtabs/active. [GH-49]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/equipment. [GH-53]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs. [GH-54]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs/active. [GH-55]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/log. [GH-82]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/stash. [GH-85]
    • Added support for /v2/legendaryarmory. [GH-178]
    • Added support for /v2/skills. [GH-128]
    • Added support for /v2/traits. [GH-135]
    • /v2/account:
      • Added support for build_storage_slots (since 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z).
    • /v2/legends:
      • Added support for code (since 2019-12-19T00:00:00.000Z).
  • Added support for V2 schema 2021-07-15T13:00:00.000Z.
  • Added support for V2 schema 2022-03-09T02:00:00.000Z.


  • Endpoints:
    • /v1/guild_details
      • Changed types of color and emblem ID fields from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v1/map_floor:
      • Changed type of file IDs from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/guild/:id
      • Changed types of emblem ID fields from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/guild/:id/stash
      • Changed types of upgrade_id, id and count from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/guild/upgrades
      • Changed types of count from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/mounts/skins
      • Changed type of color ID fields from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/pets:
      • Changed ID type of pet skill objects from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region:
      • Rename type LeaderboardEntry to PvPSeasonsLeaderboardEntry.
      • Changed type of team from INTEGER to STRING.
      • Changed type of value from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/pvp/seasons:
      • Made duration optional.
    • /v2/wvw/matches:
      • Changed types of map and skirmish IDs from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/wvw/matches/stats:
      • Changed types of map and skirmish IDs from STRING to INTEGER.
    • /v2/wvw/matches/scores:
      • Changed types of map and skirmish IDs from STRING to INTEGER.

Breaking Changes

  • The libraries' API was restructured to support working with only a subset of
    endpoints and to implement a better type-system.


12 Jun 12:45
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  • Endpoints:
    • Added support for /v1/build. [GH-159]
    • Added support for /v1/colors. [GH-160]
    • Added support for /v1/continents. [GH-161]
    • Added support for /v1/event_details. [GH-162]
    • Added support for /v1/files. [GH-164]
    • Added support for /v1/guild_details. [GH-165]
    • Added support for /v1/item_details. [GH-166]
    • Added support for /v1/items. [GH-167]
    • Added support for /v1/map_floor. [GH-168]
    • Added support for /v1/map_names. [GH-169]
    • Added support for /v1/maps. [GH-170]
    • Added support for /v1/recipe_details. [GH-171]
    • Added support for /v1/recipes. [GH-172]
    • Added support for /v1/skin_details. [GH-158]
    • Added support for /v1/skins. [GH-157]
    • Added support for /v1/world_names. [GH-173]
    • Added support for /v1/wvw/match_details. [GH-174]
    • Added support for /v1/wvw/matches. [GH-175]
    • Added support for /v1/wvw/objectives_names. [GH-176]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/backstory. [GH-47]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/buildtabs. [GH-48]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/core. [GH-50]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/crafting. [GH-51]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/heropoints. [GH-56]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/quests. [GH-58]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/recipes. [GH-59]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/sab. [GH-60]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/skills. [GH-61]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/specializations. [GH-62]
    • Added support for /v2/characters/:id/training. [GH-63]
    • Added support for /v2/continents/:id/floors. [GH-71]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/storage. [GH-86]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/teams. [GH-87]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/treasury. [GH-88]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/search. [GH-91]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/games. [GH-114]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/seasons. [GH-117]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards. [GH-118]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board.
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region. [GH-119]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/standings. [GH-120]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/stats. [GH-121]
    • Added support for /v2/recipes/search. [GH-127]
    • Added support for /v2/wvw/matches. [GH-139]
    • Added support for /v2/wvw/matches/overview. [GH-140]
    • Added support for /v2/wvw/matches/scores. [GH-141]
    • Added support for /v2/wvw/matches/stats. [GH-142]
    • Added missing properties dyes, upgrade_slot_indices, and stats to /v2/account/bank.
    • Added documentation for upgrade_slot_indices to /v2/characters/:id/inventory.
    • Added missing property unlock_items to /v2/gliders.
    • Added documentation for attribute_adjustment to /v2/items.
    • Added missing property type to /v2/tokeninfo classic schema.
  • Added support for V2 schema 2021-04-06T21:00:00.000Z.
  • Reworked library entry-points and split them into available types and queries.
  • Reworked schema-version-dependent data representation.
  • Moved isLocalized from APIQuery to SchemaType to support better representation of the underlying data. [GH-151]
  • Consistently use ID spelling instead (instead of Id).


  • Endpoints:
    • Changed ID type for /v2/emblem/:type from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/finishers from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Moved InfixUpgrade and InfusionSlot into item details for /v2/items.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/minis from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Changed ItemID type for /v2/minis from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/pets from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Added missing description field for /v2/pvp/heroes.
    • Corrected serial name for TeamID for /pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/quaggans.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/quests from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/recipes from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Corrected the name for GuildIngredient type for /v2/recipes.
    • Changed ID type for /v2/skins from STRING to INTEGER.
    • Corrected serial names for race-specific color overrides in /v2/skins.


21 Jan 17:03
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  • Endpoints:
    • Added support for /v2/account/buildstorage. [GH-4]
    • Added support for /v2/account/home. [GH-11]
    • Added support for /v2/account/home/cats. [GH-12]
    • Added support for /v2/account/luck. [GH-15]
    • Added support for /v2/account/mounts. [GH-23]
    • Added support for /v2/achievements. [GH-35]
    • Added support for /v2/achievements/categories. [GH-36]
    • Added support for /v2/achievements/daily. [GH-37]
    • Added support for /v2/achievements/daily/tomorrow. [GH-38]
    • Added support for /v2/achievements/groups. [GH-39]
    • Added support for /v2/backstory.
    • Added support for /v2/backstory/answers. [GH-43]
    • Added support for /v2/backstory/questions. [GH-44]
    • Added support for /v2/dungeons. [GH-75]
    • Added support for /v2/finishers. [GH-79]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/members. [GH-83]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/ranks. [GH-84]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id/upgrades. [GH-89]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/permissions. [GH-90]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/upgrades. [GH-92]
    • Added support for /v2/home. [GH-93]
    • Added support for /v2/home/cats. [GH-94]
    • Added support for /v2/home/nodes. [GH-95]
    • Added support for /v2/mailcarriers. [GH-99]
    • Added support for /v2/minis. [GH-104]
    • Added support for /v2/mounts. [GH-105]
    • Added support for /v2/mounts/skins. [GH-106]
    • Added support for /v2/mounts/types. [GH-107]
    • Added support for /v2/novelties. [GH-108]
    • Added support for /v2/pets. [GH-110]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp. [GH-112]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/amulets. [GH-113]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/heroes. [GH-115]
    • Added support for /v2/pvp/ranks. [GH-116]
    • Added support for /v2/quaggans. [GH-122]
    • Added support for /v2/quests. [GH-123]
    • Added support for /v2/raids. [GH-125]
    • Added support for /v2/skins. [GH-129]
    • Added support for /v2/stories. [GH-131]
    • Added support for /v2/stories/seasons. [GH-132]
    • Added support for /v2/wvw/abilities. [GH-138]
  • Conditional interpretations may now be bound to schema versions.
  • Implemented automated testing (unit tests). [GH-156]
    • Data intended for testing is now available via TestData.


  • Endpoints:
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/account/emotes.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/account/finishers.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/colors.
    • maxZoom is missing in /v2/continents.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/commerce/exchange/:type.
    • /v2/commerce/transactions/:relevance and /v2/commerce/transactions/:relevance/:type
      now have correct security information.
    • Query parameters of /v2/createsubtoken are now in Title Case.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/dailycrafting.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/emotes.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/mapchests.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/maps.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/masteries.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/recipes.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/wvw/objectives.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/wvw/ranks.
    • Corrected the schema for /v2/wvw/upgrades.
  • Changes of conditionals in schema versions are now properly computed.


23 Dec 18:06
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  • Fixed a bug in parameter validation that made 0.2.0 unusable.


23 Dec 13:00
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  • Endpoints:
    • Added support for /v2/account/bank. [GH-3]
    • Added support for /v2/continents. [GH-70]
    • Added support for /v2/emblem. [GH-76]
    • Added support for /v2/emblem/:type. [GH-76]
    • Added support for /v2/gliders. [GH-80]
    • Added support for /v2/guild/:id. [GH-81]
    • Added support for /v2/maps. [GH-101]
    • Added support for /v2/masteries. [GH-102]
    • Added support for /v2/materials. [GH-103]
    • Added support for /v2/recipes. [GH-126]
  • Added support for V2 schema 2020-11-17T00:30:00.000Z.
  • Path-parameters and query-parameters now have a camelCaseName property.


  • Endpoints:
    • isLocalized flag is now set for /v2/items.


30 Sep 14:15
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A library for programmatically creating programs that interface with data exposed
by the official Guild Wars 2 API.

This library contains information about the structure and data-types of the API.
This information can be used to generate custom API clients or other programs
which require definitions of the API.