lampreia is a simple chess engine, with the concept of loading a set of parameters to be used by the position evaluating function. So to have the best strategic thinking and results, those parameters must be a cohesive set. A basic implementation of evolutionary algorythm is employed to get to this state, in the form of two satellite python scripts: creates some virtual chess tables to be played by instances of lampreia, running different parameter sets. Those sets are called a 'machine', stored in a folder as txt files.
After some hours of arena_array, machine files will have their ELO rating stored in themselves, indicating their power as a set of parameters. has tools to manage machines.
The engine evaluates all moves, discarding some branches with alpha-beta pruning. No bitmasks, mailboxes, or opening books. The engine with stock parameters, mostly zero, has a playing strenght of like 800 ELO in online chess @deep=4. In that mode it will compute only the value of each piece on the board. Each parameter is actually a weight for some aspect of the evaluation function, so while evolution drifts those parameters from zero, the engine will account those corresponding aspects of the position into consideration: number of possible moves in given position, number of attackers, king safety, and others.
- $./lampr populate 64 // creates a pool of 64 machines.
- $./lampr arena // runs the arena. Let it roll for 30k cycles or more, for the resultz.
- $./lampr play // To play against the engine. This is equivalent to:
$xboard --fcp 'evchess --TOP --MD <path to machinedir> --deep 4 --xdeep 2'
$./evc play
The main script is a shortcut to useful stuff:
$./lampr play //Choose a machine from the hall of fame to load with xboard.
$./lampr view //Population manager.
$./lampr arena //Load some dozens of engines and let them play against each other so they can evolve.
$./lampr tournament //Launch a tournament, where hall of fame machines will play against themselves.
$./lampr position //Launch the position evaluator, another method to evolve machines.