Insert tutorial
- snakemake - conda
- hgtector2 - pip
- taxonkit - conda
- blast suite - conda
- mafft - conda
- proteinortho - conda
- famsa - conda
- seqkit - conda
- trimal - conda
- fasttree - conda
- FastRoot - pip
- tidyverse R package - CRAN
- phytools -CRAN
- ggtree - Bioconductor
- ggtreeExtra - Bioconductor
- Biostrings - Bioconductor
- ComplexHeatmap - Bioconductor
You can use conda to create this environment, ideally use mamba:
conda create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n hgt snakemake
conda activate hgt
# install hgtector
conda install -c conda-forge pyyaml pandas matplotlib scikit-learn bioconda::diamond
pip install git+
# install other dependencies
conda install -c bioconda mafft trimal fasttree taxonkit proteinortho famsa seqkit
# install R if you need
conda install -c conda-forge r-base
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda r-tidyverse r-optparse r-magic r-phytools bioconductor-ggtree bioconductor-ggtreeextra bioconductor-complexheatmap
# install fastroot
python3 -m pip install FastRoot
dos2unix $fr
mask proteins and then do dataframe with protein length, %masked proportion to eventually filter downstream results
add link to deps
what to do if less than 2 seqs in plot_Tree?
more elegant way to get sequences to do the tree
add QC plots
what to do with foldseek?
matreex plots?
mark HGT tree by topological rule
get df of tree with all different properties so user can filter
when deleting hits from the same species you may remove paralogs that are not identified by proteinortho but still may be close in the tree
annotate domains and protein functions
maybe one strategy would be to compute big trees in a fast way then reduce taxonomic redundancy and compute a more accurate tree
remove fastroot dependency
option to define "close" outgroup and compute other indexes
identify potential donors from blast results (recurring weird taxons)
one day 3 modalities
- --interdomain: easy mode for proka2euka lgt
- --donors: user-defined putative donors
- --reconcile: with small curated database and species tree run reconciliation