A little score-based 3D game written purely in C++ and OpenGL, made for the Computer Graphics college course.
C++ (gcc compiler);
Install the dependencies:
$ sudo apt install freeglut3-dev freeglut3
Build the project. In the root directory:
$ make
*Or, alternatively:
$ mkdir -p bin
$ g++ src/*.cpp -Iinclude -o bin/game -lglut -lGL -lGLU
After the project build, do:
$ ./bin/game
Grab the gold bar and take it to the treasure chest. Do not let the blue wave touch you.
- When are you carrying the Gold Bar, you'll become slower and perform a lower jump. So, if the wave is nearby, just drop it and take back later.
W - Roll forward;
S - Roll back;
A - Roll left;
D - Roll right;
Spacebar - Jump;
i - Increase ball size;
k - Decrease ball size;
p - Pause / Unpause;
esc - Exit
Left mouse button - Grab the gold bar;
Right mouse button - Drop the gold bar;
Mouse scroll - Change camera distance;
Mouse movement - Rotate view.