ClassicCiphers(alphabet: srt)
- Constructor, the alphabet is a string with the symbols to use, do not separete them with spaces unless you want the space character to be part of your alphabet.
caesar(message: str, key: int) -> str
- Caesar cipher, do decrypt use the key multiplied by -1.
affine(message: str, key: (int, int)) -> str
- Affince cipher, the key is a tuple with (a, b), given that the message is encrypted using the formula
F(x, [a, b]) = (ax + b) mod m
- Affince cipher, the key is a tuple with (a, b), given that the message is encrypted using the formula
playfair(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Playfair cipher, uses a word key, the key must be buildable form the alphabet, the result is given without the letter
- Playfair cipher, uses a word key, the key must be buildable form the alphabet, the result is given without the letter
vigenere(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Vigenerè cipher, the key must be buildable with the alphabet.
daffine(message: str, key: (int, int)) -> str
- Affince decipher.
- The key is exactly the same used to encrypt, this method computes de modular inverse of
and substractsb
dplayfair(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Playfair decipher, uses a word key.
dvigenere(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Vigenerè decipher, uses a word key.
gen_caesar() -> int
- Generates numbers to serve as keys to the method.
- The numbers come from
(inclusive) tolen(alphabet)
gen_affine() -> (int, int)
- Generates tuples to serve as keys to the
method. - Generets (a, b) tuples given (a, b) are part of the set of nombers between
(inclusive) tolen(alphabet)
- Generates tuples to serve as keys to the
gen_words(word_file: str) -> str
- Returns one by one the words in a wordfile called
. - The wordfile must have a word per line.
- The words are striped from every character that is not contained in the alphabet.
- Returns one by one the words in a wordfile called
railfence(message: str, rails: int) -> str
- Railfence cipher, the number of rails must not exceed
- Railfence cipher, the number of rails must not exceed
columnartransposition(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Columnar Transposition cipher, the key can have repeated letters.
- All of the key must be either lowercase or uppercase.
- The message will be padded with
to fill the gaps.
drailfence(message: str, rails: int) -> str
- Railfence decipher, the number of rails must not exceed
- Railfence decipher, the number of rails must not exceed
dcolumnartransposition(message: str, key: str) -> str
- Columnar Transposition decipher, the key can have repeated letters.
- All of the key must be either lowercase or uppercase.
- The message may or may not be padded.
- The message will be transformed into lowercase.