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uc-crux-llvm: New type for function postconditions
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The Postcondition module declares a type that approximates a
specification of a function's postconditions. This is used in Classify
to infer such postconditions on return values, in the future it may be
used to infer information about clobbered memory.

This module supersedes the "Clobber" specs that were part of the Skip
override machinery. These weren't amenable to use-cases such as

Also implement some additional pretty-printing machinery.
  • Loading branch information
langston-barrett committed May 12, 2022
1 parent 108a6e2 commit c970b60
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Showing 18 changed files with 979 additions and 480 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/Classify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ import UCCrux.LLVM.Module (makeFuncSymbol, makeGlobalSymbol, globalSym
import UCCrux.LLVM.Newtypes.PreSimulationMem (PreSimulationMem, getPreSimulationMem)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Overrides.Skip (SkipOverrideName)
import UCCrux.LLVM.PP (ppProgramLoc)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Precondition (NewConstraint(..))
import UCCrux.LLVM.Setup (SymValue)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Setup.Monad (TypedSelector(..), mallocLocation)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Shape (Shape)
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Shape as Shape
import UCCrux.LLVM.Errors.Panic (panic)
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Precondition as Pre
import UCCrux.LLVM.Errors.Unimplemented (unimplemented)
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Errors.Unimplemented as Unimplemented
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,11 +699,11 @@ doClassifyBadBehavior appCtx modCtx funCtx sym memImpl skipped simError (Crucibl
argName :: Ctx.Index argTypes tp -> String
argName idx = funCtx ^. argumentNames . ixF' idx . to getConst . to (maybe "<top>" Text.unpack)

oneConstraint selector constraint =
[NewConstraint (SomeInSelector selector) constraint]
oneConstraint selector pre =
[Pre.NewConstraint (SomeInSelector selector) pre]

oneShapeConstraint selector shapeConstraint =
[NewShapeConstraint (SomeInSelector selector) shapeConstraint]
oneShapeConstraint selector shapePre =
[Pre.NewShapeConstraint (SomeInSelector selector) shapePre]

getConcretePointerBlock :: LLVMPtr.LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (Maybe Natural)
getConcretePointerBlock ptr =
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/Constraints.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module UCCrux.LLVM.Constraints
-- * 'ConstrainedShape'
ConstrainedShape (..),

Expand All @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import Data.BitVector.Sized (BV)
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Prettyprinter (Doc)
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,3 +177,7 @@ minimalConstrainedShape =
instance Eq (ConstrainedShape m ft) where
ConstrainedShape shape1 == ConstrainedShape shape2 =
Shape.eqShape (\(Compose c1) (Compose c2) -> c1 == c2) shape1 shape2

ppConstrainedShape :: ConstrainedShape m ft -> Doc Void
ppConstrainedShape =
Shape.ppShape (PP.vsep . map ppConstraint . getCompose) . getConstrainedShape
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/Errors/Unimplemented.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ data Unimplemented
| CastIntegerToPointer
| CheckPrecondsPtrArray
| CheckPrecondsStruct
| SometimesClobber
| ClobberConstraints
| ClobberPreconds
| ClobberGlobal
| SeekOffset
deriving (Eq, Ord)
Expand All @@ -58,8 +57,7 @@ ppUnimplemented =
CastIntegerToPointer -> "Value of integer type treated as/cast to a pointer"
CheckPrecondsPtrArray -> "Checking inferred precondition on an array"
CheckPrecondsStruct -> "Checking inferred precondition on a struct"
SometimesClobber -> "Selective clobbering"
ClobberConstraints -> "Constraints on clobbered values"
ClobberPreconds -> "Preconditions on clobbered values"
ClobberGlobal -> "Clobbering global variables"
SeekOffset -> "Seeking a pointer at a non-zero offset"

Expand Down
131 changes: 130 additions & 1 deletion uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/FullType/CrucibleType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ Stability : provisional

module UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.CrucibleType
( toCrucibleType,


-- * Assignments
SomeIndex (..),
Expand All @@ -30,17 +33,20 @@ module UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.CrucibleType

import Prelude hiding (unzip)
import Prelude hiding (unzip, zip, zipWith)

import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(Const))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity, runIdentity))
import Data.Functor.Product (Product(Pair))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +84,16 @@ toCrucibleType proxy =
case assignmentToCrucibleType proxy typeReprs of
SomeAssign' ctReprs Refl _ -> CrucibleTypes.StructRepr ctReprs

toCrucibleReturnType ::
ArchOk arch =>
proxy arch ->
ReturnTypeRepr m mft ->
CrucibleTypes.TypeRepr (ReturnTypeToCrucibleType arch mft)
toCrucibleReturnType proxy =
VoidRepr -> CrucibleTypes.UnitRepr
NonVoidRepr ftRepr -> toCrucibleType proxy ftRepr

data SomeAssign' arch m fullTypes f = forall crucibleTypes.
{ saCrucibleTypes :: Ctx.Assignment CrucibleTypes.TypeRepr crucibleTypes,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +155,95 @@ assignmentToCrucibleType proxy fullTypes =
(assignmentToCrucibleTypeA proxy (\_ _ -> Identity (Const ())) fullTypes)

-- | See 'opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat'
-- to Crucible types.
mapOpaquePointersToCrucibleCompat ::
ArchOk arch =>
(MapOpaquePointers ctx ~ MapOpaquePointers ctx') =>
proxy arch ->
Ctx.Assignment (FullTypeRepr m) ctx ->
Ctx.Assignment (FullTypeRepr m) ctx' ->
MapToCrucibleType arch ctx :~: MapToCrucibleType arch ctx'
mapOpaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy a a' =
case (Ctx.viewAssign a, Ctx.viewAssign a') of
(Ctx.AssignEmpty, Ctx.AssignEmpty) -> Refl
(Ctx.AssignExtend rest hd, Ctx.AssignExtend rest' hd') ->
case (opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy hd hd', mapOpaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy rest rest') of
(Refl, Refl) -> Refl

-- | Despite being unused, DO NOT REMOVE. See comment on
-- 'opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat'.
_opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat ::
ArchOk arch =>
(OpaquePointers ft ~ OpaquePointers ft') =>
proxy arch ->
FullTypeRepr m ft ->
FullTypeRepr m ft' ->
(ToCrucibleType arch ft :~: ToCrucibleType arch ft')
_opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy ft ft' =
case (ft, ft') of
(FTIntRepr {}, FTIntRepr {}) -> Refl
(FTPtrRepr{}, FTPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTPtrRepr{}, FTOpaquePtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTPtrRepr{}, FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTPtrRepr{}, FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTFloatRepr{}, FTFloatRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTOpaquePtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTOpaquePtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}, FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTOpaquePtrRepr{}, FTOpaquePtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTOpaquePtrRepr{}, FTPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTOpaquePtrRepr{}, FTVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTOpaquePtrRepr{}, FTNonVoidFuncPtrRepr{}) -> Refl
(FTUnboundedArrayRepr elems, FTUnboundedArrayRepr elems') ->
case opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy elems elems' of
Refl -> Refl
(FTArrayRepr _ elems, FTArrayRepr _ elems') ->
case opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy elems elems' of
Refl -> Refl
(FTStructRepr _ fields, FTStructRepr _ fields') ->
case mapOpaquePointersToCrucibleCompat proxy fields fields' of
Refl -> Refl

-- | Two types that are identical up to pointer types also have the same mapping
-- to Crucible types.
-- This function is implemented using 'unsafeCoerce'. The safety of this use is
-- justified by the above implementation of @_opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat@,
-- which takes two 'FullTypeRepr's and proves that
-- @'OpaquePointers' ft1 ~ 'OpaquePointers' ft2@ implies
-- @'ToCrucibleType' arch ft1 ~ ToCrucibleType arch ft2@.
-- Since 'FullTypeRepr' is a singleton type and every
-- 'UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type.FullType' is represented by some 'FullTypeRepr',
-- we can conclude that the reasoning holds even when 'FullTypeRepr's aren't
-- available.
-- There are two reasons to implement this unsafely:
-- * It's faster; the unsafe version is /O(1)/ whereas the safe version is
-- /O(n)/.
-- * It can be used even when a 'FullTypeRepr' for each type isn't available.
opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat ::
forall proxy proxy' proxy'' arch ft ft'.
ArchOk arch =>
(OpaquePointers ft ~ OpaquePointers ft') =>
proxy arch ->
proxy' ft ->
proxy'' ft' ->
(ToCrucibleType arch ft :~: ToCrucibleType arch ft')
opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat _ _ _ =
-- Explicitly type the unsafeCoerce to avoid accidentally treating it as a
-- function type.
unsafeCoerce (Refl :: () :~: ()) :: ToCrucibleType arch ft :~: ToCrucibleType arch ft'
{-# NOINLINE opaquePointersToCrucibleCompat #-}
-- ^ NOINLINE to work around GHC issues, see

testCompatibility ::
forall proxy arch m ft tp.
ArchOk arch =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,3 +356,27 @@ generate ::
) ->
Ctx.Assignment f (MapToCrucibleType arch fullTypes)
generate proxy sz f = coerce (generateM proxy sz (\i1 i2 refl -> Identity (f i1 i2 refl)))

newtype CrucibleTypeCompat arch f ft =
CrucibleTypeCompat (f (ToCrucibleType arch ft))

zipWith ::
ArchOk arch =>
proxy arch ->
(forall ft. f ft -> g (ToCrucibleType arch ft) -> h ft) ->
Ctx.Assignment f ctx ->
Ctx.Assignment g (MapToCrucibleType arch ctx) ->
Ctx.Assignment h ctx
zipWith proxy fun ftAssign ctAssign =
case (Ctx.viewAssign ftAssign, Ctx.viewAssign ctAssign) of
(Ctx.AssignEmpty, Ctx.AssignEmpty) -> Ctx.empty
(Ctx.AssignExtend ftRest ftHead, Ctx.AssignExtend ctRest ctHead) ->
Ctx.extend (zipWith proxy fun ftRest ctRest) (fun ftHead ctHead)

zip ::
ArchOk arch =>
proxy arch ->
Ctx.Assignment f ctx ->
Ctx.Assignment g (MapToCrucibleType arch ctx) ->
Ctx.Assignment (Product f (CrucibleTypeCompat arch g)) ctx
zip proxy = zipWith proxy (\ft ct -> Pair ft (CrucibleTypeCompat ct))
31 changes: 27 additions & 4 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/FullType/FuncSig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,23 +23,30 @@ module UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.FuncSig
ReturnTypeRepr (..),
-- * Function signatures
type FuncSig(..),

import Data.Kind (Type)

import Prettyprinter (Doc)
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

import Data.Parameterized.Classes (OrdF(compareF))
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.Some (Some(Some))
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TH.GADT as U
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC (toListFC)
import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(testEquality))

import qualified Lang.Crucible.Types as CrucibleTypes hiding ((::>))

import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.PP (ppFullTypeRepr)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.VarArgs
Expand All @@ -63,6 +70,12 @@ mkReturnTypeRepr =
Nothing -> Some VoidRepr
Just (Some ftRepr) -> Some (NonVoidRepr ftRepr)

ppReturnTypeRepr :: ReturnTypeRepr m mft -> Doc ann
ppReturnTypeRepr =
VoidRepr -> PP.pretty "void"
NonVoidRepr ft -> ppFullTypeRepr ft

-- | Type-level only
data FuncSig m where
FuncSig ::
Expand All @@ -73,11 +86,21 @@ data FuncSig m where

data FuncSigRepr m (fs :: FuncSig m) where
FuncSigRepr ::
VarArgsRepr varArgs ->
Ctx.Assignment (FullTypeRepr m) args ->
ReturnTypeRepr m ret ->
{ fsVarArgs :: VarArgsRepr varArgs,
fsArgTypes :: Ctx.Assignment (FullTypeRepr m) args,
fsRetType :: ReturnTypeRepr m ret
} ->
FuncSigRepr m ('FuncSig varArgs ret args)

ppFuncSigRepr :: FuncSigRepr m mft -> Doc ann
ppFuncSigRepr (FuncSigRepr va args ret) =
[ PP.hsep (PP.punctuate (PP.pretty " ->") (toListFC ppFullTypeRepr args))
<> if varArgsReprToBool va then PP.pretty "..." else mempty
, PP.pretty "->"
, ppReturnTypeRepr ret

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instances

Expand Down
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/FullType/MemType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Module : UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.MemType
Description : Interop between 'FullType' and 'MemType'
Description : Interop between 'FullType' and 'MemType' and 'SymType'
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2021
License : BSD3
Maintainer : Langston Barrett <>
Expand All @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Stability : provisional

module UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.MemType
( toMemType,

Expand All @@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ import qualified What4.InterpretedFloatingPoint as W4IFP
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemType (MemType(..), SymType(..), FunDecl(..))

import UCCrux.LLVM.Errors.Panic (panic)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type (FullTypeRepr(..), aliasOrFullType)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type (FullTypeRepr(..), PartTypeRepr, aliasOrFullType)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.VarArgs (varArgsReprToBool)

Expand All @@ -38,10 +39,7 @@ toMemType :: FullTypeRepr m ft -> MemType
toMemType =
FTIntRepr natRepr -> IntType (natValue natRepr)
FTPtrRepr ptRepr ->
case aliasOrFullType ptRepr of
Left ident -> PtrType (Alias ident)
Right ftRepr -> PtrType (MemType (toMemType ftRepr))
FTPtrRepr ptRepr -> PtrType (toSymType ptRepr)
FTFloatRepr W4IFP.SingleFloatRepr -> FloatType
FTFloatRepr W4IFP.DoubleFloatRepr -> DoubleType
FTFloatRepr W4IFP.X86_80FloatRepr -> X86_FP80Type
Expand All @@ -65,3 +63,9 @@ toMemType =

toSymType :: PartTypeRepr m ft -> SymType
toSymType ptRepr =
case aliasOrFullType ptRepr of
Left ident -> Alias ident
Right ftRepr -> MemType (toMemType ftRepr)
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/FullType/PP.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Module : UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.PP
Description : Pretty-printing 'FullTypeRepr'
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2022
License : BSD3
Maintainer : Langston Barrett <>
Stability : provisional

module UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.PP
( ppFullTypeRepr,

import Prettyprinter (Doc)

import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemType (ppMemType, ppSymType)

import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.MemType (toMemType, toSymType)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type (FullTypeRepr, PartTypeRepr)

ppFullTypeRepr :: FullTypeRepr m ft -> Doc ann
ppFullTypeRepr = ppMemType . toMemType

ppPartTypeRepr :: PartTypeRepr m ft -> Doc ann
ppPartTypeRepr = ppSymType . toSymType

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