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langston-barrett committed Jun 16, 2022
1 parent 4158b6f commit d916a8f
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Showing 3 changed files with 247 additions and 147 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions uc-crux-llvm/src/UCCrux/LLVM/Check.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
Module : UCCrux.LLVM.Check
Description : Check whether constraints hold
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2022
License : BSD3
Maintainer : Langston Barrett <>
Stability : provisional
Create predicates that represent whether or not a set of constraints
('ConstrainedShape') hold of some Crucible value ('Crucible.RegValue') in some
LLVM memory ('LLVMMem.MemImpl'). These predicates are used in "check overrides"
("UCCrux.LLVM.Overrides.Check"), and when applying function specs
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module UCCrux.LLVM.Check
( CheckedConstraint(..),

import Prelude hiding (log)
import Control.Lens ((^.), (%~), to)
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Foldable.WithIndex (FoldableWithIndex, ifoldrM)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(Compose))
import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import qualified Prettyprinter.Render.Text as PP

import qualified Text.LLVM.AST as L

import Data.Parameterized.Classes (IndexF)
import Data.Parameterized.Ctx (Ctx)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Fin as Fin
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC (fmapFC)
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC.WithIndex (FoldableFCWithIndex, ifoldrMFC)
import Data.Parameterized.Some (Some(Some), viewSome)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Vector as PVec

-- what4
import What4.Interface (Pred)

-- crucible
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as Crucible
import Lang.Crucible.Backend (IsSymInterface, IsSymBackend, backendGetSym)
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator as Crucible
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.OverrideSim as Override

-- crucible-llvm
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel (HasLLVMAnn)
import qualified Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel as LLVMMem
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Intrinsics (LLVM, LLVMOverride(..), basic_llvm_override)

-- crux-llvm
import Crux.LLVM.Overrides (ArchOk)

-- uc-crux-llvm
import UCCrux.LLVM.Constraints (Constraint, ShapeConstraint(Initialized), ConstrainedShape(..), ConstrainedTypedValue(..))
import UCCrux.LLVM.Context.App (AppContext, log)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Context.Module (ModuleContext, moduleDecls, moduleTypes)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Cursor (Selector, selectorCursor)
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Cursor as Cursor
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Errors.Unimplemented as Unimplemented
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.CrucibleType (SomeIndex(SomeIndex), translateIndex)
import UCCrux.LLVM.FullType.Type (FullType, FullTypeRepr, MapToCrucibleType, ToCrucibleType, pointedToType, arrayElementType, dataLayout)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Logging (Verbosity(Hi))
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Mem as Mem
import UCCrux.LLVM.Module (FuncSymbol, funcSymbol, getGlobalSymbol)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Overrides.Polymorphic (PolymorphicLLVMOverride, makePolymorphicLLVMOverride)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Overrides.Stack (Stack, collectStack)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Precondition (Preconds, argPreconds, globalPreconds, ppPreconds)
import UCCrux.LLVM.Run.Result (BugfindingResult)
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Run.Result as Result
import qualified UCCrux.LLVM.Shape as Shape
import UCCrux.LLVM.Setup.Constraints (constraintToPred)

ifoldMapM ::
FoldableWithIndex i t =>
Monoid m =>
Monad f =>
(i -> a -> f m) ->
t a ->
f m
ifoldMapM f = ifoldrM (\i x acc -> fmap (<> acc) (f i x)) mempty

ifoldMapMFC ::
FoldableFCWithIndex t =>
Monoid m =>
Monad g =>
(forall x. IndexF (t f z) x -> f x -> g m) ->
t f z ->
g m
ifoldMapMFC f = ifoldrMFC (\i x acc -> fmap (<> acc) (f i x)) mempty

-- | Create a predicate that checks that a Crucible(-LLVM) value conforms to the
-- 'ConstrainedShape'.
checkConstrainedShape ::
forall arch m sym argTypes inTy atTy.
IsSymInterface sym =>
HasLLVMAnn sym =>
ArchOk arch =>
(?memOpts :: LLVMMem.MemOptions) =>
ModuleContext m arch ->
sym ->
LLVMMem.MemImpl sym ->
-- | Selector for provenance information
Selector m argTypes inTy atTy ->
ConstrainedShape m atTy ->
FullTypeRepr m atTy ->
Crucible.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType arch atTy) ->
IO (Seq (Some (CheckedConstraint m sym argTypes inTy)))
checkConstrainedShape modCtx sym mem selector cShape fullTypeRepr val =
case getConstrainedShape cShape of
Shape.ShapeInt (Compose cs) ->
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapeFloat (Compose cs) ->
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapePtr (Compose cs) Shape.ShapeUnallocated ->
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapePtr (Compose cs) Shape.ShapeAllocated{} ->
-- TODO: How to actually tell if the pointer points to something of the
-- right size? Might be something in MemModel.* that could help?
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapePtr (Compose cs) (Shape.ShapeInitialized subShapes) ->
do -- TODO: Is there code from Setup that helps with the other addresses?
-- (Look at 'pointerRange'?)
unless (Seq.length subShapes == 1) $
let mts = modCtx ^. moduleTypes
(ptdToPred, mbPtdToVal) <- Mem.loadRaw' modCtx sym mem mts val fullTypeRepr
let shape = ConstrainedShape (subShapes `Seq.index` 0)
let ptdToRepr = pointedToType (modCtx ^. moduleTypes) fullTypeRepr
let ptdToSelector = selector & selectorCursor %~ Cursor.deepenPtr mts
subs <-
case mbPtdToVal of
Nothing -> pure Seq.empty
Just ptdToVal ->
checkPreconds modCtx sym mem ptdToSelector shape ptdToRepr ptdToVal
here <- constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
let ptdToConstraint =
{ checkedConstraint =
Left (Initialized (Seq.length subShapes)),
checkedSelector = selector,
checkedPred = ptdToPred
return (Some ptdToConstraint Seq.<| here <> subs)
Shape.ShapeFuncPtr (Compose cs) ->
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapeOpaquePtr (Compose cs) ->
constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
Shape.ShapeArray (Compose cs) _ subShapes ->
<$> constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
<*> ifoldMapM
(\i shape ->
(selector &
selectorCursor %~
(\c ->
(\i' -> Cursor.deepenArray i' (PVec.length subShapes) c)
(ConstrainedShape shape)
(arrayElementType fullTypeRepr)
(val Vec.! fromIntegral (Fin.finToNat i)))
Shape.ShapeUnboundedArray (Compose cs) subShapes ->
<$> constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
<*> ifoldMapM
(\i shape ->
(ConstrainedShape shape)
(arrayElementType fullTypeRepr)
(val Vec.! i))
Shape.ShapeStruct (Compose cs) _ ->
<$> constraintsToSomePreds fullTypeRepr selector cs val
<*> Unimplemented.unimplemented

foldMapM :: forall t f m' a. Foldable t => Monoid m' => Monad f => (a -> f m') -> t a -> f m'
foldMapM f = foldM (\acc -> fmap (<> acc) . f) mempty

constraintsToSomePreds ::
forall atTy'.
FullTypeRepr m atTy' ->
Selector m argTypes inTy atTy' ->
[Constraint m atTy'] ->
Crucible.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType arch atTy') ->
IO (Seq (Some (CheckedConstraint m sym argTypes inTy)))
constraintsToSomePreds ftRepr selector_ cs v =
fmap (fmap Some) (constraintsToPreds ftRepr selector_ cs v)

constraintsToPreds ::
forall atTy'.
FullTypeRepr m atTy' ->
Selector m argTypes inTy atTy' ->
[Constraint m atTy'] ->
Crucible.RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType arch atTy') ->
IO (Seq (CheckedConstraint m sym argTypes inTy atTy'))
constraintsToPreds ftRepr selector_ cs v =
(\c ->
Seq.singleton . CheckedConstraint (Right c) selector_ <$>
constraintToPred modCtx sym c ftRepr v)

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