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Merge pull request #796 from GaloisInc/cabal_test_intTest
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Cabal test int test
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mergify[bot] authored Mar 16, 2021
2 parents 7c5c1fb + 3ccc0ee commit 2609895
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Showing 8 changed files with 298 additions and 209 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,10 +164,7 @@ install_system_deps() {

test_dist() {
pushd intTests
LOUD=true ./
sh -c "! grep '<failure>' results.xml"
VERBOSE=y cabal v2-test integration_tests

build_cryptol() {
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,11 @@ cabal.project.freeze
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions intTests/IntegrationTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad ( filterM, foldM, join, unless )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intercalate, sort )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory, findExecutable, listDirectory
, doesDirectoryExist )
import System.Environment ( lookupEnv )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(ExitSuccess), exitFailure )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), pathSeparator, searchPathSeparator
, takeDirectory, takeFileName, isAbsolute )
import System.FilePath.Find ( always, find, extension, (==?) )
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
import System.Process ( readCreateProcessWithExitCode
, shell, CreateProcess(..) )
import Test.Tasty
( defaultMain, localOption, testGroup, mkTimeout, TestTree )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase, (@=?), assertBool )
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure ( ignoreTest )

-- | Reads from DISABLED_TESTS env var or disabled_tests.txt file
-- (preference is given to the former) and returns the list of tests.
-- Shell-style comments are removed, and test names are assumed to be
-- a single word without whitespace. The input can separate testnames
-- with any type of whitespace (space, tab, newline).
-- Returns the list of disabled test names.
getDisabledTestList :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getDisabledTestList testdir = do
let dtfile = testdir </> "disabled_tests.txt"
dset <- lookupEnv "DISABLED_TESTS" >>= \case
Just d -> return d
Nothing -> readFile dtfile
let removeComment = takeWhile ((/=) '#')
stripWhitespace = words
processInput = join . map (stripWhitespace . removeComment) . lines
return $ processInput dset

-- | Gets the list of tests (subdirectories) to run given the base
-- directory and the list of disabled tests
getTestList :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
getTestList testdir disabled = do
f <- listDirectory testdir
let isTest = filter (isPrefixOf "test")
notDisabled = filter (not . flip elem disabled)
inTestdir = fmap (testdir </>)
filterM doesDirectoryExist $ inTestdir $ notDisabled $ isTest $ sort f

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------=
-- * Environment variable handling.
-- Start with an initial set of variables and an asociated value (or
-- set of values with a separator), then override/update with any
-- environment variables set.

data EnvVarSpec = EV String String
-- ^ single string value
| EVp String Char [String]
-- ^ accumulative path with separator

updEnvVars :: String -> String -> [EnvVarSpec] -> [EnvVarSpec]
updEnvVars n v [] = [EV n v | v /= ""]
updEnvVars n v (EV n' v' : evs) | n == n' = EV n (if v == "" then v' else v) : evs
updEnvVars n v (EVp n' s v' : evs) | n == n' = EVp n s (v' <> [v]) : evs
updEnvVars n v (ev : evs) = ev : updEnvVars n v evs

envVarAssocList :: [EnvVarSpec] -> [(String, String)]
envVarAssocList = map envVarAssoc
envVarAssoc (EV n v) = (n, v)
envVarAssoc (EVp n s vs) = (n, intercalate [s] vs)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Test Parameters
-- Determine all Environment Variables that should be set for the
-- tests, using the internal defaults plus overrides from the current
-- environment:
-- - SAW = saw invocation command (with jars specification)
-- - JAVA = path to java runtime
-- - HOME = directory to act as home when running tests
-- - PATH = PATH searchlist, supplemented with discovered elements
-- - JAVA_HOME = path to java installation
-- - TESTBASE = path to intTests directory
-- - SAW_JDK_JAR = path to rt.jar
-- These environment variables may already be set to supply default
-- locations for these components.
-- Also determine the list of JAR files to pass to the various tests:
-- - The rt.jar runtime library from the JAVA installation
-- - Any jars supplied with the jvm-verifier
-- - Any jars supplied by saw
-- Note that even if SAW is specified in the environment, this test runner will
-- augment those definitions with the discovered jar files and target path
-- specifications.

-- | Returns the environment variable assocList to use for running
-- each individual test
testParams :: FilePath -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO [(String, String)]
testParams intTestBase verbose = do
here <- getCurrentDirectory
let absTestBase = if isAbsolute intTestBase then intTestBase
else here </> intTestBase

-- try to determine where the saw binary is in case there are other
-- executables there (e.g. z3, etc.)
sawExe <- findExecutable "saw" >>= \case
Just e -> return e
_ -> return "" -- may be supplied via env var

verbose $ "Found saw: " <> sawExe
let eVars0 = [ EV "HOME" absTestBase
, EVp "PATH" searchPathSeparator [takeDirectory sawExe]
, EV "TESTBASE" absTestBase
, EV "DIRSEP" [pathSeparator]
, EV "CPSEP" [searchPathSeparator]

-- The eval is used to protect the evaluation of the
-- single-quoted arguments supplied below when run in a
-- bash script.
, EVp "SAW" ' ' ["eval", "saw"]
addEnvVar evs e = do v <- lookupEnv e
return $ updEnvVars e (fromMaybe "" v) evs
-- override eVars0 with any environment variables set in this process
e1 <- foldM addEnvVar eVars0 [ "SAW", "PATH", "JAVAC", "JAVA_HOME", "SAW_JDK_JAR" ]

-- Create a pathlist of jars for invoking saw
let jarsDir = absTestBase </> "jars"

let findJarsIn p = doesDirectoryExist p >>= \case
True -> find always (extension ==? ".jar") p
False -> return []

verbose $ "Finding JARs in " <> jarsDir
jars <- intercalate [searchPathSeparator] <$> findJarsIn jarsDir

-- Set the SAW env var for the testing scripts to invoke saw with the JAR
-- list, again allowing ENV override.
let e3 = updEnvVars "SAW" (unwords [ "-j", "'" <> jars <> "'" ]) e1

return $ envVarAssocList e3

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Generate a HUnit test for each test, executed by running the
-- file in that test directory. The first argument is the set
-- of environment variables to set when running the tests and the
-- second is the list of disabled tests.
genTests :: [(String,String)] -> [String] -> [String] -> [TestTree]
genTests envvars disabled = map mkTest
preTest n = if takeFileName n `elem` disabled then ignoreTest else id
mkTest n = preTest n $ testCase (takeFileName n) $ do
let cmd = (shell "bash") { cwd = Just n, env = Just envvars }
(r,o,e) <- liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode cmd ""
if r == ExitSuccess
then return ()
else putStrLn o >> hPutStrLn stderr e
r @=? ExitSuccess

-- | Several of the tests use definitions from the cryptol-specs
-- repository, which should be present in deps/cryptol-specs.
-- Verify the existence of that repository if any of the tools here
-- need it.
check_cryptol_specs :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> TestTree
check_cryptol_specs testPath disabled tests = testCase "cryptol-specs Available" $
let need_cryptol_spec = any (\t -> let tp = (testPath </> t)
in tp `elem` tests && not (t `elem` disabled))
[ "test0001", "test0002"
, "test0006", "test0006_w4"
, "test0035_aes_consistent"
, "test_w4"
, "test_examples"
cspec_dir = takeDirectory testPath </> "deps" </> "cryptol-specs"
in if need_cryptol_spec
then do have_cs <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist $ cspec_dir </> "Primitive"
unless (have_cs) $ liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Tests require cryptol-specs as a checked-out subrepo:"
hPutStrLn stderr " $ git submodule update --init deps/cryptol-specs"
assertBool "Missing cryptol-specs" have_cs
else return ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
let base = "intTests"
-- Run tests with VERBOSE=y environment variable for extra output.
verbose <- lookupEnv "VERBOSE" >>= \case
Just "y" -> return $ putStrLn
_ -> return $ const (return ())
found <- doesDirectoryExist base
unless found $ do
curwd <- getCurrentDirectory
hPutStrLn stderr $ "FAILURE: cannot find test directory " <> base <> " from " <> curwd
dset <- getDisabledTestList base
verbose $ "Disabled tests: " <> show dset
testdirs' <- getTestList base [] -- no filtering here; they will be ignoreTest'd by genTests
testdirs <- fromMaybe testdirs' .
(fmap (\et -> let path_ets = fmap (base </>) $ words et in
filter (flip elem path_ets) testdirs')) <$>
envVars <- testParams base verbose
verbose $ "ENV: " <> show envVars
defaultMain $
localOption (mkTimeout $ 500 * 1000 * 1000) $ -- 500 second timeout in usecs
testGroup "intTests" $
check_cryptol_specs base dset testdirs : (genTests envVars dset) testdirs
53 changes: 0 additions & 53 deletions intTests/README

This file was deleted.

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions intTests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Integration tests for SAWScript

Running tests

The integration tests are exposed as [cabal test suite](../saw-script.cabal)
`integration_tests`. The default tests can be run with:

cabal test --enable-tests integration_tests

For each `test_*` directory that is not listed in the `DISABLED_TESTS`
environment variable or the `disabled_tests.txt` if the environment variable
isn't set, invoke the `` in that directory with some supporting
environment variables set. The `` should complete with a return code of 0
on no error or non-zero on error.

If the `DISABLED_TESTS` environment variable is set, the `disabled_tests.txt`
file is ignored. Both may specify tests separated by spaces and/or newlines, and
the `#` character starts a comment to the end of the current line.

The `ENABLED_TESTS` environment variable, if set, overrides the set of
discovered tests to include only those in the `ENABLED_TESTS` list. This
environment variable is commonly used during development to run specific tests
(which `cabal test` does not easily support).

Creating tests

A test is defined by a directory which contains a shell script called "";
the test succeeds when the shell script does. When run as part of the suite,
these "" scripts are interpreted by `bash`.

Tests generally consist of a SAW script that is expected to succeed together
with the artifacts that are needed. The test suite defines the environment
variable "SAW", pointing to the corresponding executable, and with appropriate
Java classpaths included. It's a good idea to include a README in each test

If the test directory name starts with "test", and the directory name is not
included in the `disabled_tests.txt` file or `DISABLED_TESTS` environment
variable, then the test is run by default. Only default tests are run on the
build slaves. When disabling a test by default, explain why in that test's

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