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New ProofState type allows proofs with multiple subgoals
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The success/failure of a proof script is now encoded in whether or not
it finished with no remaining subgoals.

This is a small step toward addressing issue #9.
  • Loading branch information
Brian Huffman committed May 20, 2016
1 parent 1f40d54 commit 6388dbe
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Showing 5 changed files with 117 additions and 70 deletions.
160 changes: 95 additions & 65 deletions src/SAWScript/Builtins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -405,8 +405,19 @@ readCore path = do
sc <- getSharedContext
io (mkTypedTerm sc =<< scReadExternal sc =<< readFile path)

withFirstGoal :: (ProofGoal s -> TopLevel (a, Maybe (ProofGoal s))) -> ProofScript s a
withFirstGoal f =
StateT $ \(ProofState goals concl) ->
case goals of
[] -> fail "ProofScript failed: no subgoal"
g : gs -> do
(x, mg') <- f g
case mg' of
Nothing -> return (x, ProofState gs concl)
Just g' -> return (x, ProofState (g' : gs) concl)

quickcheckGoal :: SharedContext s -> Integer -> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
quickcheckGoal sc n = StateT $ \goal -> io $ do
quickcheckGoal sc n = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> io $ do
putStr $ "WARNING: using quickcheck to prove goal..."
hFlush stdout
let tm = goalTerm goal
Expand All @@ -418,26 +429,26 @@ quickcheckGoal sc n = StateT $ \goal -> io $ do
case result of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "checked " ++ show n ++ " cases."
return (SV.Unsat, goal)
return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
-- TODO: use reasonable names here
Just cex -> return (SV.SatMulti (zip (repeat "_") cex), goal)
Just cex -> return (SV.SatMulti (zip (repeat "_") cex), Just goal)
Nothing -> fail $ "quickcheck:\n" ++
"term has non-testable type"

assumeValid :: ProofScript s SV.ProofResult
assumeValid = StateT $ \goal -> do
assumeValid = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
io $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: assuming goal " ++ goalName goal ++ " is valid"
return (SV.Valid, goal)
return (SV.Valid, Nothing)

assumeUnsat :: ProofScript s SV.SatResult
assumeUnsat = StateT $ \goal -> do
assumeUnsat = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
io $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: assuming goal " ++ goalName goal ++ " is unsat"
return (SV.Unsat, goal)
return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)

trivial :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult
trivial = StateT $ \goal -> do
trivial = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
checkTrue (goalTerm goal)
return (SV.Unsat, goal)
return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
checkTrue :: SharedTerm SAWCtx -> TopLevel ()
checkTrue t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,49 +478,49 @@ print_term_depth d t = do
io $ print (ppTermDepth opts d t)

printGoal :: ProofScript s ()
printGoal = StateT $ \goal -> do
printGoal = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
opts <- getTopLevelPPOpts
io $ putStrLn (scPrettyTerm opts (goalTerm goal))
return ((), goal)
return ((), Just goal)

printGoalDepth :: Int -> ProofScript SAWCtx ()
printGoalDepth n = StateT $ \goal -> do
printGoalDepth n = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
opts <- getTopLevelPPOpts
io $ print (ppTermDepth opts n (goalTerm goal))
return ((), goal)
return ((), Just goal)

printGoalConsts :: ProofScript SAWCtx ()
printGoalConsts = StateT $ \goal -> do
printGoalConsts = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
io $ mapM_ putStrLn $ Map.keys (getConstantSet (goalTerm goal))
return ((), goal)
return ((), Just goal)

printGoalSize :: ProofScript SAWCtx ()
printGoalSize = StateT $ \goal -> do
printGoalSize = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
let t = goalTerm goal
io $ putStrLn $ "Goal shared size: " ++ show (scSharedSize t)
io $ putStrLn $ "Goal unshared size: " ++ show (scTreeSize t)
return ((), goal)
return ((), Just goal)

unfoldGoal :: [String] -> ProofScript SAWCtx ()
unfoldGoal names = StateT $ \goal -> do
unfoldGoal names = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
sc <- getSharedContext
let trm = goalTerm goal
trm' <- io $ scUnfoldConstants sc names trm
return ((), goal { goalTerm = trm' })
return ((), Just (goal { goalTerm = trm' }))

simplifyGoal :: Simpset (SharedTerm SAWCtx) -> ProofScript SAWCtx ()
simplifyGoal ss = StateT $ \goal -> do
simplifyGoal ss = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
sc <- getSharedContext
let trm = goalTerm goal
trm' <- io $ rewriteSharedTerm sc ss trm
return ((), goal { goalTerm = trm' })
return ((), Just (goal { goalTerm = trm' }))

beta_reduce_goal :: ProofScript SAWCtx ()
beta_reduce_goal = StateT $ \goal -> do
beta_reduce_goal = withFirstGoal $ \goal -> do
sc <- getSharedContext
let trm = goalTerm goal
trm' <- io $ betaNormalize sc trm
return ((), goal { goalTerm = trm' })
return ((), Just (goal { goalTerm = trm' }))

-- | Bit-blast a @SharedTerm@ representing a theorem and check its
-- satisfiability using ABC.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +581,7 @@ checkBooleanSchema s =
-- | Bit-blast a @SharedTerm@ representing a theorem and check its
-- satisfiability using ABC.
satABC :: SharedContext s -> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satABC sc = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
satABC sc = withFirstGoal $ \g -> io $ do
let t0 = goalTerm g
TypedTerm schema t <- (bindAllExts sc t0 >>= rewriteEqs sc >>= mkTypedTerm sc)
checkBooleanSchema schema
Expand All @@ -584,20 +595,23 @@ satABC sc = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
Universal -> AIG.not lit0
-- putStrLn "Checking..."
satRes <- AIG.checkSat be lit
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
case satRes of
AIG.Unsat -> do
-- putStrLn "UNSAT"
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, g { goalTerm = ft })
AIG.Unsat ->
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (SV.Unsat, Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
Universal -> return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
AIG.Sat cex -> do
-- putStrLn "SAT"
let r = liftCexBB shapes cex
tt <- scApplyPrelude_True sc
case r of
Left err -> fail $ "Can't parse counterexample: " ++ err
Right vs
| length argNames == length vs -> do
return (SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs), g { goalTerm = tt })
let r' = SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs)
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (r', Nothing)
Universal -> return (r', Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
| otherwise -> fail $ unwords ["ABC SAT results do not match expected arguments", show argNames, show vs]
AIG.SatUnknown -> fail "Unknown result from ABC"

Expand All @@ -615,7 +629,7 @@ parseDimacsSolution vars ls = map lkup vars

satExternal :: Bool -> SharedContext s -> String -> [String]
-> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satExternal doCNF sc execName args = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
satExternal doCNF sc execName args = withFirstGoal $ \g -> io $ do
t <- rewriteEqs sc (goalTerm g)
tp <- scWhnf sc =<< scTypeOf sc t
let cnfName = goalName g ++ ".cnf"
Expand All @@ -638,20 +652,24 @@ satExternal doCNF sc execName args = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
let ls = lines out
sls = filter ("s " `isPrefixOf`) ls
vls = filter ("v " `isPrefixOf`) ls
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
case (sls, vls) of
(["s SATISFIABLE"], _) -> do
let bs = parseDimacsSolution vars vls
let r = liftCexBB shapes bs
tt <- scApplyPrelude_True sc
case r of
Left msg -> fail $ "Can't parse counterexample: " ++ msg
Right vs
| length argNames == length vs -> do
return (SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs), g { goalTerm = tt })
let r' = SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs)
case goalQuant g of
Universal -> return (r', Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
Existential -> return (r', Nothing)
| otherwise -> fail $ unwords ["external SAT results do not match expected arguments", show argNames, show vs]
(["s UNSATISFIABLE"], []) -> do
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, g { goalTerm = ft })
(["s UNSATISFIABLE"], []) ->
case goalQuant g of
Universal -> return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
Existential -> return (SV.Unsat, Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
_ -> fail $ "Unexpected result from SAT solver:\n" ++ out

writeAIGWithMapping :: GIA.GIA s -> GIA.Lit s -> FilePath -> IO [Int]
Expand All @@ -660,12 +678,6 @@ writeAIGWithMapping be l path = do
ABC.writeAiger path (ABC.Network be [l])
return [1..nins]

unsatResult :: SharedContext s -> ProofGoal s
-> IO (SV.SatResult, ProofGoal s)
unsatResult sc g = do
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, g { goalTerm = ft })

rewriteEqs :: SharedContext s -> SharedTerm s -> IO (SharedTerm s)
rewriteEqs sc t = do
let eqs = map (mkIdent preludeName)
Expand All @@ -679,7 +691,7 @@ rewriteEqs sc t = do
-- | Bit-blast a @SharedTerm@ representing a theorem and check its
-- satisfiability using the RME library.
satRME :: SharedContext s -> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satRME sc = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
satRME sc = withFirstGoal $ \g -> io $ do
let t0 = goalTerm g
TypedTerm schema t <- (bindAllExts sc t0 >>= rewriteEqs sc >>= mkTypedTerm sc)
checkBooleanSchema schema
Expand All @@ -693,22 +705,25 @@ satRME sc = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
Universal -> RME.compl lit0
-- putStrLn "Checking..."
case RME.sat lit of
Nothing -> do
-- putStrLn "UNSAT"
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, g { goalTerm = ft })
Nothing ->
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> do ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
Universal -> return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
Just cex -> do
-- putStrLn "SAT"
let m = Map.fromList cex
let n = sum (map sizeFiniteType shapes)
let bs = map (maybe False id . flip Map.lookup m) $ take n [0..]
let r = liftCexBB shapes bs
tt <- scApplyPrelude_True sc
case r of
Left err -> fail $ "Can't parse counterexample: " ++ err
Right vs
| length argNames == length vs -> do
return (SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs), g { goalTerm = tt })
let r' = SV.SatMulti (zip argNames vs)
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (r', Nothing)
Universal -> return (r', Just g)
| otherwise -> fail $ unwords ["RME SAT results do not match expected arguments", show argNames, show vs]

codegenSBV :: SharedContext s -> FilePath -> String -> TypedTerm s -> IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -736,7 +751,7 @@ satSBV conf sc = satUnintSBV conf sc []
-- satisfiability using SBV. (Currently ignores satisfying assignments.)
-- Constants with names in @unints@ are kept as uninterpreted functions.
satUnintSBV :: SBV.SMTConfig -> SharedContext s -> [String] -> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satUnintSBV conf sc unints = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
satUnintSBV conf sc unints = withFirstGoal $ \g -> io $ do
(t', labels, lit0) <- prepSBV sc unints (goalTerm g)
let lit = case goalQuant g of
Existential -> lit0
Expand All @@ -747,12 +762,17 @@ satUnintSBV conf sc unints = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
SBV.SatResult r <- SBV.satWith conf lit
case r of
SBV.Satisfiable {} -> do
tt <- scApplyPrelude_True sc
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
let dict = SBV.getModelDictionary r
return (getLabels labels dict argNames, g {goalTerm = tt})
r' = getLabels labels dict argNames
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (r', Nothing)
Universal -> return (r', Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
SBV.Unsatisfiable {} -> do
ft <- scApplyPrelude_False sc
return (SV.Unsat, g { goalTerm = ft })
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (SV.Unsat, Just (g { goalTerm = ft }))
Universal -> return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)
SBV.Unknown {} -> fail "Prover returned Unknown"
SBV.ProofError _ ls -> fail . unlines $ "Prover returned error: " : ls
SBV.TimeOut {} -> fail "Prover timed out"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -825,12 +845,14 @@ satWithExporter :: (SharedContext s -> FilePath -> SharedTerm s -> IO ())
-> String
-> String
-> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satWithExporter exporter sc path ext = StateT $ \g -> io $ do
satWithExporter exporter sc path ext = withFirstGoal $ \g -> io $ do
t <- case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (goalTerm g)
Universal -> negTerm sc (goalTerm g)
exporter sc ((path ++ goalName g) ++ ext) t
unsatResult sc g
case goalQuant g of
Existential -> return (SV.Unsat, Just g)
Universal -> return (SV.Unsat, Nothing)

satAIG :: SharedContext s -> FilePath -> ProofScript s SV.SatResult
satAIG sc path = satWithExporter writeAIG sc path ".aig"
Expand All @@ -856,23 +878,28 @@ provePrim :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult
-> TypedTerm SAWCtx -> TopLevel SV.ProofResult
provePrim script t = do
io $ checkBooleanSchema (ttSchema t)
r <- evalStateT script (ProofGoal Universal "prove" (ttTerm t))
(r, pstate) <- runStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Universal "prove" (ttTerm t)))
case finishProof pstate of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> io $ putStrLn $ "prove: " ++ show (length (psGoals pstate)) ++ " unsolved subgoal(s)"
return (SV.flipSatResult r)

provePrintPrim :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult
-> TypedTerm SAWCtx -> TopLevel (Theorem SAWCtx)
provePrintPrim script t = do
r <- provePrim script t
(r, pstate) <- runStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Universal "prove" (ttTerm t)))
opts <- rwPPOpts <$> getTopLevelRW
case r of
SV.Valid -> io (putStrLn "Valid") >> return (Theorem (ttTerm t))
_ -> fail (SV.showsProofResult opts r "")
case finishProof pstate of
Just thm -> do io $ putStrLn "Valid"
return thm
Nothing -> fail $ "prove: " ++ show (length (psGoals pstate)) ++ " unsolved subgoal(s)\n"
++ SV.showsProofResult opts (SV.flipSatResult r) ""

satPrim :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult -> TypedTerm SAWCtx
-> TopLevel SV.SatResult
satPrim script t = do
io $ checkBooleanSchema (ttSchema t)
evalStateT script (ProofGoal Existential "sat" (ttTerm t))
evalStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Existential "sat" (ttTerm t)))

satPrintPrim :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult
-> TypedTerm SAWCtx -> TopLevel ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1085,8 +1112,10 @@ exitPrim code = Exit.exitWith exitCode
timePrim :: TopLevel SV.Value -> TopLevel SV.Value
timePrim a = do
t1 <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
--liftIO $ print t1
r <- a
t2 <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
--liftIO $ print t2
let diff = diffUTCTime t2 t1
liftIO $ printf "Time: %s\n" (show diff)
return r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1189,12 +1218,13 @@ parse_core input = do
prove_core :: ProofScript SAWCtx SV.SatResult -> String -> TopLevel (Theorem SAWCtx)
prove_core script input = do
t <- parseCore input
r' <- evalStateT script (ProofGoal Universal "prove" t)
(r', pstate) <- runStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Universal "prove" t))
let r = SV.flipSatResult r'
opts <- rwPPOpts <$> getTopLevelRW
case r of
SV.Valid -> return (Theorem t)
_ -> fail (SV.showsProofResult opts r "")
case finishProof pstate of
Just thm -> return thm
Nothing -> fail $ "prove_core: " ++ show (length (psGoals pstate)) ++ " unsolved subgoal(s)\n"
++ SV.showsProofResult opts r ""

core_axiom :: String -> TopLevel (Theorem SAWCtx)
core_axiom input = do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SAWScript/JavaBuiltins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ verifyJava bic opts cls mname overrides setup = do
let exts = getAllExts g
glam <- io $ bindExts jsc exts g
io $ doExtraChecks opts bsc glam
r <- evalStateT script (ProofGoal Universal (vsVCName vs) glam)
r <- evalStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Universal (vsVCName vs) glam))
case r of
SS.Unsat -> when (verb >= 3) $ io $ putStrLn "Valid."
SS.SatMulti vals -> io $ showCexResults jsc (rwPPOpts rw) ms vs exts vals
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SAWScript/LLVMBuiltins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ prover opts sc ms script vs g = do
verb = verbLevel opts
ppopts <- fmap rwPPOpts getTopLevelRW
tt <- io (bindExts sc exts g)
r <- evalStateT script (ProofGoal Universal (vsVCName vs) tt)
r <- evalStateT script (startProof (ProofGoal Universal (vsVCName vs) tt))
case r of
SV.Unsat -> when (verb >= 3) $ io $ putStrLn "Valid."
SV.SatMulti vals -> io $ showCexResults sc ppopts ms vs exts vals
Expand Down

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