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m-yac authored Apr 28, 2021
2 parents 2610857 + 7b8c134 commit 79f3931
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# SAWScript

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ compMModule = mkModuleName ["CompM"]

sawVectorDefinitionsModule :: TranslationConfiguration -> ModuleName
sawVectorDefinitionsModule (TranslationConfiguration {..}) =
mkModuleName [vectorModule]
mkModuleName [Text.pack vectorModule]

cryptolPrimitivesModule :: ModuleName
cryptolPrimitivesModule = mkModuleName ["CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore"]
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ translateIdentWithArgs i args =
UseRename targetModule targetName ->
Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar $ identToCoq $
mkIdent (fromMaybe (translateModuleName $ identModule i) targetModule)
targetName) <$>
(Text.pack targetName)) <$>
mapM translateTerm args
UseReplaceDropArgs n replacement
| length args >= n -> Coq.App replacement <$> mapM translateTerm (drop n args)
Expand All @@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ translateIdent i = translateIdentWithArgs i []
translateIdentToIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> m (Maybe Ident)
translateIdentToIdent i =
(atUseSite <$> findSpecialTreatment i) >>= \case
UsePreserve -> return $ Just (mkIdent translatedModuleName (identName i))
UsePreserve -> return $ Just (mkIdent translatedModuleName (identBaseName i))
UseRename targetModule targetName ->
return $ Just $ mkIdent (fromMaybe translatedModuleName targetModule) targetName
return $ Just $ mkIdent (fromMaybe translatedModuleName targetModule) (Text.pack targetName)
UseReplaceDropArgs _ _ -> return Nothing
translatedModuleName = translateModuleName (identModule i)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Grammar.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ mkTupleProj t _ =
return (badTerm (pos t))
-- | Parse a term as a dotted list of strings
parseModuleName :: Term -> Maybe [String]
parseModuleName (RecordProj t str) = (++ [Text.unpack str]) <$> parseModuleName t
parseModuleName :: Term -> Maybe [Text]
parseModuleName (RecordProj t fname) = (++ [fname]) <$> parseModuleName t
parseModuleName _ = Nothing
-- | Parse a qualified recursor @M1.M2...Mn.d#rec@
Expand All @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ parseTupleSelector t i =
-- module name given first.
mkPosModuleName :: [PosPair Text] -> PosPair ModuleName
mkPosModuleName [] = error "internal: Unexpected empty module name"
mkPosModuleName l = PosPair p (mkModuleName (fmap Text.unpack nms))
mkPosModuleName l = PosPair p (mkModuleName nms)
where nms = fmap val l
p = pos (last l)
20 changes: 7 additions & 13 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Name.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module Verifier.SAW.Name
, moduleNamePieces
-- * Identifiers
, Ident(identModule, identBaseName), identName, mkIdent
, mkIdentText
, parseIdent
, isIdent
, identText
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ module Verifier.SAW.Name
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Char
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,10 +89,10 @@ moduleNamePieces (ModuleName x) = Text.splitOn (Text.pack ".") x

-- | Create a module name given a list of strings with the top-most
-- module name given first.
mkModuleName :: [String] -> ModuleName
mkModuleName :: [Text] -> ModuleName
mkModuleName [] = error "internal: mkModuleName given empty module name"
mkModuleName nms = assert (all isCtor nms) $ ModuleName (Text.pack s)
where s = L.intercalate "." (reverse nms)
mkModuleName nms = assert (all (isCtor . Text.unpack) nms) $ ModuleName s
where s = Text.intercalate "." (reverse nms)

preludeName :: ModuleName
preludeName = mkModuleName ["Prelude"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,11 +129,8 @@ instance Read Ident where
let (str1, str2) = break (not . isIdChar) str in
[(parseIdent str1, str2)]

mkIdent :: ModuleName -> String -> Ident
mkIdent m s = Ident m (Text.pack s)

mkIdentText :: ModuleName -> Text -> Ident
mkIdentText m s = Ident m s
mkIdent :: ModuleName -> Text -> Ident
mkIdent m s = Ident m s

-- | Parse a fully qualified identifier.
parseIdent :: String -> Ident
Expand All @@ -146,9 +141,8 @@ parseIdent s0 =
_ -> internalError $ "parseIdent given bad identifier " ++ show s0
where breakEach s =
case break (=='.') s of
(h,[]) -> [h]
(h,'.':r) -> h : breakEach r
_ -> internalError "parseIdent.breakEach failed"
(h, []) -> [Text.pack h]
(h, _ : r) -> Text.pack h : breakEach r

instance IsString Ident where
fromString = parseIdent
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ParserUtils.hs
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Expand Up @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ declareTypedNameFun sc_fun mnm nm apply_p tp =
let th_nm = (if apply_p then "scApply" else "sc") ++ show mnm ++ "_" ++ Text.unpack nm in
declareTermApplyFun th_nm (length $ fst $ Un.asPiList tp) $ \sc ts ->
[| $(sc_fun) $(varE sc)
(mkIdent mnm $(stringE (Text.unpack nm)))
(mkIdent mnm (Text.pack $(stringE (Text.unpack nm))))
$(ts) |]

-- | Declare a Haskell function
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude/Constants.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (language extensions)

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants where

import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
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48 changes: 32 additions & 16 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SCTypeCheck.hs
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Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ instance LiftTCM b => LiftTCM (a -> b) where
-- | Errors that can occur during type-checking
data TCError
= NotSort Term
| NotFuncType Term
| NotFuncTypeInApp TypedTerm TypedTerm
| NotTupleType Term
| BadTupleIndex Int Term
| NotStringLit Term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,9 +185,14 @@ prettyTCError e = runReader (helper e) ([], Nothing) where

helper :: TCError -> PPErrM [String]
helper (NotSort ty) = ppWithPos [ return "Not a sort" , ishow ty ]
helper (NotFuncType ty) =
ppWithPos [ return "Function application with non-function type" ,
ishow ty ]
helper (NotFuncTypeInApp f arg) =
ppWithPos [ return "Function application with non-function type"
, return "For term:"
, ishow (typedVal f)
, return "With type:"
, ishow (typedType f)
, return "To argument:"
, ishow (typedVal arg) ]
helper (NotTupleType ty) =
ppWithPos [ return "Tuple field projection with non-tuple type" ,
ishow ty ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +395,8 @@ instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF Term) where
-- its (most general) type.
instance TypeInfer (TermF TypedTerm) where
typeInfer (FTermF ftf) = typeInfer ftf
typeInfer (App (TypedTerm _ x_tp) y) = applyPiTyped x_tp y
typeInfer (App x@(TypedTerm _ x_tp) y) =
applyPiTyped (NotFuncTypeInApp x y) x_tp y
typeInfer (Lambda x (TypedTerm a a_tp) (TypedTerm _ b)) =
void (ensureSort a_tp) >> liftTCM scTermF (Pi x a b)
typeInfer (Pi _ (TypedTerm _ a_tp) (TypedTerm _ b_tp)) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,14 +457,16 @@ instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF TypedTerm) where
dt <- case maybe_dt of
Just dt -> return dt
Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType d
let err =
BadParamsOrArgsLength True d
(map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
if length params == length (dtParams dt) &&
length args == length (dtIndices dt) then return () else
throwTCError $
BadParamsOrArgsLength True d (map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
throwTCError err
-- NOTE: we assume dtType is already well-typed and in WHNF
-- _ <- inferSort t
-- t' <- typeCheckWHNF t
foldM applyPiTyped (dtType dt) (params ++ args)
foldM (applyPiTyped err) (dtType dt) (params ++ args)

typeInfer (CtorApp c params args) =
-- Look up the Ctor structure, check the length of the params and args, and
Expand All @@ -467,14 +475,16 @@ instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF TypedTerm) where
ctor <- case maybe_ctor of
Just ctor -> return ctor
Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchCtor c
let err =
BadParamsOrArgsLength False c
(map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
if length params == ctorNumParams ctor &&
length args == ctorNumArgs ctor then return () else
throwTCError $
BadParamsOrArgsLength False c (map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
throwTCError err
-- NOTE: we assume ctorType is already well-typed and in WHNF
-- _ <- inferSort t
-- t' <- typeCheckWHNF t
foldM applyPiTyped (ctorType ctor) (params ++ args)
foldM (applyPiTyped err) (ctorType ctor) (params ++ args)

typeInfer (RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg) =
inferRecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,16 +519,17 @@ instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF TypedTerm) where

-- | Check that @fun_tp=Pi x a b@ and that @arg@ has type @a@, and return the
-- result of substituting @arg@ for @x@ in the result type @b@, i.e.,
-- @[arg/x]b@. This substitution could create redexes, so we call the evaluator.
applyPiTyped :: Term -> TypedTerm -> TCM Term
applyPiTyped fun_tp arg =
-- @[arg/x]b@. This substitution could create redexes, so we call the
-- evaluator. If @fun_tp@ is not a pi type, raise the supplied error.
applyPiTyped :: TCError -> Term -> TypedTerm -> TCM Term
applyPiTyped err fun_tp arg =
case asPi fun_tp of
Just (_, arg_tp, ret_tp) -> do
-- _ <- ensureSort aty -- NOTE: we assume tx is well-formed and WHNF
-- aty' <- scTypeCheckWHNF aty
checkSubtype arg arg_tp
liftTCM instantiateVar 0 (typedVal arg) ret_tp >>= typeCheckWHNF
_ -> throwTCError (NotFuncType fun_tp)
_ -> throwTCError err

-- | Ensure that a 'Term' is a sort, and return that sort
ensureSort :: Term -> TCM Sort
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,7 +588,12 @@ inferRecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg =
if length params == length (dtParams dt) &&
length ixs == length (dtIndices dt) then return () else
throwTCError $ mk_err "Incorrect number of params or indices"
_ <- foldM applyPiTyped (dtType dt) (params ++ ixs)
_ <-
-- applyPiTyped cannot fail, because we have already checked the number
-- of params and indices
foldM (applyPiTyped
(error "Internal type-checking error: unexpected non-pi type!"))
(dtType dt) (params ++ ixs)

-- Get the type of p_ret and make sure that it is of the form
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Typechecker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import Prettyprinter hiding (Doc)
import Verifier.SAW.Utils (internalError)

import Verifier.SAW.Module
import Verifier.SAW.Name (mkIdentText)
import Verifier.SAW.Position
import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ typeInferCompleteTerm (matchAppliedRecursor -> Just (maybe_mnm, str, args)) =
Just mnm -> return mnm
Nothing -> getModuleName
m <- liftTCM scFindModule mnm
let dt_ident = mkIdentText mnm str
let dt_ident = mkIdent mnm str
dt <- case findDataType m str of
Just d -> return d
Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType dt_ident
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ processDecls (Un.TypeDecl NoQualifier (PosPair p nm) tp :

-- Step 4: add the definition to the current module
mnm <- getModuleName
let ident = mkIdentText mnm nm
let ident = mkIdent mnm nm
t <- liftTCM scConstant' (ModuleIdentifier ident) def_tm def_tp
liftTCM scRegisterGlobal ident t
liftTCM scModifyModule mnm $ \m ->
Expand All @@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ processDecls (Un.TypeDecl q (PosPair p nm) tp : rest) =
do typed_tp <- typeInferComplete tp
void $ ensureSort $ typedType typed_tp
mnm <- getModuleName
let ident = mkIdentText mnm nm
let ident = mkIdent mnm nm
let nmi = ModuleIdentifier ident
i <- liftTCM scFreshGlobalVar
liftTCM scRegisterName i nmi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ processDecls (Un.DataDecl (PosPair p nm) param_ctx dt_tp c_decls : rest) =

-- Step 4: Add d as an empty datatype, so we can typecheck the constructors
mnm <- getModuleName
let dtName = mkIdentText mnm nm
let dtName = mkIdent mnm nm
let dt = DataType { dtCtors = [], .. }
liftTCM scModifyModule mnm (\m -> beginDataType m dt)

Expand All @@ -432,8 +431,8 @@ processDecls (Un.DataDecl (PosPair p nm) param_ctx dt_tp c_decls : rest) =
let tp = typedVal typed_tp in
case mkCtorArgStruct dtName p_ctx ix_ctx tp of
Just arg_struct ->
liftTCM scBuildCtor dtName (mkIdentText mnm c)
(map (mkIdentText mnm . fst) typed_ctors)
liftTCM scBuildCtor dtName (mkIdent mnm c)
(map (mkIdent mnm . fst) typed_ctors)
Nothing -> err ("Malformed type form constructor: " ++ show c)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions saw-remote-api/src/SAWServer/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ instance FromJSON JSONModuleName where
literal =
withText "module name as string" $
pure . JSONModuleName . mkModuleName . map T.unpack . T.splitOn "."
pure . JSONModuleName . mkModuleName . T.splitOn "."
structured =
withArray "module name as list of parts" $ \v ->
do parts <- traverse parseJSON (V.toList v)
pure $ JSONModuleName $ mkModuleName $ map T.unpack parts
pure $ JSONModuleName $ mkModuleName parts

instance ToJSON JSONModuleName where
toJSON (JSONModuleName n) = toJSON (show n)
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions src/SAWScript/Builtins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Typeable

import qualified Data.Text as Text
import System.Directory
import qualified System.Environment
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -884,23 +885,21 @@ cryptolSimpset =
do sc <- getSharedContext
io $ Cryptol.mkCryptolSimpset sc

addPreludeEqs :: [String] -> Simpset
-> TopLevel Simpset
addPreludeEqs :: [Text] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
addPreludeEqs names ss = do
sc <- getSharedContext
eqRules <- io $ mapM (scEqRewriteRule sc) (map qualify names)
return (addRules eqRules ss)
where qualify = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"])

addCryptolEqs :: [String] -> Simpset
-> TopLevel Simpset
addCryptolEqs :: [Text] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
addCryptolEqs names ss = do
sc <- getSharedContext
eqRules <- io $ mapM (scEqRewriteRule sc) (map qualify names)
return (addRules eqRules ss)
where qualify = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Cryptol"])

add_core_defs :: String -> [String] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_core_defs :: Text -> [Text] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_core_defs modname names ss =
do sc <- getSharedContext
defs <- io $ mapM (getDef sc) names -- FIXME: warn if not found
Expand All @@ -912,12 +911,12 @@ add_core_defs modname names ss =
scFindDef sc (qualify n) >>= \maybe_def ->
case maybe_def of
Just d -> return d
Nothing -> fail $ modname ++ " definition " ++ n ++ " not found"
Nothing -> fail $ Text.unpack $ modname <> " definition " <> n <> " not found"

add_prelude_defs :: [String] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_prelude_defs :: [Text] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_prelude_defs = add_core_defs "Prelude"

add_cryptol_defs :: [String] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_cryptol_defs :: [Text] -> Simpset -> TopLevel Simpset
add_cryptol_defs = add_core_defs "Cryptol"

rewritePrim :: Simpset -> TypedTerm -> TopLevel TypedTerm
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