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Add a rough cut at visualizing a proof dependency graph.
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We parse a verification summary JSON file and produce
a Graphviz file intended to be fed into `dot` to produce
a visulaization. For large proofs, especially, the layout
is problematic; however, even so, it seems like a helpful
way to scroll through a proof and get a sense of what is
proved and what depends on what.
  • Loading branch information
robdockins committed Jun 2, 2021
1 parent d43bbf6 commit eab4247
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Showing 3 changed files with 290 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal.project
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ packages:
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235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions verif-viewer/tools/VerifViewer.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import System.IO
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Time.Clock

import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AT
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Printing as GV

main :: IO ()
main =
do [f,o] <- getArgs
bs <- BS.readFile f
case AT.parseOnly json' bs of
Left msg -> putStrLn msg >> exitFailure
Right v ->
case AE.parse parseNodes v of
AE.Error msg -> putStrLn msg >> exitFailure
AE.Success ns -> handleNodes o ns

handleNodes :: FilePath -> [SummaryNode] -> IO ()
handleNodes o ns = TL.writeFile o (GV.renderDot (GV.toDot dot))
dot = GV.graphElemsToDot params nodes edges

params :: GV.GraphvizParams Integer SummaryNode () Integer SummaryNode
params = GV.defaultParams
{ GV.fmtNode = fmt
, GV.clusterBy = cls
, GV.clusterID = clsID
, GV.globalAttributes =
[ GV.GraphAttrs [ GV.RankDir GV.FromLeft , GV.RankSep [2.0] ]

revMethodDep :: Map Integer Integer
revMethodDep = Map.fromList $
do MethodSummary i s <- ns
t <- methodDeps s
pure (t, i)

clsID :: Integer -> GV.GraphID
clsID = GV.Num . GV.Int . fromInteger

cls :: (Integer, SummaryNode) -> GV.NodeCluster Integer (Integer, SummaryNode)
cls (i, s@TheoremSummary{})
| Just mth <- Map.lookup i revMethodDep = GV.C mth (GV.N (i,s))
| otherwise = GV.N (i,s)
cls (i, s@MethodSummary{}) = GV.C i (GV.N (i,s))

nodes :: [(Integer,SummaryNode)]
nodes = map (\n -> (summaryNodeId n, n)) ns

edges :: [(Integer,Integer,())]
edges = do n <- ns
n' <- summaryNodeDeps n
pure (summaryNodeId n,n',())

fmt :: (Integer, SummaryNode) -> GV.Attributes
fmt (_, TheoremSummary _ s) = fmtThm s
fmt (_, MethodSummary _ s) = fmtMethod s

fmtThm :: TheoremNode -> GV.Attributes
fmtThm thm = [ GV.shape GV.Trapezium
, GV.Tooltip (TL.fromStrict tt)
, GV.textLabel (TL.fromStrict lab)
, GV.filled
, fillcol
fillcol =
case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Green
TheoremTested{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Yellow
TheoremAdmitted{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Red

lab = T.unlines (status ++ [T.pack (show (thmElapsedTime thm))])

status = case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified sls -> [T.unwords ("verified:" : sls)]
TheoremTested nm -> [T.unwords ["tested:", T.pack (show nm)]]
TheoremAdmitted msg -> ["Admitted!", msg]

tt = T.unlines
([ thmReason thm
, thmLoc thm
] ++
case thmPLoc thm of
Nothing -> []
Just (fn,l) -> [ fn <> " " <> l ])

fmtMethod :: MethodNode -> GV.Attributes
fmtMethod mn = [ GV.textLabel (TL.fromStrict lab)
, GV.Tooltip (TL.fromStrict tt)
, GV.filled
, fillcol
fillcol =
case methodStatus mn of
MethodVerified -> GV.fillColor GV.Green
MethodAssumed -> GV.fillColor GV.Red

lab = T.unlines
[ methodName mn
, T.pack (show (methodElapsedtime mn))
tt = T.unlines
[ methodLoc mn

parseNodes :: Value -> Parser [SummaryNode]
parseNodes = withArray "summary nodes" (mapM parseNode . toList)

parseNode :: Value -> Parser SummaryNode
parseNode = withObject "summary node" $ \o ->
do i <- o .: "id"
tp <- o .: "type"
case tp :: Text of
"method" -> MethodSummary i <$> parseMethodNode o
"property" -> TheoremSummary i <$> parseTheoremNode o
_ -> fail ("unexpected 'type' value " ++ show tp)

parseMethodNode :: Object -> Parser MethodNode
parseMethodNode o =
MethodNode <$>
o .: "method" <*>
o .: "loc" <*>
parseMethodStatus o <*>
parseDeps o <*>
o .: "elapsedtime"

parseMethodStatus :: Object -> Parser MethodStatus
parseMethodStatus o =
do st <- o .: "status"
case st :: Text of
"assumed" -> pure MethodAssumed
"verified" -> pure MethodVerified
_ -> fail ("Unexpected moethod status " ++ show st)

parseDeps :: Object -> Parser [Integer]
parseDeps o = (o .: "dependencies") >>= parseJSONList

parseTheoremNode :: Object -> Parser TheoremNode
parseTheoremNode o =
TheoremNode <$>
o .: "loc" <*>
o .: "reason" <*>
o .: "elapsedtime" <*>
parseTheoremStatus o <*>
(o .:? "ploc" >>= traverse parsePLoc) <*>
parseDeps o

parsePLoc :: Value -> Parser (Text, Text)
parsePLoc = withObject "ploc" $ \o ->
do fn <- o .: "function"
l <- o .: "loc"
pure (fn,l)

parseTheoremStatus :: Object -> Parser TheoremStatus
parseTheoremStatus o =
do st <- o .: "status"
case st :: Text of
"verified" -> TheoremVerified <$> (o .: "provers" >>= parseJSONList)
"tested" -> TheoremTested <$> (o .: "numtests")
"assumed" -> TheoremAdmitted <$> (o .: "admitmsg")
_ -> fail ("Unexpected theorem status " ++ show st)

data SummaryNode
= TheoremSummary Integer TheoremNode
| MethodSummary Integer MethodNode
deriving (Show)

summaryNodeId :: SummaryNode -> Integer
summaryNodeId (TheoremSummary i _) = i
summaryNodeId (MethodSummary i _) = i

summaryNodeDeps :: SummaryNode -> [Integer]
summaryNodeDeps (TheoremSummary _ s) = thmDeps s
summaryNodeDeps (MethodSummary _ s) = methodDeps s

data TheoremNode =
{ thmLoc :: Text
, thmReason :: Text
, thmElapsedTime :: NominalDiffTime
, thmStatus :: TheoremStatus
, thmPLoc :: Maybe (Text, Text)
, thmDeps :: [Integer]
deriving (Show)

data TheoremStatus
= TheoremVerified [Text]
| TheoremTested Integer
| TheoremAdmitted Text
deriving (Show)

data MethodNode =
{ methodName :: Text
, methodLoc :: Text
, methodStatus :: MethodStatus
, methodDeps :: [Integer]
, methodElapsedtime :: NominalDiffTime
deriving (Show)

data MethodStatus
= MethodAssumed
| MethodVerified
deriving (Show)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions verif-viewer/verif-viewer.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Name: verif-viewer
Version: 0.1
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Author: Galois, Inc.
Copyright: (c) 2021 Galois Inc.
Category: Formal Methods
Build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.8
Synopsis: Verification Summary Viewer
Translate JSON verification summaries into GraphViz format
to produce a graph-based view of a verification effort.

alex >= 3.1.3,
happy >= 1.9.6

base == 4.*,
hs-source-dirs: src

GHC-options: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat
if impl(ghc == 8.0.1)
ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
GHC-prof-options: -fprof-auto -fprof-cafs

executable verif-viewer
main-is: VerifViewer.hs
hs-source-dirs: tools
base >= 4
, aeson
, attoparsec
, containers
, text
, verif-viewer
, bytestring
, time
, graphviz

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