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Use HTML-like tables instead of graph clusters for
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displaying verification conditions of method specs.
This reduces clutter in the graph and produces more
readable output.
  • Loading branch information
robdockins committed Jun 2, 2021
1 parent b147d4e commit ffe9105
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 54 deletions.
168 changes: 114 additions & 54 deletions verif-viewer/tools/VerifViewer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AE
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
Expand All @@ -25,111 +27,169 @@ import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Printing as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML as HTML

main :: IO ()
main =
do [f,o] <- getArgs
bs <- BS.readFile f
case AT.parseOnly json' bs of
Left msg -> putStrLn msg >> exitFailure
Right v ->
Right v ->
case AE.parse parseNodes v of
AE.Error msg -> putStrLn msg >> exitFailure
AE.Success ns -> handleNodes o ns

handleNodes :: FilePath -> [SummaryNode] -> IO ()
handleNodes o ns = TL.writeFile o (GV.renderDot (GV.toDot dot))
dot = GV.graphElemsToDot params nodes edges
dot = GV.graphElemsToDot params nodes uniqEdges

params :: GV.GraphvizParams Integer SummaryNode () Integer SummaryNode
params = GV.defaultParams
{ GV.fmtNode = fmt
, GV.clusterBy = cls
, GV.clusterID = clsID
, GV.globalAttributes =
[ GV.GraphAttrs [ GV.RankDir GV.FromLeft , GV.RankSep [2.0] ]
[ GV.GraphAttrs [ GV.RankDir GV.FromLeft , GV.RankSep [2.0], GV.Splines GV.Ortho ] ]

nodeMap :: Map Integer SummaryNode
nodeMap = Map.fromList [ (summaryNodeId n, n) | n <- ns ]

revMethodDep :: Map Integer Integer
revMethodDep = Map.fromList $
do MethodSummary i s <- ns
t <- methodDeps s
Just (TheoremSummary _ _) <- pure (Map.lookup t nodeMap)
pure (t, i)

clsID :: Integer -> GV.GraphID
clsID = GV.Num . GV.Int . fromInteger
nodes :: [(Integer,SummaryNode)]
nodes = do n <- ns
if isVCGoal (summaryNodeId n) then [] else pure (summaryNodeId n, n)

cls :: (Integer, SummaryNode) -> GV.NodeCluster Integer (Integer, SummaryNode)
cls (i, s@TheoremSummary{})
| Just mth <- Map.lookup i revMethodDep = GV.C mth (GV.N (i,s))
| otherwise = GV.N (i,s)
cls (i, s@MethodSummary{}) = GV.C i (GV.N (i,s))
isVCGoal :: Integer -> Bool
isVCGoal i = isJust (Map.lookup i revMethodDep)

nodes :: [(Integer,SummaryNode)]
nodes = map (\n -> (summaryNodeId n, n)) ns
uniqEdges :: [(Integer,Integer,())]
uniqEdges = Set.toList (Set.fromList edges)

edges :: [(Integer,Integer,())]
edges = do n <- ns
n' <- summaryNodeDeps n
pure (summaryNodeId n,n',())
let i = case n of
TheoremSummary i thm
| Just parent <- Map.lookup i revMethodDep -> parent
_ -> summaryNodeId n
n' <- filter (not . isVCGoal) (summaryNodeDeps n)
pure (i,n',())

fmt :: (Integer, SummaryNode) -> GV.Attributes
fmt (_, TheoremSummary _ s) = fmtThm s
fmt (_, MethodSummary _ s) = fmtMethod s

fmt (_, MethodSummary _ s) = fmtMethod nodeMap s

fmtThm :: TheoremNode -> GV.Attributes
fmtThm thm = [ GV.shape GV.Trapezium
, GV.Tooltip (TL.fromStrict tt)
, GV.Tooltip (TL.fromStrict (thmTooltip thm))
, GV.textLabel (TL.fromStrict lab)
, GV.filled
, fillcol
, GV.FillColor [GV.toWC (thmColor thm)]
fillcol =
case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Green
TheoremTested{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Yellow
TheoremAdmitted{} -> GV.fillColor GV.Red

lab = T.unlines (status ++ [T.pack (show (thmElapsedTime thm))])
lab = thmStatusText thm <> "\n" <> T.pack (show (thmElapsedTime thm))

status = case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified sls -> [T.unwords ("verified:" : sls)]
TheoremTested nm -> [T.unwords ["tested:", T.pack (show nm)]]
TheoremAdmitted msg -> ["Admitted!", msg]

tt = T.unlines
fmtMethod :: Map Integer SummaryNode -> MethodNode -> GV.Attributes
fmtMethod nodeMap mn = [ GV.Label (GV.HtmlLabel top), GV.Shape GV.PlainText ]
top =
if null subs then
HTML.Table (HTML.HTable Nothing [HTML.CellBorder 0] [ HTML.Cells [main] ])
HTML.Table (HTML.HTable Nothing [HTML.CellBorder 0] [ HTML.Cells [main], HTML.Cells [subsTab]])

main = HTML.LabelCell
[ HTML.Title (TL.fromStrict maintt)
, HTML.HRef "#"
, HTML.BGColor fillcol
(HTML.Text [ HTML.Str (TL.fromStrict maintext) ])

subsTab :: HTML.Cell
subsTab = HTML.LabelCell [] (HTML.Table (HTML.HTable Nothing [HTML.Border 0, HTML.CellBorder 1] [HTML.Cells subs]))

vcs = do d <- methodDeps mn
Just (TheoremSummary i thm) <- pure (Map.lookup d nodeMap)
pure (i,thm)

subs :: [HTML.Cell]
subs = map (uncurry mkSub) vcs

mkSub :: Integer -> TheoremNode -> HTML.Cell
mkSub i thm = HTML.LabelCell attrs (HTML.Text [ HTML.Str (TL.fromStrict (T.pack (show (thmElapsedTime thm)))) ])
attrs =
[ HTML.BGColor (thmColor thm)
, HTML.Title (TL.fromStrict (thmStatusText thm <> "\n" <> thmTooltip thm))
, HTML.HRef "#"

fillcol = statusColor $
foldr (<>) (methodToStatus mn) (map (thmToStatus . snd) vcs)

maintext =
T.intercalate "\n"
[ methodName mn
, T.pack (show (methodElapsedtime mn))
maintt = methodLoc mn

data Status = Proved | Tested | Assumed

statusColor :: Status -> GV.Color
statusColor Proved = GV.X11Color GV.Green
statusColor Tested = GV.X11Color GV.Yellow
statusColor Assumed = GV.X11Color GV.Red

instance Semigroup Status where
Assumed <> _ = Assumed
_ <> Assumed = Assumed
Tested <> Proved = Tested
Proved <> Tested = Tested
Tested <> Tested = Tested
Proved <> Proved = Proved

thmToStatus :: TheoremNode -> Status
thmToStatus thm = case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified{} -> Proved
TheoremTested{} -> Tested
TheoremAdmitted{} -> Assumed

methodToStatus :: MethodNode -> Status
methodToStatus mn = case methodStatus mn of
MethodAssumed -> Assumed
MethodVerified -> Proved

thmColor :: TheoremNode -> GV.Color
thmColor = statusColor . thmToStatus

thmStatusText :: TheoremNode -> Text
thmStatusText thm = T.intercalate "\n" $
case thmStatus thm of
TheoremVerified sls -> [T.unwords ("verified:" : sls)]
TheoremTested nm -> [T.unwords ["tested:", T.pack (show nm)]]
TheoremAdmitted msg -> ["Admitted!", msg]

thmTooltip :: TheoremNode -> Text
thmTooltip thm = T.intercalate "\n" $
([ thmReason thm
, thmLoc thm
] ++
case thmPLoc thm of
Nothing -> []
Just (fn,l) -> [ fn <> " " <> l ])

fmtMethod :: MethodNode -> GV.Attributes
fmtMethod mn = [ GV.textLabel (TL.fromStrict lab)
, GV.Tooltip (TL.fromStrict tt)
, GV.filled
, fillcol
fillcol =
case methodStatus mn of
MethodVerified -> GV.fillColor GV.Green
MethodAssumed -> GV.fillColor GV.Red

lab = T.unlines
[ methodName mn
, T.pack (show (methodElapsedtime mn))
tt = T.unlines
[ methodLoc mn

parseNodes :: Value -> Parser [SummaryNode]
parseNodes = withArray "summary nodes" (mapM parseNode . toList)
Expand All @@ -151,7 +211,7 @@ parseMethodNode o =
parseMethodStatus o <*>
parseDeps o <*>
o .: "elapsedtime"

parseMethodStatus :: Object -> Parser MethodStatus
parseMethodStatus o =
do st <- o .: "status"
Expand Down

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