The municipality tax service is implemented as a rest API. The API allows you to create, update and query municipality taxes.
The service requires .Net Core 3.0 and a LocalDB instance. It can be run from Visual Studio.
By default the service will start on http://localhost:2796/
to modify this change the applicationUrl in the launchsettings.json
The creation of a single municipality tax record is supported in the AddTax
endpoint (http://localhost:2796/AddTax with default setup).
The endpoint expects a POST request with the tax record in the body of the request and content type JSON.
Example body:
"Municipality": "copenhagen",
"Period": "Week",
"StartDate": "2017-01-02",
"Tax": 0.5
The creation of multiple tax records is supported in the AddTaxFromFile
endpoint (http://localhost:2796/AddTaxFromFile with default setup).
The endpoint expects a CSV file with format municipality,period,start date,tax posted as form-data.
For an example file see MunicipalityTaxesEample.csv
in the root of the repository.
Updates of records is support in the UpdateTax
endpoint (http://localhost:2796/UpdateTax with default setup).
The endpoint expects a PUT request with the updated tax record in the request body and content type JSON. The tax record of the request must match the municipality, period, and startDate of the record which should be updated.
Example body:
"Municipality": "copenhagen",
"Period": "Week",
"StartDate": "2017-01-02",
"Tax": 0.3
The retrieval of the tax percentage for a given municipality on a given date is supported in the GetTax
endpoint (http://localhost:2796/GetTax with default setup).
The endpoint expects a GET request with municipality and date as querystring parameters.
Example request:
The project includes the Postman collection MunicipalityTax.postman_collection.json
with examples of requests to each endpoint.