Personal LeetCode C++ answer repository.
My LeetCode profile:
If you'd like to discuss, please join QQ group: Libra
Priorities rank from high to low.
number-this_is_title-difficulty (e-easy, m-medium, h-hard)
"NEED O" and "TODO" mean that "need further work/optimization".
Priority queue - 252, 253, 218
- subsets: 78
- permutation
- combination sum: 39, 40, 216
- palindrome partitioning
- regex
- sudoku solver: 37
- merge sort
- quick sort
- insertion sort
- selection sort
- counting sort
Bit manipulation
- find the only element which exists once/twice...
- counting 1s
- digital design, counter of 3 - 137
Math related
Dynamic programming - 115, 123, 312, 518
Finite Automata -- good to know -- regular expression implementation - 309
- DFA - Deterministic Finite Automaton
- NFA - Nondeterministic Finite Automaton
KMP (Knuth–Morris–Pratt) algorithm - taolu, 214
Manacher’s algorithm - 647, 214
String parsing - 636
Substring at least k repeating chars - 395
Regular expression usage - 468
Parse string to vector of int/string - taolu
DFS and BFS - taolu
Morris in-order traversal, O(n) time and O(1) space - 99
Trie - 208
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree - 297
Print out a tree - taolu
Binary search tree - self-balanced BST -- AVL tree and red-black tree -- not likely to test
399, 785, 886