=DirecTL+ : String transduction model=
DirecTL+ is an online discriminative training model for string transduction problems. More specifically, it has been applied to name transliteration and grapheme-to-phoneme conversion tasks. Please see the list of known publications that utilized the DirecTL+. In short, the model is trained with the Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) or known as the PA-I algorithm with the phrasal decoders (exact and Beam ones) in an online training framework.
DirecTL+ was implemented by Sittichai Jiampojamarn during the PhD's years at [http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/ Department of Computing Science], [http://www.ualberta.ca University of Alberta]. The first version of this model, so called DirecTL, includes: context n-gram, 1st order Markov, and linear-chain features. It was first introduced at ACL-08:
{{{ @InProceedings{jiampojamarn2008, author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai and Cherry, Colin and Kondrak, Grzegorz}, title = {Joint Processing and Discriminative Training for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT}, month = {June}, year = {2008}, address = {Columbus, Ohio}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {905--913}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P08/P08-1103} } }}}
Later, joint n-gram features were added for further improvements. So, we named it as DirecTL+ and described in
{{{ @InProceedings{jiampojamarn2010, author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai and Cherry, Colin and Kondrak, Grzegorz}, title = {Integrating Joint n-gram Features into a Discriminative Training Framework}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NAACL-2010}, month = {June}, year = {2010}, address = {Los Angeles, CA}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics} } }}}
You are welcome to use the code without any warranty; however, please acknowledge its use with a citation to the ACL-08 paper and let me know.
==VERSIONS:== {{{ 1.0: The first released version of DirecTL+ to public. All previous versions were for in-house users available upon requests in the past. }}}
Development of DirecTL+ was continued by Garrett Nicolai during his PhD program at the University of Alberta.
The newest version of DirecTL+ contains a copy feature, which generalizes the identity operation a->a, and is useful for morphological operations. Furthemore, the user can specify whether deletions should occupy positions in target-side features such as markov and linear-chain features.
Furthermore, DirecTL+ is now able to make use of both a wordlist (with frequencies) and an arpa-style character language model for the target side.
DirecTL+ has been tested on Linux systems with gcc version 4.1.2. There are two required packages:
STLport can be downloaded from http://www.stlport.org/
SVMlight can be downloaded from http://svmlight.joachims.org/
Note, it requires a part of the SVMlight library. Please see the makefile for more detail.
You need to edit makefile for STLport and SVMlight locations in order to compile the codes.
To install, simply run "make"
Depending on the version of your c++ compiler, you may need to replace the hash_map type with the unordered_map
==USAGE:== {{{ ./directlpCopy [--extFeaTest ] [--extFeaDev ] [--extFeaTrain ] [--jointFMgram ] [--beam] [--beamSize ] [--jointMgram ] [--copy] [--lm ] [--wc ] [--noContextFea] [--SVMc ] [--alignLoss <minL|maxL|avgL|ascL|rakL |minS|maxS|mulA>] [--keepModel] [--outChar ] [--inChar ] [--nBestTest ] [--tam ] [--tal ] [--linearChain] [--order ] [--ng ] [--cs ] [--nBest ] [--mi ] [--mo ] [-a ] [-t ] [-d ] [-f ] [--] [--version] [-h]
--extFeaTest Extra feature for testing file (default null)
--extFeaDev Extra feature for dev file (default null)
--extFeaTrain Extra feature for training file (default null)
--jointFMgram Use joint forward M-gram features (default FM=0)
--beam Use Beam search instead of Viterbi search (default false)
--beamSize Beam size (default 20)
--jointMgram Use joint M-gram features (default M=0)
--noContextFea Do not use context n-gram features (default false)
--SVMc SVM c parameter (default 9999999)
--alignLoss <minL|maxL|avgL|ascL|rakL|minS|maxS|mulA> Multiple-alignments loss computation criteria [minL, maxL, avgL, ascL, rakL, minS, maxS] (default minL)
--keepModel Keep all trained model (default false)
--outChar Token delimeter output (default null)
--inChar Token delimeter string (default null)
--nBestTest Output n-best answers (default 1)
--tam Train at most n iteration (default 99)
--tal Train at least n iteration (default 1)
--linearChain Linear chain features (default false)
--order Markov order (default 0)
--ng n-gram size (default 11)
--cs Context size (default 5)
--igNull Ignore null in markov features (default false) --copy Copy feature (default false) --wc Filename of word list; should contain word and count, separated by tab --lm Filename of language model; file should be in arpa format
--nBest n-best size for training (default 10)
--mi Model filename for testing
--mo Model output filename
--mo Model output filename
-a , --answer Answer output filename -- answer file
-t , --testingFile Testing filename -- testing file
-d , --devFile Development filename -- dev set
-f , --trainingFile Training filename -- alignment file
--, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
--version Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help Displays usage information and exits. }}}
==File formats:==
For training file (-f), it takes aligned examples each sub-alignment separated by a pipe (|), (:) separates each token in the sub-alignment, a tab separates between source x and target y, one line per (x,y) pair. You can use m2m-aligner to generate this alignment file, please see:
or an example file: trainEx.aligned
The development file (-d) is in the same format as the training file. It is used to determined when the training should stop. If it isn't specified, the model will train until the performance drops.
Testing file (-t) is one line per test word, each token is separated by a pipe (|). Please example file: testEx.words
==Example run:==
Training: Example run:
Training: ./directlp -f trainEx.aligned --inChar : --cs 3 --ng 7 --nBest 5 --tam 5
From this run, we train using "trainEx.aligned".
"--inChar :" indicates that each token in the sub-alignment is separated by ":".
"--cs 3" indicates the context size of 3.
"--ng 7" indicates the n-gram features of 7 (=cs *
2 + 1).
"--nBest 5" indicates that we're using 5-best to update the model.
"--tam 5" indicates that we train at most 5 iterations.
Output files from the above run: trainEx.aligned.5nBest.5 : model file trainEx.aligned.5nBest.5.limit : helper file to indicate the limited generations trainEx.aligned.5nBest.5.maxX : helper file to indicate the maximum of phrase size.
Note: the helper files must be in the same folder as the model file in order for DirecTL+ to function properly.
Testing: ./directlp --mi trainEx.aligned.5nBest.5 -t testEx.words --cs 3 --ng 7 --outChar ' ' -a testEx.words.output From this run, we test the model with "testEx.words" file. "--mi trainEx.aligned.5nBest.5" read the model from the model file. "-t testEx.words" read test words from the test file. "--cs 3 --ng 7" using the same features as training. "--outChar ' '" using a space to separate each output token. "-a testEx.words.output" specify the output file.
Output files from the above run: testEx.words.output.phraseOut : output file in detail with aligned productions, rank, and score. testEx.words.output : output file in simple version.
==Acknowledgments:== This work was supported by the Alberta Ingenuity and Informatics Circle of Research Excellence (iCORE) throughout the Alberta Ingenuity Graduate Student Scholarship and iCORE ICT Graduate Student Scholarship, the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and Alberta Innovates -- Technology Futures (AITF).
==The list of known publications that utilized the DirecTL+:== (Please contact me to include your usage in this list)
Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Kenneth Dwyer, Shane Bergsma, Aditya Bhargava, Qing Dou, Mi-Young Kim, Grzegorz Kondrak "Transliteration generation and mining with limited training resources" In Proceeding of the Named Entities Workshop (NEWS) 2010, Sweden, July 2010.
Sittichai Jiampojamarn and Grzegorz Kondrak "Letter-Phoneme Alignment: An Exploration" In Proceeding of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010), Sweden, July 2010
Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Colin Cherry and Grzegorz Kondrak "Integrating Joint n-gram Features into a Discriminative Training Framework" In Proceeding of the 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2010), June 2010
Sittichai Jiampojamarn and Grzegorz Kondrak "Online Discriminative Training for Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion" In Proceeding of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Brighton, U.K., September 2009, pp.1303-1306.
Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Aditya Bhargava, Qing Dou, Kenneth Dwyer and Grzegorz Kondrak "DIRECTL: a Language-Independent Approach to Transliteration". In Proceedings of the 2009 Named Entities Workshop: Shared Task on Transliteration (NEWS 2009), Singapore, August 2009, pp.28-31.
Qing Dou, Shane Bergsma, Sittichai Jiampojamarn and Grzegorz Kondrak "A Ranking Approach to Stress Prediction for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion". Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP, Singapore, August 2009, pp.118-126.
Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Colin Cherry and Grzegorz Kondrak. "Joint Processing and Discriminative Training for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion". In Proceeding of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (ACL-08: HLT), Columbus, OH, June 2008, pp.905-913.