DevIT test task.
Yet another CRUD app.
Monorepo with client and server. User auth is done with JWT tokens. Rss feed is being fetched on the backend with the help of cron task at every 15th minute. Items are shown on the '/feed' route. After login user gains access to protected route '/admin' where he can create, edit and delete items.
Frontend starts on http://localhost:3000, Swagger docs are available at http://localhost:5000/docs.
I'm using mongoDB Atlas to simplify setup for this task. Add DB_URL to .env file. env.example is in the packages/server.
npm install
npm run start:dev
docker build -t devit-monorepo .
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 5000:5000 devit-monorepo:latest
password: 123456789012