Creating a simple dashboard and integrating those api based on those requirements.
- Creating Login page where each user can login his email and password
- Create a section department (CRUD Operation) create and edit and delete with the view department based on user role and permissions.
- you need our collection api to above requirements:
collection api : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/26825367/2s946e9stn
baseURL: https://tmaua.tornest.net:1337/ - we have these users which each of one have a different permission and roles, you need allow only that actions can do which he has, and prevent that actions which he don't has permission
User List : Manager Email : manager@tornet.co Editor Email : editor@tornet.co Viewer : viewer@tornet.co password for all emails : password
convert Figma design to webApp please create a landing page based on this figma. https://www.figma.com/file/3UMtSt6Zdnm1UdaFYMMOk1/Shopping-Website-(Community)?type=design&node-id=2%3A221&mode=design&t=mvDECHgQcNYQ9MgL-1
- Using Vue js for creating dashboard and landing page.
- using (state management (Vuex or Pinia)) if needed.
- best practice coding and reusing code
# npm
npm install
# npm
npm run dev
# npm
npm run build
# npm
npm run lint
We would like for all developers working on this project to use the same Node engine and package manager we are using. To do that we create two new files:
- Will tell other users of the project which version of Node is used.npmrc
- Will tell other users of the project which package manager is used
We are using Node v19.8.1 Hydrogen
and npm
for this project so we set those values like so:
You can check your version of Node with node --version
and make sure you are setting the correct one. A list of Node
version codenames can be found here
Note that the use of engine-strict
didn't specifically say anything about npm
, we do that in package.json
"name": "TorShopping",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"engines": {
"node": ">=19.8.1",
"yarn": "kindly-use-npm",
"npm": ">=9.5.1"