The Gelidus Research PS1 mains powered human presence sensor integrates the new HLK-LD2420 24GHz mmWave radar module. I addition to hosting the LD2420 the board will support the LD2410C by soldering JP1 at the 5v supply position.
Hi-Link has changed several items in the process of this development. Depending on the firmware you have the baudrate will be 256000 for any module with less than firmware v1.5.3 Also the tx_pin was moved from ot2 to ot1 with firmware v1.5.3 Firmware v1.5.4 now features the ability to observe gate energy signal levels and with this release we can dynamically calibrate gate still and move thresholds. We have now refactored the previous external component with this capability. We have added dynamic configuration functionallity with a compact UI format. Select, number and button components provide configuration value inputs and control.
Select will set the operational mode of the ld2420 component. Four modes are availble.
Normal Mode:
This is the default mode. It sets the ld2420 in energy reporting mode and is availble with firmware v1.5.4 or greater.
When in this mode the module logs all gate energy levels continuouly in a local array making it available
for reporting and calibration functions.
Calibration Mode:
When selected the module will collect the average and peak energy levels, reporting them at a preset interval of 5sec.
The report is provided in the log console and for information only. In order to calibrate the gate configurations no
objects should be present in the target environment. The recording will establish the mmWave noise floor levels and
undesirable reflections or signal distortions peaks. This should be collected for at least 30 seconds. Longer runs can
catch more potential false signals when devices near the module are used such as Microwave ovens and other signal
emiting sources.
When the "Apply Config" button is triggered in calibration mode the ld2420 will be configured with calculated values
based on its collected noise floor data and the module will be returned to Normal Mode. Selecting any other mode drops
the sessions collected noise data and no changes will occur. Once the "Apply Config" action is performed it will persist
and cannot be reverted. The gate values would need to be manually adjusted o calibrated again or you can do trigger a
factory reset.
Simple Mode:
Provides backward compatibility with firmware v1.5.3 and older and will be automatically set whne the firmware is less
than v1.5.4.
Example of calibration reporting information:
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 0 Avg: 8656 Peak: 18020
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 1 Avg: 2304 Peak: 13968
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 2 Avg: 39 Peak: 3620
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 3 Avg: 18 Peak: 53
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 4 Avg: 16 Peak: 74
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 5 Avg: 15 Peak: 45
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 6 Avg: 17 Peak: 45
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 7 Avg: 75 Peak: 244
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 8 Avg: 65 Peak: 233
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 9 Avg: 13 Peak: 53
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 10 Avg: 12 Peak: 29
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 11 Avg: 12 Peak: 34
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 12 Avg: 13 Peak: 58
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 13 Avg: 13 Peak: 29
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 14 Avg: 24 Peak: 73
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:258]: Gate: 15 Avg: 36 Peak: 90
[14:31:35][I][ld2420:260]: Total samples: 251
name: presence-1
friendly_name: presence-1
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
level: DEBUG
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "<your key>"
password: "<your password>"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "presence-1"
password: ""
port: 80
id: ld2420_uart
tx_pin: GPIO17
rx_pin: GPIO16
baud_rate: 115200
parity: NONE
stop_bits: 1
# The LD2420 has 16 sense gates 0-15 and each gate detects 0.7 meters 15th gate = 9m
- platform: ld2420
name : Moving Distance
- platform: ld2420
name: Presence
- platform: restart
name: Restart
- platform: ld2420
name: Operating Mode
- platform: ld2420
name: Detection Presence Timeout
name: Detection Gate Minimum
name: Detection Gate Maximum
name: Select Gate to Set
name: Set Still Threshold Value
name: Set Move Threshold Value
pin: GPIO23
LD2410C Pinouts.
Binary output pin: GPIO16
Tx pin: GPIO17
Rx pin: GPIO4