It's my first time packaging a program i made so i'm sorry if there's problems, you can always report them or download the python's source code and run that:
Python (3.12) Dependancies
pip install pyqt6 pyqt6-webengine pillow pyaudio beautifulsoup4 mido numpy pynput dateutils twitchapi sounddevice pyautogui psutil netifaces websockets mediapipe pandas scikit-learn noisereduce
- fixed audio delays
- Fixed second window not showing in windows
- Fixed issue with "Assets" folder
- Fixed folder opening in mac os
- Added mouth opacity speed setting
- Fixed crash issue when deleting default assets
- fixed Linux face tracking crash #24
- fixed performance mode issues with avatar+filters and shadows
- Fixed general settings
- Now it only changes the attribute you changed instead of changing everything
- Other bug fixes