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A refactored version of NeoLab Web Pend SDK

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Neo Smartpen SDK for Web Platform

Web Pen SDK

This document is written for using the web_pen_sdk for NeoSmartPen.


# web_pen_sdk setting

$ npm install web_pen_sdk
$ yarn add web_pen_sdk



scanPen, connectDevice, serviceBinding_16, serviceBinding_128, characteristicBinding, disconnect, dotCallback, handleDot, messageCallback, handleMessage, ncodeToScreen, ncodeToScreen_smartPlate, isSamePage

[Pen Connection Setup/Release]

1-1. scanPen

This logic scans devices for Bluetooth pen connection.

/** This function scans the device for a Bluetooth pen connection. */
scanPen = async () => { ... }
// Usage with React hook

const scanPen = () => {

<Button onClick={scanPen}></Button>

1-2. connectDevice

Attempts to establish a connection with the actual Bluetooth device.

connectDevice = async (device: any) => { ... }

1-3. serviceBinding_16, serviceBinding_128

Binds Bluetooth services to 16-bit/128-bit UUIDs.

serviceBinding_16 = async (service: any, device: any) => { ... }
serviceBinding_128 = async (service: any, device: any) => { ... }

1-4. characteristicBinding

Sets up the PenController to handle pen events that occur after the Bluetooth pen device is connected. All pen events, including information about the connected pen and dot processing, are handled through PenController. This penController is stored in PenHelper.pens[].

characteristicBinding = (read: any, write: any, device: any) => { ... }
// PenHelper.ts
this.pens = [penController, penController, ...];

// Refer to penController usage scene 2-1

1-5. disconnect

Disconnects the Bluetooth device connection.

disconnect = (penController: any) => { ... }
// Usage with React hook

const disconnectPen = () => {

[Pen Event Information]

2-1. messageCallback, handleMessage

Handles events from the Bluetooth pen.

handleMessage = (controller: any, type: any, args: any) => { ... }
Type (Hex) Title Description
1 (0x01) PEN_AUTHORIZED Pen authorization successful -
2 (0x02) PEN_PASSWORD_REQUEST Password request -
4 (0x04) PEN_DISCONNECTED Pen disconnected -
6 (0x06) PEN_CONNECTION_SUCCESS Pen connection successful -
17 (0x11) PEN_SETTING_INFO Pen status information (battery, memory, etc.) Battery information during pen charging -> 128
18 (0x12) PEN_SETUP_SUCCESS Pen setup change successful -
19 (0x13) PEN_SETUP_FAILURE Pen setup change failed -
26 (0x1a) PEN_USING_NOTE_SET_RESULT Real-time handwriting data request result -
82 (0x52) PASSWORD_SETUP_SUCCESS Password setup successful -
83 (0x53) PASSWORD_SETUP_FAILURE Password setup failed -
84 (0x54) PEN_ILLEGAL_PASSWORD_0000 Restriction on new password 0000 -
99 (0x63) EVENT_LOW_BATTERY Low battery event -
100 (0x64) EVENT_POWER_OFF Power off event -
34 (0x22) PEN_FW_UPGRADE_STATUS Pen firmware upgrade status -
35 (0x23) PEN_FW_UPGRADE_SUCCESS Pen firmware upgrade successful -
36 (0x24) PEN_FW_UPGRADE_FAILURE Pen firmware upgrade failed 1=Same version/2=Space insufficient/3=Failure/4=Compression not supported
37 (0x25) PEN_FW_UPGRADE_SUSPEND Pen firmware upgrade suspended -
48 (0x30) OFFLINE_DATA_NOTE_LIST Offline data note list -
49 (0x31) OFFLINE_DATA_PAGE_LIST Offline data page list -
50 (0x32) OFFLINE_DATA_SEND_START Offline data send start -
51 (0x33) OFFLINE_DATA_SEND_STATUS Offline data sending status -
52 (0x34) OFFLINE_DATA_SEND_SUCCESS Offline data send successful -
53 (0x35) OFFLINE_DATA_SEND_FAILURE Offline data send failed -
165 (0xa5) OFFLINE_DATA_DELETE_RESPONSE Offline data deletion status -
84 (0x54) PEN_CONNECTION_FAILURE_BTDUPLICATE Failure when attempting to connect duplicate Bluetooth pens -
193 (0xc1) PEN_PROFILE Pen profile -
115 (0x73) RES_PDS Pen PDS -
104 (0x68) EVENT_DOT_ERROR Pen Dot event error -
105 (0x69) EVENT_DOT_PUI Pen Dot PUI information -
244 (0xf4) RES_LOG_INFO Pen log information -
245 (0xf5) RES_LOG_DATA Pen log data -
// Usage with React hook

const [controller, setController] = useState();
const [penVersionInfo, setPenVersionInfo] = useState();
const [battery, setBattery] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
  PenHelper.messageCallback = async (mac, type, args) => {
    messageProcess(mac, type, args);
}, []);

const messageProcess = (mac, type, args) => {
  switch(type) {
    case PenMessageType.PEN_SETTING_INFO:
      const _controller = PenHelper.pens.filter((c) => === mac)[0];
      setController(_controller);  // Register the controller of the corresponding pen.
      setBattery(args.Battery);  // Save battery status information -> Display 128 when charging
    case PenMessageType.PEN_DISCONNECTED:  // Reset all state values when the pen is disconnected
    case PenMessageType.PEN_PASSWORD_REQUEST: ...  // Handling password request
    case PenMessageType.PEN_SETUP_SUCCESS:  // Processing when pen connection is successful
      if (controller) {


const onPasswordRequired = (args: any) => {
  const password = input();
  if (args.RetryCount >= 10) {
    alert('All information on the pen will be reset.');
  controller.InputPassword(password);  // Pass the password using the registered pen controller.

[Pen Dot Processing]

3-1. dotCallback, handleDot

The dot data coming from the pen is processed through the registered callback function handleDot in the penController.

handleDot = (controller: any, args: any) => { ... }

3-2. ncodeToScreen

This logic is used to convert general ncode dot coordinate values according to the view size so that they can be displayed in the view.

 * This function is to convert the general ncode dot coordinate values ​​according to the view size in order to be shown in the view.
 * @param {Dot} dot
 * @param {View} view
 * @param {PaperSize} paperSize
 * @returns {ScreenDot}
ncodeToScreen = (dot: Dot, view: View, paperSize: PaperSize) => { 

3-3. ncodeToScreen_smartPlate

This logic is used to convert SmartPlate's ncode dot coordinate values ​​according to the view size so that they can be displayed in the view.

 * This function is to convert the SmartPlate ncode dot coordinate values ​​according to the view size in order to be shown in the view.
 * @param {Dot} dot
 * @param {View} view
 * @param {number} angle - possible angle value [0', 90', 180', 270']
 * @param {PaperSize} paperSize
 * @returns {ScreenDot}
ncodeToScreen_smartPlate = (dot: Dot, view: View, angle: number, paperSize: PaperSize) => {
// Usage with React hook

useEffect(() => {
  PenHelper.dotCallback = async (mac, dot) => {
}, []);

const strokeProcess = (dot: Dot) => {
  const view = { width: canvasFb.width, height: canvasFb.height };

  let screenDot: ScreenDot;
  if (PenHelper.isSamePage(dot.pageInfo, PlateNcode_3)) {  // SmartPlate
    screenDot = PenHelper.ncodeToScreen_smartPlate(dot, view, angle, paperSize);
  } else {  // Default
    screenDot = PenHelper.ncodeToScreen(dot, view, paperSize);

4. isSamePage

Logic to distinguish whether it is the same page based on different ncode page information (SOBP). SOBP is information to distinguish pages and stands for Section/Owner/Book/Page.

 * This function is to distinguish whether it is the same page based on different ncode page information (SOBP).
 * @param {PageInfo} page1
 * @param {PageInfo} page2
 * @returns {boolean}
isSamePage = (page1: PageInfo, page2: PageInfo) => {


extractMarginInfo, getNoteImage, setNprojInPuiController

1. extractMarginInfo

This logic extracts the margin info of the ncode page from the nproj based on the pageInfo received from the pen.

 * This function is to extract the margin info of the ncode page from nproj based on pageInfo.
 * @param {string || null} url
 * @param {PageInfo} pageInfo
 * @returns {PaperSize}
const extractMarginInfo = async (url:string | null, pageInfo: PageInfo) => {

2. getNoteImage

This logic is used to retrieve the image of the note based on the pageInfo received from the pen.

 * This function is to get the note image based on pageInfo.
 * @param {PageInfo} pageInfo
 * @param {React.dispatch} setImageBlobUrl
 * @returns {boolean} - success -> setImageBlobUrl(imageBlobUrl)
const getNoteImage = async (pageInfo: PageInfo, setImageBlobUrl: any) => {

3. setNprojInPuiController

This logic sets the PUI information on the page based on the pageInfo and the url of the nproj file received from the pen. Once registered, this PUI will be returned through the messageCallback when a SmartPen is input.

 * This function is to set the PUI in Page based on pageInfo.
 * @param {string || null} url
 * @param {PageInfo} pageInfo
const setNprojInPuiController  = async (url: string | null, pageInfo: PageInfo) => {
// Usage with React hook

const [imageBlobUrl, setImageBlobUrl] = useState<string>();
const [paperSize, setPaperSize] = useState<PaperSize>();

useEffect(() => {
  async function getNoteImageUsingAPI(pageInfo) {
    await NoteServer.setNprojInPuiController(pageInfo);
    await NoteServer.getNoteImage(pageInfo, setImageBlobUrl);
    const paperSize: PaperSize = await NoteServer.extractMarginInfo(url, pageInfo);

  if (pageInfo) {
}, [pageInfo]);


RequestVersionInfo, SetPassword, InputPassword, RequestPenStatus, SetRtcTime, SetAutoPowerOffTime, SetPenCapPowerOnOffEnable, SetAutoPowerOnEnable, SetBeepSoundEnable, SetHoverEnable, SetOfflineDataEnable, SetColor, RequestAvailableNotes, RequestOfflineNoteList, RequestOfflinePageList, RequestOfflineData, RequestOfflineDelete, RequestFirmwareInstallation, RequestFirmwareUpload, RequestProfileInfo.., RequestProfileReadValue..

Methods Parameters Description
RequestVersionInfo Request the current version of the pen
SetPassword oldone: string, newone: string Request to change the password set on the pen
InputPassword password: string Send a password to the pen
RequestPenStatus Request confirmation of various pen settings
SetRtcTime Request to change the pen's set time to the current time
SetAutoPowerOffTime minute: number Request to change the pen's set auto shutdown time (up to 3600 minutes)
SetPenCapPowerOnOffEnable enable: boolean Request to change the function of turning on/off the pen using the pen cap
SetAutoPowerOnEnable enable: boolean Request to change the function of turning on the pen using the pen cap or writing
SetBeepSoundEnable enable: boolean Request to change the beep sound function of the pen
SetHoverEnable enable: boolean Request to change the hover function of the pen
( Hover: Visual dot display function for estimating writing position)
SetOfflineDataEnable enable: boolean Request to change the function of storing offline writing data on the pen
SetColor color: number Request to change the LED color of the pen (argb)
RequestAvailableNotes sections: number[ ], owners: number[ ],
notes: number[ ] | null
Request transmission of real-time writing data to the pen
(If notes is null, request without distinguishing notes)
RequestOfflineNoteList section: number, owner: number Request for page information (book) of offline writing data stored on the pen
(If SO is 0, return all note lists)
RequestOfflinePageList section: number, owner: number,
note: number
Request for page information (page) of offline writing data stored on the pen
(As long as SOB matches, it's a page of the note)
RequestOfflineData section: number, owner: number,
note: number, deleteOnFinished: boolean,
pages: number[ ]
Request for offline writing data stored on the pen
(If P is an empty array, request all pages in the note)
(If deleteOnFinished is true, delete the transmitted data when finished)
RequestOfflineDelete section: number, owner: number,
notes: number[ ]
Request for deletion of offline writing data stored on the pen
RequestFirmwareInstallation file: file, version: string,
isCompressed: boolean
Query to upgrade the installed firmware on the pen
RequestFirmwareUpload offset: number, data: Uint8Array,
status: number
Upload firmware data to the pen
RequestProfileCreate name: string, password: string Request to create a profile on the pen
ReqeustProfileDelete name: string, password: string Request to remove the configured profile on the pen
RequestProfileInfo name: string Request for information about the configured profile on the pen
RequestProfileWriteValue name: string, passsword: string,
data: { [key: string]: any }
Request to write data in the configured profile on the pen
RequestProfileReadValue name: string, keys: string[ ] Request for information about the data in the configured profile on the pen
RequestProfileDeleteValue name: string, password: string,
keys: string [ ]
Request to delete data in the configured profile on the pen

Overall Flow

Library Set

import { PenHelper, NoteServer, PenMessageType } from 'web_pen_sdk';

Step1: Connect the pen using PenHelper.scanPen().

/** Connect SmartPen to Web service */

Step2: Handle events (connection, battery information, etc.) from the pen.

useEffect(() => {
  PenHelper.messageCallback = async (mac, type, args) => {
    messageProcess(mac, type, args)

const messageProcess = (mac, type, args) => {
  switch(type) {
    case PenMessageType.x:

Step3: Receive real-time dot data from the pen.

/** Data Parsing from SmartPen */
PenHelper.dotCallback = (mac, dot) => {

const strokeProcess = (dot: Dot) => {

Step4: Use NoteServer.extractMarginInfo() to get size information of the ncode paper.

/** Use NoteServer.extractMarginInfo() function to get size information of the ncode paper. */
const [paperSize, setPaperSize] = useState<PaperSize>();

const paperSize: PaperSize = await NoteServer.extractMarginInfo(url, pageInfo);

Step5: Use NoteServer.getNoteImage() to get image url of the note.

/** Use NoteServer.getNoteImage() function to get image url of the note. */
const [imageBlobUrl, setImageBlobUrl] = useState<string>();

await NoteServer.getNoteImage(pageInfo, setImageBlobUrl);

Step6: Transform the received ncode dot data according to the view size and use it.

 * Draw on Canvas with SmartPen
 * Coordinate Transformation with ncode_dot based on view_size, ncode_size
const strokeProcess = (dot: Dot) => {
  const view = { width: canvasFb.width, height: canvasFb.height };

  // case Default:
  const screenDot = PenHelper.ncodeToScreen(dot, view, paperSize);
  // case SmartPlate:
  const screenDot = PenHelper.ncodeToScreen_smartPlate(dot, view, angle, paperSize)

  /** Create path data using screenDot */
const path = new Path(screenDot.x, screenDot.y);

Step6: Set the information of the PUI icons on the page that will be touched by the SmartPen.

 * Set the information for the PUI icon on the page
 * Async-await calls are optional, as they are not directly utilized on page changes
(await) NoteServer.setNprojInPuiController(pageInfo)

🐾 Sample Page

πŸ“‘ web_pen_sdk Official Documentation

πŸ“œ License

Copyright(c) 2022, NeoLAB Convergence INC. No license allowed.

Release Note

~2022. 05. 05. (MHCHOI)


  • Released web_pen_sdk package
  • Created a sample page

2022. 05. 06. (MHCHOI)

New Features

  • Pen Event Handler - Added logic to handle events from the pen (connection, disconnection, password request, etc.)


  • Updated readme to reflect the addition of Pen Event Handler
  • Added pen disconnection feature and updated the sample page to display battery information
  • Clarified that the battery status is 128 when the pen is charging

2022. 05. 09. (WONHO)

New Features

  • PenConfigurationInfo, VersionInfo - Added type declarations


  • Updated code according to the definition of PenConfigurationInfo, VersionInfo types
  • Updated any type within PenHelper

2022. 05. 13. (WONHO, ver.0.5.2)

New Features

  • DotErrorInfo - Added type declaration
  • Error handling for abnormal TimeStamps in Dot events


  • Added and modified messageType related to pen password setting, change, and release
  • Added and modified messageType related to offline and real-time data
  • All Dots except hover go through DotFilter
  • Modified Packet Escape logic

2022. 05. 16. (WONHO, ver.0.5.3)


  • Modified SupportedProtocolVersion

2022. 05. 17. (WONHO, ver.0.5.4)

New Features

  • PEN_CONNECTION_SUCCESS - Added MessageType declaration
  • ONLINE_PEN_HOVER_EVENT - Added logic for pen hover events for v2.18


  • Modified SupportedProtocolVersion

2022. 05. 18. (WONHO, ver.0.5.5)


  • Modified the SDK to not automatically setHover

2022. 05. 31. (WONHO, ver.0.5.6)

New Features

  • Profile Feature - Added logic for creating, deleting, and querying pen profiles and creating, deleting, and querying items in profiles
  • Firmware Feature - Added logic for firmware update
  • PenDisk Init - Added request for initializing the pen disk


  • Added code to prevent errors due to overlapping connections during Bluetooth write in a busy communication state

2022. 06. 27. (WONHO, ver.0.5.7)

New Features

  • PUI Feature - Added logic to display a message when clicking on a Smart Class Kit (Boogie Board) PUI with the pen

2022. 07. 04. (WONHO, ver.0.6.6)

New Features

  • PUI Feature - Hardcoded PUI coordinates

2022. 07. 05. (WONHO, ver.0.6.7)

New Features

  • PUI Feature - Converted PUI coordinates from nproj to json for use

2023. 12. 01. (WONHO, ver.0.6.8)

New Features

  • PUI Feature - Rolled back to PUI nproj, added support for PUI on note pages

2024. 01. 06. (WONHO, ver.0.7.2)

New Features

  • PUI Feature - Added url as a parameter to setNprojInPuiController and extractMarginInfo


A refactored version of NeoLab Web Pend SDK






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