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docs: fine tune OpenAPI spec
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fengelniederhammer committed Jul 6, 2023
1 parent ee40bae commit 608446b
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Showing 3 changed files with 80 additions and 52 deletions.
85 changes: 52 additions & 33 deletions lapis2/src/main/kotlin/org/genspectrum/lapis/OpenApiDocs.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,31 +5,30 @@ import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI
import org.genspectrum.lapis.config.DatabaseConfig
import org.genspectrum.lapis.config.OpennessLevel
import org.genspectrum.lapis.config.SequenceFilterFieldName
import org.genspectrum.lapis.config.SequenceFilterFields
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.AGGREGATED_GROUP_BY_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.AGGREGATED_REQUEST_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.AGGREGATED_RESPONSE_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.DETAILS_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.DETAILS_REQUEST_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.DETAILS_RESPONSE_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.FIELDS_PROPERTY
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.MIN_PROPORTION_PROPERTY
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.REQUEST_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_MIN_PROPORTION
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.RESPONSE_SCHEMA_AGGREGATED
import org.genspectrum.lapis.controller.SEQUENCE_FILTERS_SCHEMA
import org.genspectrum.lapis.response.COUNT_PROPERTY

fun buildOpenApiSchema(sequenceFilterFields: SequenceFilterFields, databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig): OpenAPI {
val filterProperties = sequenceFilterFields.fields
.map { (fieldName, fieldType) -> fieldName to Schema<String>().type(fieldType.openApiType) }

val requestProperties = when (databaseConfig.schema.opennessLevel) {
OpennessLevel.PROTECTED -> filterProperties + ("accessKey" to accessKeySchema)
else -> filterProperties
OpennessLevel.PROTECTED -> sequenceFilterFieldSchemas(sequenceFilterFields) + ("accessKey" to accessKeySchema())
else -> sequenceFilterFieldSchemas(sequenceFilterFields)

val responseProperties = filterProperties + mapOf(
"count" to Schema<String>().type("number"),

return OpenAPI()
.description("valid filters for sequence data")
Expand All @@ -41,43 +40,63 @@ fun buildOpenApiSchema(sequenceFilterFields: SequenceFilterFields, databaseConfi
.description("valid filters for sequence data")
.properties(requestProperties + Pair(MIN_PROPORTION_PROPERTY, Schema<String>().type("number"))),
.description("valid filters for sequence data")
requestProperties + Pair(
requestSchemaWithFields(requestProperties, AGGREGATED_GROUP_BY_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION),
requestSchemaWithFields(requestProperties, DETAILS_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION),
"Aggregated sequence data. " +
"If fields are specified, then these fields are also keys in the result. " +
"The key 'count' is always present.",
.description("The response contains the metadata of every sequence matching the sequence filters.")

private val accessKeySchema = Schema<String>()
private fun sequenceFilterFieldSchemas(sequenceFilterFields: SequenceFilterFields) = sequenceFilterFields.fields
.map { (fieldName, fieldType) -> fieldName to Schema<String>().type(fieldType.openApiType) }

private fun requestSchemaWithFields(
requestProperties: Map<SequenceFilterFieldName, Schema<Any>>,
fieldsDescription: String,
): Schema<*> =
.description("valid filters for sequence data")
.properties(requestProperties + Pair(FIELDS_PROPERTY, fieldsSchema().description(fieldsDescription)))

private fun getAggregatedResponseProperties(filterProperties: Map<SequenceFilterFieldName, Schema<Any>>) =
filterProperties.mapValues { (_, schema) ->
"This field is present if and only if it was specified in \"fields\" in the request. " +
"The response is stratified by this field.",
} + mapOf(
COUNT_PROPERTY to Schema<String>().type("number").description("The number of sequences matching the filters."),

private fun accessKeySchema() = Schema<String>()
"An access key that grants access to the protected data that this instance serves. " +
"There are two types or access keys: One only grants access to aggregated data, " +
"the other also grants access to detailed data.",

private val fieldsSchema = Schema<String>()
private fun fieldsSchema() = Schema<String>()
"The fields to stratify the result by. " +
"The response will contain the fields specified here with their respective values.",
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,19 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController

const val MIN_PROPORTION_PROPERTY = "minProportion"
const val FIELDS_PROPERTY = "fields"
const val REQUEST_SCHEMA = "SequenceFilters"

const val SEQUENCE_FILTERS_SCHEMA = "SequenceFilters"
const val REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_MIN_PROPORTION = "SequenceFiltersWithMinProportion"
const val REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS = "SequenceFiltersWithFields"
const val RESPONSE_SCHEMA_AGGREGATED = "AggregatedResponse"
const val AGGREGATED_REQUEST_SCHEMA = "AggregatedRequest"
const val DETAILS_REQUEST_SCHEMA = "DetailsRequest"
const val AGGREGATED_RESPONSE_SCHEMA = "AggregatedResponse"
const val DETAILS_RESPONSE_SCHEMA = "DetailsResponse"

private const val DEFAULT_MIN_PROPORTION = 0.05
"The fields to stratify by. If empty, only the overall count is returned"
"The fields that the response items should contain. If empty, all fields are returned"

class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val requestContext: RequestContext) {
Expand All @@ -41,13 +48,15 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
fun aggregated(
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS"),
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$SEQUENCE_FILTERS_SCHEMA"),
explode = Explode.TRUE,
style = ParameterStyle.FORM,
sequenceFilters: Map<String, String>,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "") fields: List<String>,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "")
fields: List<String>,
): List<AggregationData> {
requestContext.filter = sequenceFilters

Expand All @@ -60,7 +69,7 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
fun postAggregated(
@Parameter(schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS"))
@Parameter(schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$AGGREGATED_REQUEST_SCHEMA"))
request: SequenceFiltersRequestWithFields,
): List<AggregationData> {
Expand All @@ -76,7 +85,7 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
fun getNucleotideMutations(
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$REQUEST_SCHEMA"),
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$SEQUENCE_FILTERS_SCHEMA"),
explode = Explode.TRUE,
style = ParameterStyle.FORM,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,13 +133,15 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
fun details(
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS"),
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$SEQUENCE_FILTERS_SCHEMA"),
explode = Explode.TRUE,
style = ParameterStyle.FORM,
sequenceFilters: Map<String, String>,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "") fields: List<String>,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "")
fields: List<String>,
): List<DetailsData> {
requestContext.filter = sequenceFilters

Expand All @@ -143,7 +154,7 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
fun postDetails(
@Parameter(schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$REQUEST_SCHEMA_WITH_FIELDS"))
@Parameter(schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$DETAILS_REQUEST_SCHEMA"))
request: SequenceFiltersRequestWithFields,
): List<DetailsData> {
Expand All @@ -167,9 +178,7 @@ class LapisController(private val siloQueryModel: SiloQueryModel, private val re
content = [
array = ArraySchema(
schema = Schema(
ref = "#/components/schemas/$RESPONSE_SCHEMA_AGGREGATED",
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$AGGREGATED_RESPONSE_SCHEMA"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,9 +243,7 @@ private annotation class LapisNucleotideMutationsResponse
content = [
array = ArraySchema(
schema = Schema(
ref = "#/components/schemas/$RESPONSE_SCHEMA_AGGREGATED",
schema = Schema(ref = "#/components/schemas/$DETAILS_RESPONSE_SCHEMA"),
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,15 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider
import org.springframework.boot.jackson.JsonComponent

const val COUNT_PROPERTY = "count"

data class AggregationData(val count: Int, @Schema(hidden = true) val fields: Map<String, JsonNode>)

class AggregationDataSerializer : JsonSerializer<AggregationData>() {
override fun serialize(value: AggregationData, gen: JsonGenerator, serializers: SerializerProvider) {
gen.writeNumberField("count", value.count)
gen.writeNumberField(COUNT_PROPERTY, value.count)
value.fields.forEach { (key, value) -> gen.writeObjectField(key, value) }
Expand All @@ -26,8 +28,8 @@ class AggregationDataSerializer : JsonSerializer<AggregationData>() {
class AggregationDataDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<AggregationData>() {
override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): AggregationData {
val node = p.readValueAsTree<JsonNode>()
val count = node.get("count").asInt()
val fields = node.fields().asSequence().filter { it.key != "count" }.associate { it.key to it.value }
val count = node.get(COUNT_PROPERTY).asInt()
val fields = node.fields().asSequence().filter { it.key != COUNT_PROPERTY }.associate { it.key to it.value }
return AggregationData(count, fields)
Expand Down

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