wip 548 #1496
5 errors
Check types
Conversion of type '{ type: string; arcs: number[][][]; transform: { scale: number[]; translate: number[]; }; objects: { berlin: { type: string; geometries: { arcs: number[][]; type: string; properties: { name: string; state: string; kfz: string; }; id: number; }[]; }; counties: { ...; }; places: { ...; }; states: { ...; }; }; } | { .....' to type 'Topology<Objects<GeoJsonProperties>>' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
Check types
Argument of type 'readonly [51.1657, 10.4515] | readonly [55.3781, -5] | readonly [40, -100]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'LatLngExpression'.
Check types
Property 'feature' does not exist on type 'Layer'.
Check types
Property 'feature' does not exist on type 'Layer'.
Check types
Process completed with exit code 2.