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Repository Layout

  1. cluster_identifier/ - this directory contains the part of the application responsible for identifying soft clipped clusters. For how to build see the build section.
  2. cluster_analysis/ - contains code related to the analysis of soft-clipped clusters and interpretation.
  3. validation/ - sample bam and outputs for testing SCRAMble
  4. README - Repository description/notes.


Install dependencies (Ubuntu 20.04):

apt-get update
apt-get install -y  \
    autoconf \
    autogen \
    build-essential \
    curl \
    libbz2-dev \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libhts-dev \
    liblzma-dev \
    libncurses5-dev \
    libnss-sss \
    libssl-dev \
    libxml2-dev \
    ncbi-blast+ \
    r-base \
    r-bioc-biostrings \
    r-bioc-rsamtools \
    r-cran-biocmanager \
    r-cran-devtools \
    r-cran-stringr \
    r-cran-optparse \

Install R packages dependencies:

Rscript -e "library(devtools); install_github('mhahsler/rBLAST')"

To build the cluster_identifier (estimated install time <5 minutes):

$ cd cluster_identifier/src
$ make

That should be it. It will create an executable named build/cluster_identifier.


SCRAMble runs as a two-step process. First cluster_identifier is used to generate soft-clipped read cluster consensus sequences. Second, SCRAMble-MEIs.R analyzes the cluster file for likely MEIs. Running SCRAMble on the test bam in the validation directory should take <1 minute for each step.

To run SCRAMble cluster_identifier:

$ /path/to/scramble/cluster_identifier/src/build/cluster_identifier \
    /path/to/install_dir/scramble/validation/test.bam > /path/to/output/test.clusters.txt

To run SCRAMble-MEIs and SCRAMble-dels(with default settings):

$ Rscript --vanilla /path/to/scramble/cluster_analysis/bin/SCRAMble.R \
    --out-name /path/to/output/test 	\
    --cluster-file /path/to/output/test.clusters.txt \
    --install-dir /path/to/scramble/cluster_analysis/bin \
    --mei-refs /path/to/scramble/cluster_analysis/resources/MEI_consensus_seqs.fa \
    --ref /path/to/scramble/validation/test.fa \
    --eval-meis \

Running with Docker

SCRAMble is also distributed with a Dockerfile. Running SCRAMble using docker (estimated install time <10 minutes):

$ git clone
$ cd scramble
$ docker build -t scramble:latest .
$ docker run -it --rm scramble:latest bash
# cluster_identifier \
    /app/validation/test.bam > /app/validation/test.clusters.txt
# Rscript --vanilla /app/cluster_analysis/bin/SCRAMble.R \
    --out-name ${PWD}/test \
    --cluster-file /app/validation/test.clusters.txt \
    --install-dir /app/cluster_analysis/bin \
    --mei-refs /app/cluster_analysis/resources/MEI_consensus_seqs.fa \
    --ref /app/validation/test.fa \
    --eval-dels \


The output of cluster_identifier is a tab delimited text file with clipped cluster consensus sequences. The columns are as follows:

1. Coordinate
2. Side of read where soft-clipped occurred
3. Number of reads in cluster
4. Clipped read consensus
5. Anchored read consensus

Calling SCRAMble.R with --eval-meis produces a tab delimted file. If a reference .fa file is provided, then a VCF is produced as well. The <out-name>_MEIs.txt output is a tab delimited text file with MEI calls. If no MEIs are present an output file will still be produced with only the header. The columns are as follows:

1. Insertion Coordinate where MEI insertion occurs (zero-based)
2. MEI_Family The consensus sequence to which the clipped sequence aligned best
3. Insertion_Direction Whether MEI is on fwd or rev strand relative to bam reference
4. Clipped_Reads_In_Cluster Number of supporting reads in cluster
5. Alignment_Score Pairwise alignment score of clipped read consensus to MEI reference sequence
6. Alignment_Percent_Length Percent of clipped read consensus sequence involved in alignment to MEI reference sequence
7. Alignment_Percent_Identity Percent identify of alignment of clipped read consensus sequence with MEI reference sequence
8. Clipped_Sequence Clipped cluster consensus sequences
9. Clipped_Side Left or right, side of read where soft-clipping ocurred
10. Start_In_MEI Left-most position of alignment to MEI reference sequence
11. Stop_In_MEI Right-most position of alignment to MEI reference sequence
12. polyA_Position Position of polyA clipped read cluster if found
13. polyA_Seq Clipped cluster consensus sequences of polyA clipped read cluster if found
14. polyA_SupportingReads Number of supporting reads in polyA clipped read cluster if found
15. TSD Target site duplication sequence if polyA clipped read cluster found
16. TSD_length Length of target site duplication if polyA clipped read cluster found

Calling SCRAMble.R with --eval-dels produced a VCF and a tab delimted file. The <out-name>_PredictedDeletions.txt output is a tab delimited text file with deletion calls. If no deletions are present an output file will still be produced with only the header. The columns are as follows:

1. CONTIG Chromosome
2. DEL.START Deletion start coordinate (0-based)
3. DEL.END Deletion end coordinate (0-based)
4. REF.ANCHOR.BASE Reference based at deletion start
5. DEL.LENGTH Deletion length
6. RIGHT.CLUSTER Name of right cluster
7. RIGHT.CLUSTER.COUNTS Number of supporting reads in right cluster
8. LEFT.CLUSTER Name of left cluster
9. LEFT.CLUSTER.COUNTS Number of supporting reads in left cluster
10. LEN.RIGHT.ALIGNMENT Length of right-clipped consensus sequence involved in alignment
11. SCORE.RIGHT.ALIGNMENT BLAST alignment bitscore for right-clipped consensus
12. PCT.COV.RIGHT.ALIGNMENT Percent length of right-clipped consensus involved in alignment
13. PCT.IDENTITY.RIGHT.ALIGNMENT Percent identity of right-clipped consensus in alignment
14. LEN.LEFT.ALIGNMENT Length of left-clipped consensus sequence involved in alignment
15. SCORE.LEFT.ALIGNMENT BLAST alignment bitscore for left-clipped consensus
16. PCT.COV.LEFT.ALIGNMENT Percent length of left-clipped consensus involved in alignment
17. PCT.IDENTITY.LEFT.ALIGNMENT Percent identity of right-clipped consensus in alignment
18. INS.SIZE Length of insert within deleted sequence (for two-end deletions only)
19. INS.SEQ Inserted sequence (for two-end deletions only)
20. RIGHT.CLIPPED.SEQ Clipped consensus sequence for right-clipped cluster
21. LEFT.CLIPPED.SEQ Clipped consensus sequence for left-clipped cluster


In theory, SCRAMble should work well on any MEI reference fasta sequences, however, it has only been tested on the sequences provided in /path/to/scramble/cluster_analysis/resources/MEI_consensus_seqs.fa.