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joa-quim committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 1c89888 commit ae4b063
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/gdal_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,9 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
# This method is for OGR formats only
(Gdal.OGRGetDriverByName(Gdal.shortname(getdriver(dataset))) == C_NULL) && return gd2gmt(dataset; pad=0)

drv = get(POSTMAN[1], "GDALdriver", ""); (drv != "") && delete!(GMT.POSTMAN[1], "GDALdriver")
(startswith(drv, "XLS") || drv == "CSV") && return helper_read_XLSCSV(dataset)

min_area = (get(POSTMAN[1], "min_polygon_area", "") != "") ? parse(Float64, POSTMAN[1]["min_polygon_area"]) : 0.0
max_area = (get(POSTMAN[1], "max_polygon_area", "") != "") ? parse(Float64, POSTMAN[1]["max_polygon_area"]) : 0.0
p_isgeog = (get(POSTMAN[1], "polygon_isgeog", "") != "") ? true : false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,6 +349,47 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
return (length(D) == 1) ? D[1] : D

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function is made apart because XLS and CSVs have geometries and the calling functio, as is,
# would not be able to extract the data from the 'dataset'
function helper_read_XLSCSV(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)::GDtype
n_layers = Gdal.nlayer(dataset)
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_layers)
local inds_r, inds_s # n^inf Fck. If I don't do this here errors are completly non-sensical.
for n_layer = 1:n_layers
layer = getlayer(dataset, n_layer-1)
n_features = Gdal.nfeature(layer)
n = 0 # Counter of elements in a 'feature'
local mat, text_col, colnames # F., f.
for f in layer # 'f' is a 'feature'
if ((n += 1) == 1)
nf = Gdal.nfield(f)
c = zeros(Bool, nf)
for k = 1:Gdal.nfield(f) c[k] = (Gdal.gettype(Gdal.getfielddefn(f, k-1)) == 0x00000004) end
colnames = [Gdal.getname(Gdal.getfielddefn(f, i)) for i = 0:nf-1]
inds_r, inds_s = findall(.!c), findall(c) # Indices of the columns with numeric and string fields
mat = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n_features, length(inds_r))
text_col = (!isempty(inds_s)) ? Vector{String}(undef, n_features) : String[]
for k = 1:numel(inds_r)
#mat[n, k] = get(Gdal._FETCHFIELD, Gdal.gettype(Gdal.getfielddefn(f, inds_r[k]-1)), Gdal.getdefault)(f,inds_r[k]-1)
mat[n, k] = Gdal.getfield(f, inds_r[k]-1)
if !isempty(inds_s)
text_col[n] = Gdal.getfield(f, inds_s[1]-1)
for k = 2:numel(inds_s)
text_col[n] *= " | " * Gdal.getfield(f, inds_s[k]-1)
colnames[inds_s[1]] *= "|" * colnames[inds_s[k]] # Concatenate all text column names (we have only 1 text column)
D[n_layer] = GMTdataset(mat, text_col)
D[n_layer].colnames = [colnames[inds_r]; colnames[inds_s[1]]]
return (length(D) == 1) ? D[1] : D

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getregion(GI::GItype)::Vector{Float64} = GI.range[1:6]
getregion(GD::GDtype)::Vector{Float64} = return isa(GD, Vector) ? GD[1].ds_bbox : GD.ds_bbox
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,6 +804,7 @@ function gdalread(fname::AbstractString, optsP=String[]; opts=String[], gdataset
(ds_t.ptr == C_NULL) && (ds_t =, flags = Gdal.GDAL_OF_VECTOR | Gdal.GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR, I=false))
optsP = (isempty(optsP)) ? ["-overwrite"] : (isa(optsP, String) ? ["-overwrite " * optsP] : append!(optsP, ["-overwrite"]))
POSTMAN[1]["GDALdriver"] = Gdal.shortname(getdriver(ds_t)) # Used when read XLS files
ds = ogr2ogr(ds_t, optsP; gdataset=true, kw...)
(ds.ptr != C_NULL) && Gdal.deletedatasource(ds, "/vsimem/tmp") # WTF I need to do this?
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