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Add functions 'groupby' and 'stats' to, respectively, split a DS by a column values and give DS statistics per column. #1671

merged 9 commits into from
Feb 22, 2025
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ext/GMTExcelExt/GMTExcelExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module GMTExcelExt
D = GMT.GMTdataset(mat, text_col)
D.colnames = [colnames[inds_r]; colnames[inds_s[1]]]
return D

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/GMT.jl
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Expand Up @@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ export
gunique, sortslicesperm,

Ginnerjoin, Gouterjoin, Gleftjoin, Grightjoin, Gcrossjoin, Gsemijoin, Gantijoin, spatialjoin,
groupby, stats,

lazinfo, lazread, lazwrite, lasread, laswrite,

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/gdal_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ function helper_read_XLSCSV(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)::GDtype
D[n_layer] = GMTdataset(mat, text_col)
D[n_layer].colnames = [colnames[inds_r]; colnames[inds_s[1]]]
return (length(D) == 1) ? D[1] : D

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/tables_gmt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ function Tables.getcolumn(D::GMTdataset, name::AbstractString)
Columnames = [join("Column" * "$(n)") for n = 1:size(D,2)]
((i = findfirst(name .== Columnames)) === nothing) && error("Column name - $(name) - not found in this dataset")
(i > size(, 2)) && return D.text # It must be the text column[:,i]

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75 changes: 73 additions & 2 deletions src/utils_types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ does not need explicit coordinates to place the text.
mat2ds(mat::Nothing) = mat # Method to simplify life and let call mat2ds on a nothing
mat2ds(mat::GDtype) = mat # Method to simplify life and let call mat2ds on a already GMTdataset
mat2ds(text::Union{AbstractString, Vector{<:AbstractString}}) = text_record(text) # Now we can hide text_record
mat2ds(text::Vector{String}; hdr::String="") = text_record(fill(NaN,length(text),2), text, [hdr])
mat2ds(text::Vector{String}; hdr::String="", kw...) = text_record(fill(NaN,length(text),2), text, [hdr]) # The kw... is only to not error

function mat2ds(mat::AbstractMatrix; hdr=String[], geom=0, kwargs...)::GMTdataset
# Here we are expecting that Any-ness results from columns with DateTime. If not returm 'mat' as is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,8 +843,10 @@ end
Compute the indices that split a vector of datasets into groups. The grouping is done either by a provided
attribute name (`groupby`) or by the Feature_ID attribute. This function is mostly used internally by `zonal_statistics`

### Args
- `D`: A vector of GMTdataset

### Kwargs
- `groupby`: If provided, it must be an attribute name, for example, `groupby="NAME"`. If not provided, we use
the `Feature_ID` attribute that is a unique identifier assigned during an OGR file reading (by the GMT6.5 C lib).
If the `Feature_ID` attribute does not exist, you must use a valid attribute name passed in `groupby`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -883,6 +885,75 @@ function splitds(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; groupby::String="")
return vv, feature_names

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dv = groupby(D::GMTdataset, col)::Vector{GMTdataset}

Split a GMTdataset by the unique values of the column selected by `col`.

`col` can be a column name, either as a String or a Symbol, or a column number. In any case, it must point
to a column with integers (normaly a flint (Floating Point Integer)), or a string column. _i.e.,_ the last
column in a GMTdataset.
function groupby(D::GMTdataset, cols::Union{String,Symbol,Int})::Vector{GMTdataset}
n_cols = size(, 2)
colnames = !isempty(D.colnames) ? D.colnames : ["col.$i" for i=1:n_cols]
!isempty(D.text) && length(colnames) == n_cols && push!(colnames, "Text") # 'Text' is the text column generic name
colname::String = isa(cols, Real) ? colnames[cols] : (isa(cols, Symbol) ? string(cols) : cols)
((cn = findfirst(colname .== colnames)) === nothing) && error("Column '$colname' not found in dataset!")
if (cn > n_cols) # It must be the text column
feature_names = unique(D.text)
nf = length(feature_names)
vv = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, nf)
for k = 1:nf vv[k] = findall(D.text .== feature_names[k]) end
c =[min(50, size(, 1)), cn] # look at the first 50 elements of the picked column
!all(round.(c) .== c) && error("The selected column is not an integer (flint, in fact) column!")
ids = unique(view(, :, cn))
vv = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, length(ids))
for k = 1:numel(ids) vv[k] = findall(view(, :, cn) .== ids[k]) end
Dv = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, numel(vv))
for k = 1:numel(vv) # Loop over groups
Dv[k] = mat2ds(D, (vv[k], :))
return Dv

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D = stats(D::GMTdataset, cols=0) -> GMTdataset

Return descriptive statistics for a dataset `GMTdataset` where each row represents the statistics for each column.

If `cols` is a column name, either as a String or a Symbol, or a column number, only the statistics
for that column are returned.
function stats(D::GMTdataset, cols::Union{String,Symbol,Int}=0)::GMTdataset
if (cols == 0)
nc = size(, 2)
q25 = Vector{Float64}(undef, nc); q50 = similar(q25); q75 = similar(q25); m = similar(q25); s = similar(q25)
mi, ma = D.bbox[1:2:end], D.bbox[2:2:end]
for k = 1:nc
q25[k] = quantile(view(D,:,k), 0.25)
q50[k] = quantile(view(D,:,k), 0.50)
q75[k] = quantile(view(D,:,k), 0.75)
m[k] = mean(view(D,:,k))
s[k] = std(view(D,:,k))
Ds = mat2ds(hcat(mi, m, ma, q25, q50, q75, s))
colname::String = isa(cols, Real) ? D.colnames[cols] : (isa(cols, Symbol) ? string(cols) : cols)
((cn = findfirst(colname .== D.colnames)) === nothing) && error("Column '$colname' not found in dataset!")
(cn > size(, 2)) && error("Column '$colname' is the text column!. Must select a numeric column.")
_q25, _q50, _q75, _m, _s = quantile(view(D,:,cn), 0.25), quantile(view(D,:,cn), 0.50),
quantile(view(D,:,cn), 0.75), mean(view(D,:,cn)), std(view(D,:,cn))
Ds = mat2ds(hcat(D.bbox[2cn-1], _m, D.bbox[2cn], _q25, _q50, _q75, _s))
Ds.colnames = ["min", "mean", "max", "q25", "q50", "q75", "std"]
return Ds

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tabletypes2ds(arg, interp=0)
# Try guesswork to convert Tables types into GMTdatasets usable in plots.
Expand All @@ -901,7 +972,7 @@ end
D = mesh2ds(mesh) -> Vector{GMTdataset}

Extract data from a GeometryBasics Mesh type and return it into a vector of GMTdataset.
Extract data from a GeometryBasics Mesh type and return it in a vector of GMTdataset.
function mesh2ds(mesh)
(!startswith(string(typeof(mesh)), "Mesh{3,")) && error("Argument must be a GeometryBasics mesh")
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/test_misc.jl
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#GMT.line2multiseg([mat2ds(rand(3,2)), mat2ds(rand(4,2))], lt=[1,2], auto_color=true);

stats(D, 2);
@test groupby(mat2ds([1.0 44; 1 7; 2 9; 2 5]), 1)[1].data == [1.0 44; 1 7]
@test groupby(mat2ds([1.0 44; 1 7; 2 9; 2 5], ["A", "A", "B", "B"]), "Text")[1].data == [1.0 44; 1 7]

GMT.mat2grid(rand(Float32, 10,10), reg=1);
GMT.mat2grid(1, hdr=[0. 5 0 5 1 1])
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