RNA-seq STAR Pipeline
Load the required modules:
module load snakemake-7.12.1 STAR-2.7.10a subread-2.0.1 picard-2.23.8 fastqc-0.11.9 R-4.0.3 multiqc-1.9 cutadapt-3.3 samtools-1.11 deeptools-3.5.0
Run the Snakemake command pointing to the location of the .smk file and the config file:
snakemake -p --cores 12 -s /path/to/STARlight/STARlight.smk --configfile /path/to/config.json
If you need to merge fastq files coming from different lanes you can run catlanes ahead of STARlight:
module load snakemake-7.12.1 fastqc-0.11.9 multiqc-1.9
snakemake -p 12 -s catlanes.smk --configfile /path/to/catlanes.json
In order to run the pipeline you need to modify the config file accordingly to your input files. Moreover, you need to provide a file containing the sample information and a table of comparisons to perform.
sampleInfo file example:
name | condition |
1_S1 | CTR |
2_S2 | LNO |
3_S3 | HNO |
4_S4 | CTR |
5_S5 | LNO |
6_S6 | HNO |
compsTab file example:
comp | cond1 | cond2 |
LNO_vs_CTR | LNO | CTR |
HNO_vs_CTR | HNO | CTR |
HNO_vs_LNO | HNO | LNO |
STARlight works with ENSEMBL. A reference genome and a GTF file for the interested species are needed and could be downloaded via FTP. The config file should be modified to point the right path to these files. The pipeline is using BioMart for the complete annotation so you have to specify the correct species in the config file. The species supported are listed in STARlight/biomaRt/listDatasets.biomaRt.txt. For example:
human: hsapiens_gene_ensembl
mouse: mmusculus_gene_ensembl