Tracing the Flanders sewer network
- Working implementation.
database properties have to be set in tracing.spring.xml or with environment variable
if there is a specific CORS url you can set it in with the annotation @CrossOrigin("yourspecificUrl:1234")
# clone repository
# to build the project and execute tests (standalone Spring boot application)
mvn install
# to build a war file deployable to any application server
mvn -f pom-war.xml install
java -jar gsc-tracing-services.jar
Runs on port 8080 by default, you can change it with the VM option -Dserver.port=1234
Deploy the war artifact on an application server.
##Rest API GET
first parameter defines if you want to trace up- or downstream
second parameter is the id from where the tracing needs to start
Response: GeoJSON with all traced links, in no partical order.
##Performance / info
Builds a graph with id's only, no objects with all properties.
After tracing we fetchAll entities by a collections of Integers (the ids).
This is useful to always fetch the latest data, but that fetching has it's limitations and is a performance hit.
Remember to build the directed graph both upstream and downstream.
RioollinkGraphBuilder is similar to IdGraphBuilder but it contains the full entity instead of the id.
Initial data lookup is slower, but the tracing itself is almost instant.
Works best if the data is static. This the current implementation.
vmm-gsc-tracing-services is free software, and may be redistributed under the MIT-LICENSE.