This library has been replaced by
Thin PHP wrapper for geocoding API that includes a service provider for Laravel.
- Geocode an individual address
- Batch geocode up to 10,000 addresses at a time
- Parse an address into its identifiable components
Read the complete geocoding API for service documentation.
The recommended way to install PHP is through Composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
# Add Geocodio as a dependency
php composer.phar require stanley/geocodio-php:~1.0
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
Using the PHP library is super simple.
use Stanley\Geocodio\Client;
// Create the new Client object by passing in your api key
$client = new Client('YOUR_API_KEY');
Note: Create an API key by signing up at
To encode a single address, simply pass a string to the geocode
$data = '123 Anywhere St, Chicago, IL';
$result = $client->geocode($data);
For multiple addresses, you can pass an array of addresses to the same geocode
$data = [
'123 Anywhere St, Chicago, IL',
'456 Oak St, Los Angeles, CA'
$result = $client->geocode($data);
Up to 10,000 addresses can be geocoded in a single batch request also supports reverse geocoding. To convert a single lat/long pair into an address, call the 'reverse' method.
The lat/long pairs should be separateed by a comma.
$data = '35.9746000,-77.9658000';
$result = $client->reverse($data);
To do a batch conversion, pass your lat/long pairs in an array.
$data = [
$result = $client->reverse($data);
Geocoding and reverse geocoding requests accepts an optional second parameter for fields.
$data = '123 Anywhere St, Chicago, IL';
$result = $client->geocode($data, ['cd', 'stateleg']);
$data = "35.9746000,-77.9658000";
$result = $client->reverse($data, ['cd', 'stateleg']);
$data = [
'123 Anywhere St, Chicago, IL',
'456 Oak St, Los Angeles, CA'
$result = $client->geocode($data, ['cd', 'stateleg']);
The PHP client will return an instance of the Stanley\Geocodio\Data
class. The raw response body can be accessed from the response
property. This property had the response data stored as an object.
$body = $address->response;
A service provder and facade are available if you are using Laravel. Once you've added the package to your composer.json file, run php composer.phar update
. Add 'Stanley\Geocodio\ServiceProviders\LaravelServiceProvider'
to the providers
key. Then, edit the aliases
key and add 'Geocodio' => 'Stanley\Geocodio\Geocodio'
to the array.
You are now ready to use the Facade. If you are using Laravel, you will need to pass your API Key as the third parameter.
$fields = [];
$key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$data = Geocodio::get('123 Anywhere St, Chicago, IL', $fields, $key);
return response()->json($data);
Periodically, the service will return errors.
To handle these:
- An HTTP 403 error raises a
- An HTTP 422 error raises a
and the error message will be reported through the exception - An HTTP 5xx error raises a
- An unmatched non-200 response will simply raise
The original library was written by David Stanley. Much of this readme and the structure of this library was inspired by the Py-Geocodio Library by Ben Lopatin.