MiniPlan V670 is an ideal piece of work for various types of projects when working with up to 20 Servo Motors.
Specifications and Features
Controls up to 20 servo motors (16PWM + 4 GPIO)
Onboard USB to TTL so a regular USB to MicroUSB cable can be used to program the controller
ESP-WROOM-02 directly from ESPRESSIF for faster, better, and stable connection
4MB Flash memory
Arduino IDE Compatible
i2c connection port
TTL connection port
Dimensions L49mm X W43mm X H11.6mm
Specifications of Robot Power Package V320
8.4V/250mAh of power using 3 cells of Lithium Ion Capacitors
Nominal output of 10C (2.5A) and maximum output of 15C (3.75A).
Higher level safety using Lithium Ion Capacitors
Dimensions L60mm X W43mm X H17.6mm