Composable monads for functional async flow.
It's like Monday, but misspelled :) Also, apparently, it's Polish for monads.
$ npm install monady
always has a value.
assert.equal(identity(5), 5);
assert.throws(() => identity());
assert.throws(() => identity(null));
assert.equal(identity(5).then(a => a + 3), 8);
const lifted = Identity.lift(x => x + 3);
assert(lifted(5) instanceof Identity);
assert.equal(lifted(5), 8);
assert(identity(5).then(lifted) instanceof Identity);
assert.equal(identity(5).then(lifted), 8);
const lifted = Identity.lift2((x, y) => x + y);
assert(lifted(5, 3) instanceof Identity);
assert.equal(lifted(5, 3), 8);
assert(identity(5).map(a => a + 3) instanceof Identity);
assert.equal(identity(5).map(a => a + 3), 8);
resolves to either just
or nothing
depending on whether a value is passed to the type constructor. nothing
is not thenable.
assert.equal(maybe(5), 5);
assert.equal(just(5), 5);
assert.equal(maybe(nothing), nothing);
assert.equal(maybe(null), nothing);
assert.equal(maybe(), nothing);
assert.equal(just(5).then(a => a + 3), 8);
assert.strictEqual(nothing.bind(a => a + 3), nothing);
// nothing is not thenable
assert.throws(() => nothing.then(a => a), TypeError);
const lifted1 = Maybe.lift(x => x + 3);
assert.equal(lifted1(5), 8);
assert.equal(just(5).then(lifted1), 8);
const lifted1 = Maybe.lift2((x, y) => x + y);
assert(lifted1(5, 3).isJust);
assert.equal(lifted1(5, 3), 8);
assert(just(5).map(a => a + 3).isJust);
assert.equal(just(5).map(a => a + 3), 8);
assert.equal( => a), nothing);
returns either left
(default) or right
, if it is set.
assert.equal(either(5), 5);
assert.equal(either(5, 7), 7);
assert.throws(() => either());
assert.equal(either(5).then(a => a + 3), 8);
assert.equal(either(5, 7).then(a => a + 3), 10);
const lifted = Either.lift(x => x + 3);
assert(lifted(5) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(lifted(5), 8);
assert(either(5).then(lifted) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(either(5).then(lifted), 8);
assert(either(5, 7).then(lifted) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(either(5, 7).then(lifted), 10);
const lifted = Either.lift2((x, y) => x + y);
assert(lifted(5, 3) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(lifted(5, 3), 8);
assert(either(5).map(a => a + 3) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(either(5).map(a => a + 3), 8);
assert(either(5, 7).map(a => a + 3) instanceof Either);
assert.equal(either(5, 7).map(a => a + 3), 10);
represents computations which may return 0, 1, or more possible results. List
is not thenable.
assert.deepEqual(list(5), [5]);
assert.deepEqual(list(5, 7, 11), [5, 7, 11]);
assert.deepEqual(list(), []);
assert.deepEqual(list(5, 7, 11).bind(a => a + 3), [8, 10, 14]);
const lifted = List.lift(x => x + 3);
assert(lifted(5) instanceof List);
assert.equal(lifted(5), 8);
assert(list(5).then(lifted) instanceof List);
assert.equal(list(5).then(lifted), 8);
const lifted = List.lift2((x, y) => x + y);
assert(lifted(5, 3) instanceof List);
assert.equal(lifted(5, 3), 8);
assert(list(5, 7).map(a => a + 3) instanceof List);
assert.deepEqual(list(5, 7).map(a => a + 3), [8, 10]);
rejects a value on bind
(or then
) with error
when condition when
is met.
const rejectWhenNothing = rejectWhen.bind(null,
val => val === nothing,
() => new Error('value rejected'));
// resolves value
const result1 = rejectWhenNothing(5).then(
val => val + 3,
err => assert.ifError(err));
assert.equal(result1, 8);
// resolve maybe value
const result2 = rejectWhenNothing(maybe(5)).then(
val => val + 3,
err => assert.ifError(err));
assert.equal(result2, 8);
// rejects nothing
() => assert(false),
err => assert(err instanceof Error)
// rejects maybe nothing
() => assert(false),
err => assert(err instanceof Error));
const lifted = RejectWhen.lift(() => {}, () => {}, x => x + 3);
assert(lifted(5) instanceof RejectWhen);
assert.equal(lifted(5), 8);
const lifted = RejectWhen.lift2(() => {}, () => {}, (x, y) => x + y);
assert(lifted(5, 3) instanceof RejectWhen);
assert.equal(lifted(5, 3), 8);
assert(rejectWhenNothing(5).map(val => val + 2) instanceof RejectWhen);
assert.equal(rejectWhenNothing(5).map(val => val + 2), 7);
Rejecting value when it is Nothing
using RejectWhen
and maybe
const rejectWhenNothing = RejectWhen.lift(
val => val === nothing,
() => new Error('value rejected'),
const result = rejectWhenNothing(5).then(
val => val + 3,
err => assert.ifError(err));
assert.equal(result, 8);
rejectWhenNothing(null /* or nothing or not specified */).then(
() => assert(false),
err => assert(err instanceof Error));
Rejecting value when it is not set using RejectWhen
and either
const rejectWhenError = RejectWhen.lift2(
val => val.value instanceof Error,
err => err.value,
const result = rejectWhenError(new Error(), 5).then(
val => val + 3,
err => assert.ifError(err));
assert.equal(result, 8);
rejectWhenError(new Error()).then(
() => assert(false),
err => assert(err instanceof Error));
Using generator functions and lifting to avoid explicit null checks.
function* (next) {
const req = this.request;
// Lift Maybe into RejectWhen context
const rejectWhenNothing = RejectWhen.lift(
val => val === nothing,
() => new Error('value rejected'),
const user = yield rejectWhenNothing(userProvider.findOne({
name: req.body.username
// If user is not found Maybe will return nothing and be rejected by
// RejectWhen so code after yield will not run. Hence no check if user
// exists is needed.
// Do something with user
Using generator functions with ramda for compose and curry to avoid explicit null checks.
function* (next) {
const req = this.request;
const rejectWhenNothing = R.curry(rejectWhen)(
val => val === nothing,
() => new Error('value rejected'));
// maybe wraps Promise from findOne and is in turn wrapped in
// rejectWhenNothing.
const getUser = R.compose(
(a) => userProvider.findOne(a));
const user = yield getUser({ name: req.body.username });
// If user is not found Maybe will return nothing and be rejected by
// RejectWhen so code after yield will not run. Hence no check if user
// exists is needed.
// Do something with user