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Merge pull request #22 from jashlearn/rinex-fixes
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Fix errors in RINEX reading function
  • Loading branch information
ronaldmaj authored May 16, 2024
2 parents 78fb403 + b306807 commit 02861d7
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Showing 2 changed files with 48 additions and 44 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions gnssanalysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,12 +195,6 @@ def datetime2gpsweeksec(array: _np.ndarray, as_decimal=False) -> _Union[tuple, _

def datetime2j2000(datetime: _np.ndarray) -> _np.ndarray:
"""datetime64 conversion to int seconds after J2000 (2000-01-01 12:00:00)"""
if not isinstance(datetime, (_np.ndarray, _np.datetime64)):
raise TypeError("input should be numpy ndarray or single datetime64 value")
if datetime.dtype != "<M8[s]":
return (datetime.astype("datetime64[s]") - _gn_const.J2000_ORIGIN).astype(
) # this will break on pandas dataframe
return (datetime.astype("datetime64[s]") - _gn_const.J2000_ORIGIN).astype(int)

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86 changes: 48 additions & 38 deletions gnssanalysis/gn_io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"""IO functions for reading RINEX files """

import logging as _logging
import re as _re
from io import BytesIO as _BytesIO

Expand All @@ -9,7 +10,6 @@
from .. import gn_io as _gn_io

_RE_RNX = _re.compile(rb"^\>(.+)\n((?:[^\>]+)+)", _re.MULTILINE)
_RE_RNX_HEADER = _re.compile(rb"\n(\w)\s+(\d+)(.+)OBS\sTYPES((?:\W\s{6}.+|))")
_RE_RNX_POSITION = _re.compile(rb"\n(.+)APPROX\sPOSITION\sXYZ")

Expand All @@ -18,53 +18,63 @@ def _read_rnx(rnx_path):
the signal strength and loss-of-lock field keys.
Assumes that rinex had been previously Hatanaka decompressed"""
rnx_content = _gn_io.common.path2bytes(str(rnx_path))
data_blocks = _np.asarray(_RE_RNX.findall(string=rnx_content))
header_blocks = _RE_RNX_HEADER.findall(string=rnx_content)

header_blocks = _pd.DataFrame(_np.asarray(header_blocks).astype(str))
rnx_head = (
(header_blocks[2] + header_blocks[3])

cols = rnx_head.count(level=0).max()

rnx_head = rnx_head.unstack().set_index(header_blocks[0])
header_bytes, header_marker, data_bytes = rnx_content.partition(b"END OF HEADER\n")
if not data_bytes:
_logging.warning(f"Failed to find end of header in RINEX {rnx_path}, file may be non-compliant.")
data_bytes = header_bytes

signal_header_marker = b"SYS / # / OBS TYPES"
signal_lines = (line.removesuffix(signal_header_marker).decode() for line in header_bytes.splitlines() if line.endswith(signal_header_marker))
constellation_signals = {}
constellation_code = ""
for line in signal_lines:
if line[0].isalpha():
constellation_code, signal_count, *signal_identifiers = line.split()
constellation_signals[constellation_code] = (int(signal_count), signal_identifiers)
if not constellation_code:
_logging.warning(f"Found signal line in header without preceding constellation code: {line}")
constellation_signals.get(constellation_code, (0, []))[1].extend(line.split())

maximum_columns = 0
for code, (signal_count, signal_identifiers) in constellation_signals.items():
identifier_count = len(signal_identifiers)
maximum_columns = max(maximum_columns, identifier_count)
if signal_count != identifier_count:
_logging.warning(f"Disagreement in signal count for constellation {code}, reported {signal_count} signals"
f", found {identifier_count}: {signal_identifiers}")
constellation_signals[code][0] = identifier_count

data_blocks = _np.asarray(_RE_RNX.findall(string=data_bytes))
dates = data_blocks[:, 0]
data = data_blocks[:, 1]
counts = _np.char.count(data, b"\n")

epochs_dt = _pd.to_datetime(_pd.Series(dates).str.slice(1, 20).values.astype(str), format=r"%Y %m %d %H %M %S")
data_record_blocks = data_blocks[:, 1]
record_counts = _np.char.count(data_record_blocks, b"\n")

dt_index = _np.repeat(a=_gn_datetime.datetime2j2000(epochs_dt), repeats=counts)
b_string = b"".join(data.tolist())
dates_as_datetimes = _pd.to_datetime(_pd.Series(dates).str.slice(1, 20).values.astype(str), format=r"%Y %m %d %H %M %S")
datetime_index = _np.repeat(_gn_datetime.datetime2j2000(dates_as_datetimes), repeats=record_counts)

b_series = _pd.Series(b_string.splitlines())
data_records = _pd.Series(_np.concatenate(_np.char.splitlines(data_record_blocks)))

data_raw = b_series.str[3:]
missing = (16 * cols - data_raw.str.len()).values.astype(object) # has to be square for method to work
data_raw = data_records.str[3:]
missing = (16 * maximum_columns - data_raw.str.len()).values.astype(object) # has to be square for method to work

m = (data_raw.values + missing * b" ").astype(bytes).view("S16").reshape((cols, -1))
m = (data_raw.values + missing * b" ").astype(bytes).view("S16").reshape((maximum_columns, -1))
rnx_df = rnx_vals2df(m)
prn = b_series.str[:3].values.astype(str)
prn = data_records.str[:3].values.astype(str)
prn_code = prn.astype("U1")
rnx_df = rnx_df.set_index([dt_index, prn])
rnx_df.columns = _pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list(range(cols)), ["EST", "STRG"]])
rnx_df = rnx_df.set_index([datetime_index, prn])
rnx_df.columns = _pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list(range(maximum_columns)), ["EST", "STRG"]])

buf = []
for constel in rnx_head.index:
gnss_df = rnx_head.loc[constel]
n_cols_gnss = gnss_df[~gnss_df.isna()].shape[0]
gnss_rnx_df = rnx_df[(prn_code ==]
valid_columns = gnss_rnx_df.loc(axis=1)[:, "EST"].columns.get_level_values(0)[:n_cols_gnss]

gnss_rnx_df = gnss_rnx_df[valid_columns].copy()
gnss_rnx_df.columns = _pd.MultiIndex.from_product([gnss_df[~gnss_df.isna()].to_list(), ["EST", "STRG"]])
for constellation_code, (signal_counts, signal_headers) in constellation_signals.items():
gnss_rnx_df = rnx_df[(prn_code == constellation_code)].copy()
trailing_column_count = len(rnx_df.columns) // 2 - signal_counts
padded_signal_headers = signal_headers + list(range(trailing_column_count))
gnss_rnx_df.columns = _pd.MultiIndex.from_product([padded_signal_headers, ["EST", "STRG"]])
gnss_rnx_df.dropna(axis="columns", how="all", inplace=True)
return _pd.concat(buf, keys=rnx_head.index, axis=0)
return _pd.concat(buf, keys=constellation_signals.keys(), axis=0)

def rnx_vals2df(m):
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