Pre-Recognition Library data.
The main aim of the library - prepare image for recogntion. Image processing can really help to improve recognition quality.
- Auto crop image
- Background normalization
- Binarization (Global Otsu, Local Otsu, Sauvola, Feng, Niblack, Wolf-Jolion, NICK, FBCITB, Adaptive)
- Blur detection (LAPM, LAPV, TENG, GLVN)
- Color balance
- Crop
- Deblur (Gaussian-based)
- Denoise (Non-local Means Denoising algorithm, Salt-Pepper)
- Deskew
- Find angle and orientation of an image
- Gamma correction
- Hole punch removal
- Line removal
- Perspective warp removal
- Thinning (Zhang-Suen, Guo-Hall)
- White balance (Simple, Grayworld)