Bosh Luxurious stEmcell uploader, Honestly
This is a very important tool for uploading BOSH stemcells.
See releases tab. Built for OSX and Linux.
You must have BOSH CLI installed and working.
Usage: bleh STEMCELL_VERSION [options]
-h, --help print this help menu
-i, --infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE
what infrastructure (options: alicloud, aws, azure,
gcp, openstack, vcloud, vsphere, bosh-lite; default:
-o, --operating-system OPERATING_SYSTEM
what operating system version (options: xenial,
bionic, jammy; default: bionic)
make build
make release
Note, this will statically link dependencies, so the resulting binary will be ~4x larger than a native build. You should probably just build it natively.
First Time:
brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
This will take forever to build.
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
make release-cross-linux
Credit to for figuring this out.
First Time:
rustup component add rustfmt
All the Time:
make fmt