An all-in-one image running graphite and carbon-cache and grafana.
This image contains a sensible default configuration of graphite and carbon-cache. Starting this container will, by default, bind the the following host ports:
: the graphite web interface80
: the grafana web interface2003
: the carbon-cache line receiver (the standard graphite protocol)2004
: the carbon-cache pickle receiver7002
: the carbon-cache query port (used by the web interface)
On an Ubuntu server:
cd /srv
git clone
cd /srv/docker-grafana
bash build
bash start
Visit: http://<your ip>
var metricClient = require('dgram').createSocket('udp4')
function sendToStatsd(key, value, type){
// key is a dot separated string
// value is a number
// type is one of ms, c, or g
var message = new Buffer(process.env.NODE_ENV + '.' + key + ':' + value + '|' + type)
metricClient.send(message, 0, message.length, 8125, '<your ip>', function (err, bytes){
if (err) console.error(err || bytes)
Whisper, the data storage layer of Graphite is pretty aggressive with how it saves new metrics. So, you can quickly run out of space if you do something crazy like create a new stat for every URL.
Graphite (and carbon) does not have an auto-delete function. Eventually, the HDD will fill up. For very light use, (~6 different stats) I saw about 2MB per 12 hours of increase. We'll probably need a cron-job eventually:
All pushes to master auto-build the docker image on the offical docker registry.