Practical implementation of graphs, based on 3 topics:
1)Minimal spanning tree, using prim's algorithm 2)Minimal distance using Dijkstra's algorithm 3)Maximal flow (Algorithm not specified but we used Ford Fulkerson)
An all-in-one solution complete with GUI and file import-export using files from project, without need to place the file in a specified directory.
Import is made from the file import.txt that is in the project folder, where in the file there is specified:
First line is the dimension of the square adjacency matrix. The next lines will be the adjacency matrix itself. The line after that will indicate how many nodes to read next. The following even lines will contain the x coordinate of the n-th node in order. The odd lines will contain the y coordinate of the n-th node in order.
A preview is seen on the screen that shows the controls, you can choose between 7 present graphs by pressing the buttons 1 through 7