The idea of the App is to facilitate the tasks of a real estate agent helping him or her to arrange the information of the clients(owners) and their estates, for this the developed application offers the following features:
- Authentication and Authorization both local and OAuth.
- Images management for the estate photographs (CRUD Operations).
- Generate PDF documents with the uploaded estate photos.
- An agenda page to plan daily events ahead.
- Server: Express (MVC architecture).
- Authentication and Authorization: Passportjs (local and OAuth).
- Form data validation: Joi.
- Images processing: Sharp.
- Images hosting management: Cloudinary.
- PDF document generation: PDFKit.
- Query builder: Knex.
- This API is the counterpart for the inmobitas client:
- You can visit the live application here:
The logotype was designed by me as it also happens that I'm a former Graphic Designer, you can check a little more on that here: