Simple Python script that converts Transifex PO language files to Eden compatible XML files.
This script expects the PO files to be saved as strings.po inside the language folder: language/English/strings.po
To run the script, start the from the folder containing the file in the following manor
\Python27\python.exe "C:\XBMC Stuff\scripts\script.cdartmanager"
python "/home/xbmc/scripts/script.cdartmanager"
This should also run on OSX(just not sure the method(probably similar to Linux)
The full path is needed for the script to convert. If there is a space in the path, the double quotes are needed.
The script will then search through the language folders and convert the strings.po to a compatible strings.xml file, overwriting the old strings.xml file
This script should work on all addon types, including skins.