Creating a group chat room, using TypeScript, Node.js &
Express - Express is lightweight web application framework for Node.js. For this simple group chat, it is not necessary to use Express, but if you are planning to continue the development, this is a "nice o have". - is the key module in this tutorial which enables the realtime communication between the clients and the server. for more info and documentation go to
This exercise is based on the example supplied by
Login to with your username and password.
Enter to your workspace by clicking on the Students_Workshop link:
From the main menu, choose Terminal, New Terminal.
- From the terminal, run
cd projects
to go to the projects directory. - From the terminal, run
git clone
to copy the challenge project from github to you workspace.
- From the terminal, run
From the main menu, choose File, Open Workspace.
This is a Node.js application that uses Express to run HTTP server.
the application built from server side code that runs in the server(Node.js) and client side code that runs in the browser. Note: server folder with the server code and client folder with the client code.
The code is written in TypeScript and complies to JavaScript.
There is a package.json
file (npm). Using this file we can run the following commands from the terminal:
npm install
- in order to install all the packages the application uses.npm run build-project
- in order to build the JavaScript output code into dist folder and also build and prepare the client JavaScript code to run in the browser.npm start
- in order to run the application.
(Optional) Set breakpoints by clicking on the left side of the line numbers in your code editor:
Open the Debug pane from the left side menu:
Click on the Start Debugging button:
A new tab with your running application will be opened.
For the next run:
As is, a user can type a message, yet the message is not sent in the group chat.
We would like to add the following features:
- Show the message that was sent in the group chat.
(Server already implemented, only Client side change needed). - Show which user has connected / joined to the chat.
(Server already implemented, only Client side change needed).
- Show the user who sent the message next to the message from the first challenge.
(both Server and Client side changes needed, UI implementation already include just use it). - Show which user has disconnected/left from the chat.
(both Server and Client side changes needed, UI implementation already include just use it).
- Show the number of users connected to the chat.
(both Server and Client side changes needed, UI implementation already include just use it).
- Show which user is typing... (and of course when they have stopped).
(both Server and Client side changes needed). - Show a list of the connected users.
(both Server and Client side (including UI - html) changes needed).