convlutional neurial network based on tensorflow from autoEncoder, LeNet5, to alexNet, vggnet, googlelenet, resnet, denstnet etc, involving the runtime assumption and application. some new demo like YOLOv3 is just for interesting practice, more learning detail will learn in near future.
TensorFlow实战 1 自编码器(Autoencoder)
TensorFlow实战 2 多层感知机(Multi-Layer Precepton MLP)
TensorFlow 实战 3 LeNet5神经网络(LeNet-5 CNN)
TensorFlow实战 4 进阶CNN -- CIFAR-10数据集训练与测试
TensorFlow实战 5 AlexNet神经网络(ILSVRC-2012冠军)
TensorFlow实战 6 AlexNet进阶(ImageNet识别)
TensorFlow实战 7 VGGNet神经网络(ILSVRC-2014 classification 2nd and location 1st)
TensorFlow实战 8 VGGNet进阶(图像风格迁移)
TensorFlow实战 9 GoogleLeNet神经网络(2014 ILSVRC 1st in Error(Top-5))
TensorFlow实战 10 GoogleLeNet进阶(Python调用OpenCV库实现图像识别)
TensorFlow实战 11 ResNet神经网络(ILSVRC-2015 champion)