go get github.com/Girein/helpers-go
// ToDateTimeString converts DateTime into string with Y-m-d H:i:s format
func ToDateTimeString(dateTime time.Time) string {}
// LogIfError logs the error with message
func LogIfError(err error, message string) {}
// RandomString generates random string with custom length
func RandomString(length int) string {}
// RandomInteger returns random integer between parameters
func RandomInteger(min int, max int) int {}
// JSONEncode converts data into JSON string
func JSONEncode(data interface{}) (string, error) {}
// InArray checks if a value exists in an array
func InArray(needle string, haystack []interface{}) bool {}
// AESEncrypt encrypts text using cipher AES/ECB/PKCS5PADDING
func AESEncrypt(text string, key []byte) (string, error) {}
// RSAVerifySignature verifies RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 signature with SHA256 hashing
func RSAVerifySignature(publicKey string, signature string, message string) (bool, error) {}
// RandomBytes generates random byte with custom length
func RandomBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) {}
// OpenSSLEncrypt encrypts given data with given key, returns base64 encoded string
func OpenSSLEncrypt(data []byte, passphrase []byte, iv []byte) (string, error) {}
// ComputeHMACSHA256 hashes given message with given secret, returns hexadecimal encoded string
func ComputeHMACSHA256(message string, secret string) (string, error) {}
// LaravelEncrypt encrypts the given value using Laravel's encrypter (https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/encryption)
func LaravelEncrypt(value string) (string, error) {}
// LaravelDecrypt decrypts the given value using Laravel's encrypter (https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/encryption)
func LaravelDecrypt(value string) (string, error) {}