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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 20, 2023. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

📲 accessibility
📲 accessibility
😴 awaiting changes
😴 awaiting changes
Changes requested, waiting on author to update
💤 awaiting review
💤 awaiting review
Pull Request is awaiting code reviews
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Unintended behaviour within the app
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🎨 design
🎨 design
Changes to the design of the app
🧹 duplicate
🧹 duplicate
Duplicate issue
👍 feature approved
👍 feature approved
Features approved for implementation
🆕 feature request
🆕 feature request
A feature being requested to be added, not yet approved
🐞 github bug
🐞 github bug
A bug caused by GitHub's API
✨ good first issue
✨ good first issue
An issue suitable for someone looking to get familiar with the codebase
❓ help wanted
❓ help wanted
Pull requests that update Javascript code
low priority
low priority
Low priority issue/feature
✏️ markdown
✏️ markdown
Issues with the markdown presentation within the app
🤷‍♂️ no api yet
🤷‍♂️ no api yet
Features awaiting APIs to be created by GitHub before implementation
🎯 project management
🎯 project management
Project and Codebase management, cleanup and future vision
❔ question
❔ question
Question pending discussion or card yet to be correctly triaged
🏁 ready to pull
🏁 ready to pull
Pull Request is ready to merge
Pull requests that update Ruby code
🚧 wip
🚧 wip
Work in progress