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Hello, World!

Giuca002 edited this page Aug 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Hello, World!

After you set up your server and install the plugins, you will be ready for your first lesson. If you did not already set up your server click here. We will learn how to make your first command that says Hello, World. However first you need to open a new file in VScode (Or any other text editor) and name it Any Skript file needs to end in .sk or it will be ignored.


Below is the format of a command, don't be scared by this, because it can be cut down to your needs.

command /<command name> <arguments>:
  executable by:
  permission message:
  cooldown: <timespan>
  cooldown message:
  cooldown bypass:
  cooldown storage: <variable>
    <the code to run>

Now lets make it smaller for our simple command.

command /helloworld:
    <the code to run>

Right now its smaller and more readable. You can see I made the command name /helloworld, notice the : at the end of it, and for other parts of this command. Lets add more to it.

Now lets make it smaller for our simple command.

command /helloworld:   aliases: /hello   usage: /helloworld   description: This sends Hello, World! To the player   trigger:     

Now we filled it in, we can also use /hello now. At this point our command does nothing, so lets make it send a message to the player.

command /helloworld:   aliases: /hello   usage: /helloworld   description: This sends Hello, World! To the player   trigger:     send "Hello, World!" to the player

If you have not noticed by now, coding in Skript is a lot like English. For now, as some homework find a way to color your text using the documentation: or
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