This is a simple backend service that combines two api services into one easy to use api.
The first api is a model service in which you can make predictions off of a model. This backend is customized to use a solar prediction model. A source to image builder named nachlass is used to convert the model into a REST api. More information on the model iteself can be can be found at its GitHub reop.
You can deploy the model with these commands.
oc new-app \
--build-env S2I_SOURCE_NOTEBOOK_LIST=03-model-training.ipynb \
oc expose svc/model
Next take note of the model url that you just exposed. You can get this address by using the oc get
command. To save the address for later commands, use the command bellow.
MODEL_URL=http://$(oc get route/model -o jsonpath='{}')
This is a third party api service named ClimaCell. You can sign up for free at You will need to find your api key to be able to use this backend service.
To run this on Openshift you can run this command in the CLI terminal. Notice we used $MODEL_URL
variable name from the command we ran before.
oc new-app centos/python-36-centos7~ \
-e API_KEY=D0nTsT3Almyk3y \
oc expose svc/backend