Summary of my 42 cursus. Also you can find some info/help about 42Project, and my contribution at the 42 world.
- [FR] push_swap
- [FR] Gestion de la balle pong en lancΓ© de rayon
- [FR] Detail/explication des fonctions autorisΓ©es pour webserv
- Start and configure a MacOS 10.14 VM for 42 in Windows 10.
- Example of config to compile with VSCode
- [FR] Mon script de dΓ©ploiement des projets vers la vogsphere
All my project has started from this workspace structure and are rendered with my deploy script π which makes a rendu on the vogsphere is a git remote for the Moulinette and Defense.
NΒ° | project | Status | NΒ° | project | Status | |
1 | empty_42school_project | π | 9 | philosophers π | β | |
1 | libft π | β | 10 | Piscine CPP 9/9 | β | |
2 | get_next_line π | β | 19 | netpractice π | β | |
3 | printf π | β | 20 | MiniRT π | β | |
4 | born2beroot π | β | 21 | Piscine Django 11/12 | β | |
5 | push_swap π - π explanation | β | 32 | Inception π | β | |
6 | pipex π | β | 33 | ft_containers π | β | |
7 | fdf π | β | 34 | webserv π | β | |
8 | minishell π | β | 35 | ft_transcendence π | β |
Dep : Minuit for unit test.
You can find usefull things like advanced settings for VSCode, userscripts for 42 intra⦠:
NΒ° | library | NΒ° | library | |
1 | liblist (linked list) π | 2 | minilibx macOS 10.14 |
I have contributed to some doc/repositories to make my contribution and play my part to help others students (also this contribution help me for my own project and my training with git and other tools). My contributions were in 42docs, or pushwap-tester, or ST4 python plugin and otherβ¦
The first project is fdf a wireframe interface drawed pixel by pixel with 3D rotation support on mouse. The second project is a mini raytracer which supports sphere, plane and cylinder forms:
For the miniRT, the scene file look like that: example of miniRT scene file.