Flare Timing will show a pilot's competition score in detail but is currently a work in progress.
The official scoring program for hang gliding and paragliding competitions is FS. Its principal output for a competition task is an html table of pilot scores. In addition to the day's scores, there are columns in this table for the time on course, the distance flown and for the breakdown of the scored points among distance points, lead points, time points and arrival points.
Looking for examples? There is a good archive of past Forbes Flatlands competition results, for instance results for task 1 of the 19th World Hang Gliding Champs.
Commission Internationale de Vol Libre (CIVL - Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission) is an Air Sport Commission (ASC) of the Fédération Internationale Aéronautique (FAI). CIVL produce FS. It is the work of paid and volunteer developers.
The scoring method is well documented. Principal documents are;
- Sporting Code Section 7A - Annex
- The definitive guide produced and maintained by CIVL.
- A much shorter and less formal guide that is a good first read to gain an understanding of why GAP is needed and how it works.
Flare Timing provides a reference implementation of GAP and shows the working of how a pilot's score is calculated.
See the separate discussion of building and testing.
With an FS comp file and related track logs as inputs, score the comp;
- Extract the inputs with
. - Trace the shortest path to fly a task with
. - Find pairs of fixes crossing over zones with
. - Interpolate between crossing fixes for the time and place where a track tags
a zone with
. - Index fixes from the time of first crossing with
. - Discard fixes that get further from goal and note leading area with
. - Mask a task over its tracklogs with
. - Group and count land outs with
. - Score the competition with
Documentation is available online at flare-timing.readthedocs.io and there's a worked example too.
Copyright Phil de Joux 2017-2018
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