After working as an architect for two years, I decided to switch my career path to become a software engineer. Questopia is the 3D visualization of my room, and it's also my online portfolio, mainly consist of two parts of projects:
- My current projects as a programmer(2022-present, still under construction...)
- My previous projects as an architectural designer(2018-2021)
Visit the website to discover more!
- TypeScript
- Three.js
- GLSL/Shader
- Blender
- Tweakpane
- normalize-wheel
- Vite
- plugin-glsl
- Vercel
If you want to build your own projects using same settings as mine, you can reference to threejs-template-typescript, click "Use this template".
Because I set the navigation limits, there are some faces couldn't be seen, such as the back side of the books, the bottom of the bed, and the bottom sides of every objects on the table.
After deleting the redundant faces, plus some overlapping faces, the model size went from 18 MB to 3 MB, which improved by 88%
There is no dynamic light or any ray tracing in the scene, all colors and shadow are pre-rendered, as known as "Baked". Baking is an important technique for performance, and it also let us to achieve some fancy effect, such as mixing day and night.
Get the baked texture maps, and we can load it using three.js
Click "Export" >
file in Blender, and some key settings:Material: no export FlipY: √ Geometry: UVs: √ Compression: √(uncheck if there is any problem)
The core structure of the project.
is a singleton instance, and we load every other parts on this instance.// Experience.ts constructor(_options?: OptionProps) { if (Experience.instance) { return Experience.instance } else { Experience.instance = this } // Options this.targetElement = _options?.targetElement if (!this.targetElement) { console.warn("Missing 'targetElement' property") return } this.time = new Time() this.sizes = new Sizes() this.setConfig() this.setDebug() this.setScene() this.setCamera() this.setRenderer() this.setResources() this.setWorld() this.setNavigation() this.sizes.on("resize", () => { this.resize() }) this.update() }
The place holding models, we load models on this instance.
// World.ts constructor(_options?: any) { this.experience = new Experience() this.config = this.experience.config this.scene = this.experience.scene this.resources = this.experience.resources this.resources.on("groupEnd", (_group) => { if ( === "base") { this.setBaked() this.setTitle() this.setArchiModel() this.setScreens() this.setImages() this.setChair() this.setCoffee() this.setRaycaster() } }) }
Inside each component, we load the mesh and texture, create material for each child of the model, and finally add it to the scene.
Remember to set the
attributes for the texture.// Images.ts setModel(): void { this.model = {} // Texture this.model.texture = this.resources.items.imagesDayTexture this.model.texture.flipY = false this.model.texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding // Material this.model.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: this.model.texture, }) // Mesh this.model.mesh = this.resources.items.imagesModel.scene this.model.mesh.material = this.model.material this.model.mesh.traverse((_child: THREE.Object3D) => { if (_child instanceof THREE.Mesh) { _child.material = this.model.material } }) this.scene.add(this.model.mesh) }
To use shader material, we need to define two files: vertex.glsl
, fragment.glsl
We can pass arguments in ts file, and by pointing at target shader, the shader file can receive the value we pass.
// Baked.ts = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
uBakedDayTexture: { value: },
uBakedNightTexture: { value: },
uLightMapTexture: { value: },
uNightMix: { value: 0 },
uLightScreenColor: {
value: new THREE.Color(this.colors.Screen),
uLightScreenStrength: { value: 1.5 },
uLightLampColor: { value: new THREE.Color(this.colors.Lamp) },
uLightLampStrength: { value: 1.6 },
uLightShelfColor: { value: new THREE.Color(this.colors.Shelf) },
uLightShelfStrength: { value: 1.0 },
vertexShader: vertexShader,
fragmentShader: fragmentShader,
and we can receive these arguments in shader file:
// baked/fragment.glsl
uniform sampler2D uBakedDayTexture;
uniform sampler2D uBakedNightTexture;
uniform sampler2D uLightMapTexture;
uniform float uNightMix;
uniform vec3 uLightScreenColor;
uniform float uLightScreenStrength;
uniform vec3 uLightLampColor;
uniform float uLightLampStrength;
uniform vec3 uLightShelfColor;
uniform float uLightShelfStrength;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main()
vec3 bakedDayColor = texture2D(uBakedDayTexture, vUv).rgb;
vec3 bakedNightColor = texture2D(uBakedNightTexture, vUv).rgb;
vec3 bakedColor = mix(bakedDayColor, bakedNightColor, uNightMix);
vec3 lightMapColor = texture2D(uLightMapTexture, vUv).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(bakedColor, 1.0);
To check if the mouse is hovering some elements, we can set a ray caster:
const intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObjects(this.objs)
First, clone the project source code from your terminal:
git clone
cd questopia
Second, install the dependencies and run on your local server:
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying main.ts
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.