URL's for generating bash script for bulk downloads of climate data from ESGF
Paste the below URL's into a browser to generate and download a Wget script which can be used for downloading data from ESGF servers. Before running the scripts you must be registered with one the the ESGF data portals - e.g. https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/projects/esgf-llnl/.
The file name wget-############.sh of the downloaded script begins with wget- followed by a time stamp, a number and the extension .sh. The script is a UNIX Shell script. Once the file is downloaded, data can be retrieved by opening up a terminal window and typing the following: bash wget-##############.sh
For help running the scripts the -h
command can be appended as below:bash wget-##############.sh -h
The scripts generated will automatically create a directory structure similar to the one below:
For more detailed usage instructions see https://www.earthsystemcog.org/projects/cog/doc/wget